(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

GOLY GOSH! I just can't wait, i couldn't pay attention to school, and i tought of them the whole freaking day! At the gym, at lunch, everywhere! LEAK PLEASE!!!
Irishkappa208 said:
GOLY GOSH! I just can't wait, i couldn't pay attention to school, and i thought of them the whole freaking day! At the gym, at lunch, everywhere! LEAK PLEASE!

i heard the fire is a tiger or some sort of feline and the water is a pig or donkey so i guess the right one is a cat such as a tiger and the middle one is a pig or donkey
Irishkappa208 said:
GOLY GOSH! I just can't wait, i couldn't pay attention to school, and i thought of them the whole freaking day! At the gym, at lunch, everywhere! LEAK PLEASE!

Who does leak them anyway?? Ive always wondered that, is it just a random person who helps make the magazine?
I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve! (wish I could still get this excited for real holidays eheh)
What's worse is that I'm a few hours ahead of Pacific Time fffffffuuu...
Blizzz said:
Who does leak them anyway?? Ive always wondered that, is it just a random person who helps make the magazine?

They've got to remain anonymous, IIRC. If they're found out they'll be punished. :) Accept the gift and don't ask too many questions.

@theatrebabe: That's the EARLIEST. It's quite possible they could be leaked later Tuesday or even Wednesday. I wouldn't plan on getting up in the middle of the night to check right at that time. XD
HikaruAyame said:
They've got to remain anonymous, IIRC. If they're found out they'll be punished. :) Accept the gift and don't ask too many questions.

@theatrebabe: That's the EARLIEST. It's quite possible they could be leaked later Tuesday or even Wednesday. I wouldn't plan on getting up in the middle of the night to check right at that time. XD

wait any exact time when they get released???
i could not consentrate during school, but you know whats weird? i kinda like not knowing what they are! it lets people have imagination, like the fan-art, i love looking at that stuff. It's very interesting seeing peoples different opionions about the starters :)
ya but not knowing anything is killing me i wanna kno wat they are and more imiges of like gameplay or the region omg
Here are my 5th Generation Drawings! In retrospect, I think I would have made the pig a fire type and the panda a water type instead. Enjoy!


P.S. Hey WPM! Remember we met at the Long Beach State TCG Tournament? Thanks for keeping everyone updated!
Travis said:
MILLIPEDE/CENTIPEDE- Millifreeze and Centifreeze, Bug/Ice Type AWESOME, like Illumise and Volbeat?! (I forgot what the larvae are called though...)

EMU- Steamu, Steel/Flying Type Too close to Skarmory with steel/flying... how about.... rock? and emus dont fly
VULTURE- Buzzzard, Volture, Electic/Flying Type EFF YES!
RAM/GOAT- Flaries, Fire Type I would probably like ice or rock more, but AWESOME
SQUID (NOT OCTOPI OR JELLYFISH)- Coalimari, Rock/Water Type How about water fire? coalimari sounds... like fire to me... IVE ALWAYS WANTED A WATER FIRE!!! still awesome
LION umm shinx luxio luxray... sorry about that.

also is Camrupt suppose to be a camel? If not add that too It is, with its pre-evo numel lolAlso even though it's not an animal I would love to see a Haunted Tree Pokemon: Spiroot, Branchee, and Woodwisp, Grass/Ghost I NEVER thought of this... cool type matchup!!! 8D
My comments in bold, and how about some more, i'll start!

hmm... DOLPHIN!! his name is Darkfin, and he is a {D}{W}!!!

Armadillo = Shellidillo, Ground Ghost, Shieldillo, Rock Ghost, Armordillo, Steel Ghost!!! WE NEED GHOST DUAL TYPES LOL

Red Panda = ...

Ant = Antrooper, bug ground, FEMALE EVO Antqueen, bug fly, MALE EVO Eatant, Bug Ground (ferocious anteater >8D)

Combee Male Evo = Killerbee Bug fly
starz said:
i heard the fire is a tiger or some sort of feline and the water is a pig or donkey so i guess the right one is a cat such as a tiger and the middle one is a pig or donkey

i wanted the left thing to be a fire-crocodile thingy, the middle to be a grass-bunny and the right to be a water-platipus

but then i realized, the first pokemons in pokedex are always the grass starters, folowed by the fire and last the water (if I am correct) so I had to agrre that the first may be a flying-grass pokemon, the middle one maybe a fire pig, but i hope it's a bunny (I love bunnies) and I am in doubt about the last one, platipus? Beaver? But then again, we already have bibarel and bidoof wich are beavers....only time will tell, BUT IF TIME MOVED FASTER I WOULD BE HAPPIER!!!
filmvisionary said:
Here are my 5th Generation Drawings! In retrospect, I think I would have made the pig a fire type and the panda a water type instead. Enjoy!


P.S. Hey WPM! Remember we met at the Long Beach State TCG Tournament? Thanks for keeping everyone updated!

ideas are good but i heard that the instead of red panda its a tiger but fir type
elite said:
i wonder what the one to the left will evolve into, or what the heck it will be

picture it was a tiger/ fire type and picture that evolving to its 3rd satge petty nice{R}
Everyone's fan art is nice and everything, but every time I see some, I get more and more frustrated that the scans haven't been leaked yet...
howelllawson said:
Everyone's fan art is nice and everything, but every time I see some, I get more and more frustrated that the scans haven't been leaked yet...

i swear im gona go crzy by the time these scans come out{R}

the one on the right is a tiger cub hopefully
starz said:
i swear im gona go crzy by the time these scans come out{R}
I have a feeling that after all the hype that everyone's brewing up, that we're going to be let down once they come out. :/
OMG....i am totally new to this site, and guess what? I am in love with the boards, speculating what the new Poke's will be! ^_* OMG! lol....anyway.....i made a fan-art of what I feel the pokemon will look like :D.....personally i just followed the "sneak peek" that apparant, guy from COROCORO posted. Even though it may or may not be true.