(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Blizzz said:
Ok...thats it.. I cant take it anymore!!!! I stayed up all last night just to see the starters and we got nothing!!! All i could think about at school was, "What will the starters look like" "Whats up with the left sihlouete?" "Is it a pig or a bunny!!!!" All these questions keep going through my head!!! Please get leaked tonight or tommorow morning...then i can go to school in peace, but be as hyper as a fully charged mamoswine on the inside :D

I know how you feel, I was freaking out over it as well XD
I'm so anxious...oxo
WPM, you had me excited for the reveal! xD
That's really cool to see everyone's art compiled into one page.
xxLemonadexx said:
I know how you feel, I was freaking out over it as well XD
I'm so anxious...oxo

I just cant take it anymore!! I got so bored so i made a pic of the middle silhouette :D

Blizzz said:
I just cant take it anymore!! I got so bored so i made a pic of the middle silhouette :D


o.o Thats the most epic thing I've ever seen xD
xxLemonadexx said:
I know how you feel, I was freaking out over it as well XD
I'm so anxious...oxo

now they are saying it cud show p early next morning but it still cud happen any time going crazy over this
starz said:
now they are saying it cud show p early next morning but it still cud happen any time going crazy over this

I kept checking pokebeach on my fone at school, and everytime i saw the same news story, i kept getting more and more anxious! Please be leaked!!!
howelllawson said:

What about these? I really like the grass starter, and it looks flightless (at least at this stage) which would go with Torchic and Piplup.
OMG those are the worst yet. (No offense) but i hate the 1 on the left
omg my mind is going crazy when are thes e gona leak ??

Annihilator27 said:
Allright, I like the fan art diorama's.

ya but for i second i thought they leaked but then it was false hope
hm...when I first looked at the one on the left, I really saw it facing to the right, with one arm outstretched.
like its face being the on the round part of the head, and the point at the back.
(sort of made me think of Flygon, especially with the tail)

But it seems everyone wants the pointed side to be a nose or beak of sorts...
Awh, I feel fuzzy that I was on the front page. c: (Even though everyone else was oh well don't rain on my parade)
I was hoping for a leak today. I guess shouldn't have let my hopes up too high. OTL
You're going to have to hang on a while. WPM said MAYBE tonight/tomorrow around 3am is the earliest. So yeah.
3 PM his time, is 6 PM my time D:,i stayed up till 4 last night and just crashed, then woke up at 5:56 xD, chcked pokebeach and was dissapointed D:
omg 6pm here y doesnt dis guy who leak them get it yet and leak it for all the world whos dying to kno??