(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

And now... the thread goes quiet ¬¬.

I know everyone keeps wishing, but I really do hope they come today :'(.
And can someone direct me to the sites I should be looking at, youknow, the ones who normally have the scans first?
Shepeedy said:

hahahaha XDDDDD
s2daam said:
I'm at home off sick, I can't get out of bed because I'm that sick. I really don't think their is anything else I can be doing right now :L

same here! the suspense is killing me!
...well dang it...i was expecting to wake up this morning with the starters....but now im depressed b/c school will suck!
well the starters don't have to be the colour of their type, even look at cyndaquil.
btw can you please give us a link to where the scans are usually at WPM?
This thread sure is FULL of super unreasonable people. You all are peeing your pants waiting for some stupid leaks to surface that may or may not even do so for a couple more days.
You all act like you're entitled to them, like you've done something to deserve this leak thing and that you've been lied to if you don't get them.
Grow up and stop acting like a bunch of babies, please. And for the love of God, can't some of you learn how to type like a properly functioning human being? I can't believe that anyone could type like over half of you do in these last 50+ pages. Seriously? It's disgusting.
Someone should really be handing out some kind of infraction for this sort of crap (I would LOVE to be a moderator for this). It makes the entire forum and board look sloppy when everyone typs liek dis all the time. Cut it out. Have some damn respect for Water Pokemon Master. He does a lot for you folks, so quit with the awful typing etiquette and the unnecessary sense of supremacy and entitlement that you all have with these stupid leaked scans.
Especially Starz and FireGrey. You two are the worst.

On topic, I would wager that the left one is NOT the grass starter, and if he is, he isn't going to look like all the fan art makes him out to look. Nearly every single one of the fan art speculation for the left one, assuming it's grass, makes it look WAY too similar to Treeko. I would personally feel really ripped off if they tried to feed me another grass lizard with leaves all over its body and crap again. It's tail is leaves? Oh boy, that's new and awesome and super surprising. Not. It would just be stupid. Same if it were another Pokemon with a fire tail.
Pokemon company is WAY more original than that, contrary to what Lickilicky would have you believe.
That's why I think and hope that the left one is the Water starter. Another reason is to put all you little turds in your place with your silly logic and such.

As for the middle one, I'm really hoping that it'll look like the bird one here- http://pokebeach.com/news/0510/starter-pokemon-fanart/blazegryph-2.jpg and if that's the case, I hope it'll be the Grass one. That would be way cool. But if it's really the donkey or the pig thing, then I bet it'll be either the Fire or the Water. Doubt it'll be the Grass if it's on all fours again like Turtwig was. That'd be lame.

As for the last one, which has received by far the least recognition, I think/hope that'll be the Fire or Grass one. Everyone assumes that it's the Water one, which is honestly a fair assumption cause of it's flipper lookin' things and whathaveyou, but I think it would be a lot cooler if it were like the panda thing in that fake scan, or some kind of raccoon or bear whatever. The Stage Two of any of those could look crazy sick. Some huge big ol' bear/superraccoon guy with huge Physical attack.

What would be cooler than any of that, though, is if they did go by the Psychic/Fighting/Dark triangle to mix things up real mean. If that were the case, I wouldn't have much a clue which of them would be which. The Right side one would probably be fighting and i would still hope for the big crazy bear raccoon thing, the middle one I would still love to be a bird guy, rather Psychic than Dark, but I wouldn't really care a whole lot with those two.
Master of Puppets said:
This thread sure is FULL of super unreasonable people. You all are peeing your pants waiting for some stupid leaks to surface that may or may not even do so for a couple more days.
You all act like you're entitled to them, like you've done something to deserve this leak thing and that you've been lied to if you don't get them.
Grow up and stop acting like a bunch of babies, please. And for the love of God, can't some of you learn how to type like a properly functioning human being? I can't believe that anyone could type like over half of you do in these last 50+ pages. Seriously? It's disgusting.
Someone should really be handing out some kind of infraction for this sort of crud (I would LOVE to be a moderator for this). It makes the entire forum and board look sloppy when everyone typs liek dis all the time. Cut it out. Have some darn respect for Water Pokemon Master. He does a lot for you folks, so quit with the awful typing etiquette and the unnecessary sense of supremacy and entitlement that you all have with these stupid leaked scans.
Especially Starz and FireGrey. You two are the worst.

