(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Sudowoodo said:
I just checked it again, on wednesday the 10th of February the pictures of zorua were leaked. I'm hoping for earlier release as well...
I hope they"ll be really good, because I've seen some excellent artwork, I wonder if sugimori"ll surpass them:p
It doesn't matter what day of the week it comes out, it's what number the day is. Coro coro will always come out the 15th no matter what day of the week it is.
s2daam said:
I'm at home off sick, I can't get out of bed because I'm that sick. I really don't think their is anything else I can be doing right now :L
Now this, is a good excuse, I'm glad I have school and I can just check later.
I guess it no come :'(

Read this, please:
It might leak in the next 5 minutes, or the next hour. Or tomorrow. Thursday, perhaps? Or Friday? You can't tell when a leak will happen, because a leak is not meant to happen and we are not meant to know about the starter's until May 15th.
Some kid called zhanton said it.
I'll say one more episode of American Dad then it's off to bed....4am's my threshold with class at 930.
First off, I'm new here, hi everyone!
I didn't want to miss out on all this excitement so thought it was a good time to join!

Some of the interpretations of the new starters posted here are very interesting and they certainly help take the edge off all this suspense waiting for leaks... Let's hope we've not set our expectations too high. :)

...But I gotta say, some of you kids are crazy! Get some sleep! Especially if you've got school! There's no way anyone can know when the leaks will emerge and you're stressing yourselves out for no reason. Try to take your mind off it and the time will fly much quicker. :)
Hm, so the pattern has been broken. For the past three or so months the scans have come out on the 10th or 11th and always around 3 AM (which is night in Japan). Perhaps since this CoroCoro release will have something super special, they cracked down on how early they ship their magazines and people don't have them yet (which is technically how it should be)... maybe like the Harry Potter book contracts, who knows? Oh well - we'll find out about the starters eventually! I'll have to keep losing sleep though. @_@
Water Pokémon Master said:
Hm, so the pattern has been broken. For the past three or so months the scans have come out on the 10th or 11th and always around 3 AM (which is night in Japan). Perhaps since this CoroCoro release will have something super special, they cracked down on how early they ship their magazines and people don't have them yet (which is technically how it should be)... maybe like the Harry Potter book contracts, who knows? Oh well - we'll find out about the starters eventually! I'll have to keep losing sleep though. @_@

Wow this is really annoying! I dun even like Harry Potter either! D: lmao and yes we will. i want them soon tho.. i dont wanna wait til friday or saturday to find out. XD
and then? we have starters today? XDno? soo sad :< btw. You pis.s me off in the fanarts :S I be first with this fire-phoenix-chicken :/ http://shiroi777.deviantart.com/art/5th-generation-starter-163467839
Wow lol.
I kept getting up every hour last night and checked pokebeach on my Nintendo DSi to see if the scans got leaked yet. Also almost every dream I had were about the starters @_@