(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

kaorusquee said:
Yeah, but they already have Arcanine and Rapidash as the speed demons.

ya but both rapidash and arcanine is fast not the fastest soo cheetah cud be the fastest pokemon
i just cant wait for teh starters though im tired of waiting
If they wanted to stay with the big cat idea, I'll tell you what would be great. A mountain lion pokemon. Have you seen the babies? All spots and blue eyes! They are bloody adorable.
starz said:
ya but both rapidash and arcanine is fast not the fastest soo cheetah cud be the fastest pokemon
i just cant wait for the starters though im tired of waiting

Suicune looks like a cheetah or a wolf to me. Gotta love the legendary gerbils.
Arcanine is definitely more canine though. I don't think it's right to have the mindset that only one Pokemon can be that animal ever. I mean, look how many birds/bugs/dragons we have. :B
xxLemonadexx said:
And Arcanine sort of has the pattern of a tiger...it would be a little repetitive :/

arcanine has tiger patterns true but its resembling a dog thus in its name
and many people are prdicting taht its cud be a bear like a polar bear i guess we'll jus have to wait and see
which im tired of
For me I think:

Left: Animal: Duck, Grass Type
Center: Animal: Pig, Fire Type
Right: Animal: Beaver, Water Type.

They've always made the starters resemble an animal.
in regards to this quote,
GreatTyphlosion said:
-The three new starters for Pokemon Black and White will be revealed! One is a Water-type swan donning a ragged scarf. The second is a Grass-type donkey with a curly tail, and the third is a Fire-type bipedal tiger.

-In addition to full images, more screenshots of the game will be revealed demonstrating the 3-D aspects of the games.

-One of the three starters has a type combination that has yet to be found in any Pokemon thus far. How exciting!

It's illegitimate. CoroCoro wouldn't research by leaking to an uncontrolled source like the internet. that doesn't even make sense.
sax87ton said:
in regards to this quote,It's illegitimate. CoroCoro wouldn't research by leaking to an uncontrolled source like the internet. that doesn't even make sense.

agreed but teh tiger fire starter sound s good
starz said:
arcanine has tiger patterns true but its resembling a dog thus in its name
and many people are prdicting taht its cud be a bear like a polar bear i guess we'll jus have to wait and see
which im tired of

yes, I am aware that Arcanine is a canine. XD
I'm just saying maybe if they make another Pokemon (possibly more feline) with a tiger pattern they could use another color scheme or something to make it different...?
somebody leaked a few May 15th Corocoro scans earlier. I'm not sure about them yet. None of the scans he posted had the starters though.
BlazeGryph said:
Arcanine is definitely more canine though. I don't think it's right to have the mindset that only one Pokemon can be that animal ever. I mean, look how many birds/bugs/dragons we have. :B

Lmao, So i was checking out ign and they had an article on the starters. The people on the ign forums are questioning the sihoulettes in general. Best quote "until serebii tells me those are legit, they are fake" Its on the site and that stuff was shown on pokemon sunday.
Krow said:
somebody leaked a few May 15th Corocoro scans earlier. I'm not sure about them yet. None of the scans he posted had the starters though.

wait where like can u provide a link?

I looked at the other images and saw a few Heartgold / Soulsilver images, so I'm still not so sure about these yet... I saw somebody post these on a forum today though.
Ok....thats it.. I cant take it anymore!!!! I stayed up all last night just to see the starters and we got nothing!!! All i could think about at school was, "What will the starters look like" "Whats up with the left sihlouete?" "Is it a pig or a bunny!!!!" All these questions keep going through my head!!! Please get leaked tonight or tommorow morning....then i can go to school in peace, but be as hyper as a fully charged mamoswine on the inside :D
Krow said:
somebody leaked a few May 15th Corocoro scans earlier. I'm not sure about them yet. None of the scans he posted had the starters though.

The scorpion green panda bear thing scans?
Krow said:

I looked at the other images and saw a few Heartgold / Soulsilver images, so I'm still not so sure about these yet... I saw somebody post these on a forum today though.

Lol, those are from last year, like last summer i think? sometime around that
Annihilator27 said:
The scorpion green panda bear thing scans?

I said none showed the starters...

Blizzz said:
Lol, those are from last year, like last summer i think? sometime around that
Really? I guess the guy that posted those on the forum are slow xD

Water Pokémon Master said:
Check the front page amigos!

..Why does my pic say it was made by dwarfstar123? o.o
Water Pokémon Master said:
Check the front page amigos!

You should post my epic bunny pic!!