We're all just too lazy to type like normal people. We're at this forum to have fun, not to start a business.. btw Most of us are respecting WPM. Like, I'm not asking where he gets his leaked scans from! I don't really care where he gets them, actually.

I type like a normal person, but I'm ok with everyone else's typing. I don't like the spam, though. I hate spam.
Huh, that'll probably slow up the forums some, Master of Puppets. Good call in your first paragraph though. I'm cool with hype, I don't mind if people run around in circles about it, (obviously I had a few lame-arse posts myself, so feel free to rip on me too) but totally agreed on the spam and spelling thing.

I'm hoping that the left silhouette is more of a bird then a lizard. If it is a lizard, I'm hoping they'll switch up the colours some. I think that the pointy bit is too pointy to be a lizard snout, so I have my fingers crossed for bird.

The flipped version of the middle silhouette would be win. I'm not terribly excited for a pig or donkey. The only really well-done version of that I saw was Xous's rendition.

Butyeah, I commend you on that post, Master of Puppets. A good, quality conversation post.
Krow said:
We're all just too lazy to type like normal people. We're at this forum to have fun, not to start a business.. btw Most of us are respecting WPM. Like, I'm not asking where he gets his leaked scans from! I don't really care where he gets them, actually.

No one expects you to type like a business man, but you should be expected to type like you have some sort of class.

I don't care about anyone asking where he gets his scans. That's not even close to what I meant by the disrespect part. What I see as disrespectful is that none of you have the common courtesy to type like you aren't some computer illiterate seven year old. I have a BLAST posting on forums like this, and I do so while still looking like an educated person.

Your "We're all just too lazy to type like normal people" is a great, great example of my disrespect point. Too lazy to take eight more seconds on your post to make it look like it came from a legitamate person, rather than a little kid? It's not even hard! The stupid reply box has a spell check, assuming you really aren't completely computer illiterate and aren't still using Internet Explorer. Download Google Chrome or Firefox if your grammar and spelling are that awful.

If you really respect anything WPM does with this site, forum, news feed, any of it at all, then you should really have zero problem at all doing your part to keep the site looking nice by not typing like a complete fool.

Thanks for your support, BlazeGryph.

From all the fan art, what I don't like about the left one being a bird is that the way everyone draws it, it makes it look like it's some smug jerk bird. I hate smug jerk anythings, especially when they're birds. So if it's a lizard, it'd better be water type, and if it's a bird, it'd better not look so smug.
I agree with you for the most part, but forums are to discuss and chat about things, so you can't really blame people (and me maybe) for getting excited. Are we suppose to talk like robots all the time?

I hope that its Grass-Fire-Water, mostly because I think if in anyother way, theyd look the same to former starters or pokemon.

Fire - Center- mostly because if it was Grass it would resemble Turtiwg, I can't think for Water though.

Grass - Left - The head looks like Cyndaquil, and also resembles Buizel (if you close your eyes LOL!)

But obviously when the real come out, it could be Fire-Grass-Water but I won't be bothered because they will look differently, because right now, Im basing this on sillohoettes.
I don't expect anyone to type like a robot. I'm cool as the coolest of cucumbers about people getting excited. I'm excited for these leaked scans too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to start making myself look like a total tool. Believe me, pal, when it comes to getting excite and chatting about things, I reign supreme. I'm ALWAYS excited.

I'm telling you people, that left one is gonna resemble Treeko way too much if it's a grass lizard thing like everyone wants it to be.