Krow said:
We're all just too lazy to type like normal people. We're at this forum to have fun, not to start a business.. btw Most of us are respecting WPM. Like, I'm not asking where he gets his leaked scans from! I don't really care where he gets them, actually.
No one expects you to type like a business man, but you should be expected to type like you have some sort of class.
I don't care about anyone asking where he gets his scans. That's not even close to what I meant by the disrespect part. What I see as disrespectful is that none of you have the common courtesy to type like you aren't some computer illiterate seven year old. I have a BLAST posting on forums like this, and I do so while still looking like an educated person.
Your "We're all just too lazy to type like normal people" is a great, great example of my disrespect point. Too lazy to take eight more seconds on your post to make it look like it came from a legitamate person, rather than a little kid? It's not even hard! The stupid reply box has a spell check, assuming you really aren't completely computer illiterate and aren't still using Internet Explorer. Download Google Chrome or Firefox if your grammar and spelling are that awful.
If you really respect anything WPM does with this site, forum, news feed, any of it at all, then you should really have zero problem at all doing your part to keep the site looking nice by not typing like a complete fool.
Thanks for your support, BlazeGryph.
From all the fan art, what I don't like about the left one being a bird is that the way everyone draws it, it makes it look like it's some smug jerk bird. I hate smug jerk anythings, especially when they're birds. So if it's a lizard, it'd better be water type, and if it's a bird, it'd better not look so smug.