(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Come on guys stay on the topic. :p
I think the bunny looking-Pokemon will be fire instead of water.
The Pokemon with the weird body-structure is grass.
And the other one will be water. Thats what I think.
Okay this generation should have tons more evos....this is what i at least am hoping they'll have....

Absol evolution (doesn't matter pre/second stage, just want an evo)
Kecleon (pre/second stage)

All these pokemon have been neglected for at least 2 generations, THEY NEED EVOLUTIONS!!!! lol
I definately think the starters should be something different, and i think they should seperate themselves from other pokemon more drastically!
Pokemonvacation said:
how do you change the thing above your avatar cause mine say rookie but im not soooo

You go into edit profile and it will be on the right side of the screen.
i came at an odd time I suppose lol
I've been following this forum convo since the day the silhouettes were shown, but only just decided now to make an account and join in it. XD;

-I'm kinda timid, bare with me lol

personally I think the four-legged silhouette is a bunny or pig. Im hoping for bunny, but what are the odds that'd happen?
I'm kinda picturing the left silhouette/the weird one as.. kinda a swan or duck, lizard would be okay but i think a swan would be so cool. :D And then that last one.. I don't know, I've seen many renditions of it on here, but I'm liking the idea of Otter or tiger. Tiger would be sooo awesome. C:
Well nobody seems to be listening to my advice about staying on topic. =\
I also can't wait to see how the legendaries will be like.