(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Xous said:
Okay, I caved. xD

So far just the one I think is Fire-type:


The thing sticking out of its mouth is an undeveloped (well, non-sharp) tusk.

I want to use this pokemon!

LordMuha said:
Ugh, just realised when I tried posting mine just now you needed to sign in. Anywho. Here it is; second time lucky xD


I have to admit some of these duck designs look... good. T_T

I want to use this pokemon!
sarydactl said:
Excuse me, but I'm the one who did the art attributed to 'Shadowken42.' It has a watermark and everything. I might change the left one to a duck if the real ones aren't out by tomorrow tho, teehee.

I think WPM made a mistake on something? He's got my artwork attributed to "dwarfstar123" and the two before that said they were made by me.
IF another starter ends up being {R}{F} type again I WILL FREAK OUT!

I want some new combos like {R}{C} or {R}{G} or {R}{W} or {R}{L} or {R}{P}!

i know they arent as good as some others but they are slightly uniqe!
aaroncsmall2 said:
IF another starter ends up being {R}{F} type again I WILL FREAK OUT!

I want some new combos like {R}{C} or {R}{G} or {R}{W} or {R}{L} or {R}{P}!

I can't see a starter ever becoming a dual-type in which the types are super effective against one another - only taking into account Grass, Fire and Water here.

I'd like to see Grass/Flying, Grass/Ground, Water/Rock etc etc starters. So long as Grass is awesome I'm happy.
Krow said:
I think WPM made a mistake on something? He's got my artwork attributed to "dwarfstar123" and the two before that said they were made by me.
Yeah mine says it was made by Krow
[/URL][/img][ The pic above, which was on the front page and credited to Krow, but was made by me
sarydactl said:
Excuse me, but I'm the one who did the art attributed to 'Shadowken42.' It has a watermark and everything. I might change the left one to a duck if the real ones aren't out by tomorrow tho, teehee.

I think that by far my fav rendering of the right one as a platypus is the one you have in your image bellow your comments. Love the idea of a purple/brown water type starter especially if it's dual type poison. But dual psychic would be cool too. 1st row 3rd drawing from the main site w the fan art by.

Also Prinplush's platypus blue with a purple bill 3rd row down far left from the front page with the fan art.

Also the turquoise platypus from the first row is pretty cool love the color too. From main page fan art from lambo_chu.
Gamebeast101 said:
Yeah mine says it was made by Krow
[/URL][/img][ The pic above, which was on the front page and credited to Krow, but was made by me

Yeah. I'm Krow.
btw I just sent WPM an email about that.
hopefully i will wake-up in the middle of the night with a feeling they posted the leaked CoroCoro starters, i will go to my computer, and pull up pokebeach and there they will be...its lik christman morning all over agian :)))
elite said:
hopefully i will wake-up in the middle of the night with a feeling they posted the leaked CoroCoro starters, i will go to my computer, and pull up pokebeach and there they will be...its lik christman morning all over agian :)))

Haha, dude I'm going to bed early tonight! Usually I go to bed around midnight xD
Wow... I just spent half an hour on the worst fanart ever and just realized i cant even upload it... is it possible without uploading it to like photobucket or something?!
The suspense is killing me! Thankfully I see all this fanart and it's holding me over pretty well.

I personally think that these new guys will be a Swan, a Raccoon/Tanuki, and a Donkey.

First things first, if it happens to be a swan, then it has to be a water type. I see this Pokemon as starting off kind of ugly, and then growing into a beautiful swanlike Pokemon with a full fan of feathers behind it.

I'm also very excited to just think of some sort of raccoon Pokemon. This would be the fire type Pokemon, because it seems like it fits better with the whole Tanuki thing it might possibly be going for.

And a donkey Pokemon is also exciting to think about, mainly because it is one of the many animals they HAVE NOT used. I hope it would wind up being the grass type mainly because if it was fire it could be too similar to Rapidash. And a water donkey seems kinda of odd, but then again it is Pokemon.

Whatever they turn out to be I will enjoy them, because I say the more the merrier when it comes to Pokemon.
Shiny scyther said:
Water pokemon master tempted me with hes post in the front page, so here is my version of the starters =P


Cool, I like the one on the right, kinda reminds me of Sly Cooper.
Shiny scyther said:
Water pokemon master tempted me with hes post in the front page, so here is my version of the starters =P

I really think that these starters r a gr8 addition 2 da starter family.
They may even be the best starters yet.
(like how i did my shortened words in the first sentence?)
I hope we get a platypus. Although I have tradition of choosing the fire starter, I will absolutly choose a platypus if we get one.