(1) 'Pokemon Smash' to Reveal 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' Details Next Week! [3/30]

It's just starting now (with a Sinnoh anime episode), but I'm pretty much calling it, whether it's revealed today or not. I looked closer at the movie site, and at the end of Mewtwo's description, there's a sentence in a differnt color that essentially reads "What could Mewtwo's 'awakening' mean?" The evidence is mounting.

By the way, I'm gonna recommend Provictini's feed: it's in HD, and the signal isn't skipping like in Zephyrsonic's feed.
I'm too lazy to go download the program to directly watch Pokemon Smash, so I'll settle for the Youtube stream. It's always good to see the older episodes of Pokemon I used to love, even if they are in Japanese.
I'm using Zephyrsonic and it's working perfectly. No lag or frame drop except at beginning of stream.
Yeah, they both seem to be running fine now. Though Zephyrsonic is running about a minute behind Provictini.

I'm using both on two screens, actually - Provictini for being ahead, and Zephyrsonic for actually working properly.
The episode being shown shows a lot of water types and water in general. Maybe it will be a water type Pokemon.
"?" NEXT!

This is going to be good, looking forward to X and Y!

EDIT: The Pokemon Pizza was one of the greatest things I've seen in a while.