(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Can I just point out.... Its Wednesday 3:53 in Japan in the morning, could that possibly mean we could get the leaks when they wake up?
s2daam said:
Can I just point out.... Its Wednesday 3:53 in Japan in the morning, could that possibly mean we could get the leaks when they wake up?

I don't know when they get their mail. Our most likely leak source is someone who gets their subscription early, so if their mail doesn't come until the afternoon....
s2daam said:
You can read more here! http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Honoguma
Gotta love the Pink marill and Happa the person Chico:p

Also, the blaziken/Latias combo is awsomeXD
HikaruAyame said:
s2daam said:
Can I just point out.... Its Wednesday 3:53 in Japan in the morning, could that possibly mean we could get the leaks when they wake up?

I don't know when they get their mail. Our most likely leak source is someone who gets their subscription early, so if their mail doesn't come until the afternoon...

Your guess is WRONG!