Prinplush said:here's all three...
I'm not pleased with any of them D8
Au, they're so much better than mine. :c
Prinplush said:here's all three...
I'm not pleased with any of them D8
Prinplush said:here's all three...
I'm not pleased with any of them D8
BlazeGryph said:What about a Dark/Psychic/Fighting triangle? We should try and draw those starters with those types too.
ShadowUmbreonTV said:Well when i saw these guys yesterday. I was like. how the heck r they starters?! but now that im looking at them. it took me a day to get used to them but im really starting to like them. I hope its a duck, rabbit and a polar bear... but i know its gonna be a beaver instead... =/
Blizzz said:Another duck would suck!! Im hoping its some dino looking thing like everyone is making it out to be. I would love it then! And its proab a rabbit or a pig, and for the water starter, it looks more beaver then polar bear, even tho i would luv a polar bear.
ShadowUmbreonTV said:Well theres only been one duck before.. and thats Psyduck and they just did it as a joke basicly... another duck would be awesome! and its a perfect starter for the girl! and Ash will finnaly take the water starter with him! Since how he always uses grass.. >.> and Polar Bears are awesome!
Blizzz said:Another duck would suck!! Im hoping its some dino looking thing like everyone is making it out to be. I would love it then! And its proab a rabbit or a pig, and for the water starter, it looks more beaver then polar bear, even tho i would luv a polar bear.
Blizzz said:Unless Ash leaves!! Psyduck was a fail imo, another fail is not needed. Plus i HATED sinnoh starters, besides turtwig ^^. All the other sucked, and ive never hated a grass starter b4, besides bulbasaur. And i was very dissapointed by chimchar.... i hope they can regain a better fire starter with the new one. I have a feeling this gen is goanna own sinnoh =P
orkoni1 said:It doesn't have to be a duck per say, it could be like the feathered dinosaurs, and mixed in with the mexican feathered-reptile god, "quetzalcoatl" like a feathered dragon, grass/flying type.
I am really hoping for a platypus for the water one, really really hoping for it with a sort of turquoise color, but I'd be alright with a beaver although we technically already have Bidoof and Bibarel, and it technically can't be an Ottor since one can tell that it has a reactangular flat tail, so I'm really hopping for a platypus OMG.
And the Lotad and psyduck lines don't count they're based on the Kappa. But I think that the water type would have to maybe be water/poison (platypus have poison spurs on their hind legs) otherwise it would be too close to psyduck.
I just love platypus, it's a mammal, that can lay eggs and has poison spurs. Sort of like a pile up of mammal/avian/reptile. And can detect prey in the water by using it's "bill" to feel for the electrical charges their bodies emmit.
LDStarling said:where's xous when you need him?, i'd love too see what designs he comes up with![]()
dmaster said:Why is everyone assuming that the left one is Grass? Sure in the last Gen they released it Grass, Fire, Water in that order, but the top one looks the most like the Grass type and it wouldn't be weird to have it Top, Left, Right.
dmaster out.