(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Since some members of the community have been talking about a donkey starter, Ive been seriously wanting a bad a** flaming donkey.
s2daam said:

>A recent post on 2ch has stated alleged details about the new starters Pokemon that were revealed on Sunday. The post revealed names as well as types, with Grass, Fire, and Water returning as the three choices. The post read as followed:

>"Once again Nintendo brings us Fire, Grass, and Water Pokemon. From the left to the right:

>Irrodon: The Grass Pokemon this time is based on a chameleon, will gain two horns with each evolution.

>Robakai: The Fire Pokemon is based on a donkey. At a much later level you can ride it like a bike or a Ponyta.

>Funeppa: A Kappa for the water Pokemon! Or maybe it is a platypus? It can lay eggs according to the Pokedex."

>While these are just rumors at this point, it's worth noting that 2ch has given notoriously accurate leaks in the past, including the plot of Zelda: Windwaker.

A Kappa pokemon? Is it a IRISHkappa? HAHAHHAHAHA, gosh I suck...
Pokemonvacation said:
is that what that orange thing is in the picture with the male character when he's running across the bridge?

posts are slow...

I'm taking this with a grain of salt but...I that's means I am right if the Grass starter is a chameleon.
im sure the platypus thing is water. i dont care if the pig/donkey is fire or grass i just think it would be cool to have a pig/donkey....
The body-structure of the grass-type seems odd to me.... Hopefully the scans of the real artwork come out soon, the waiting is killing me.
I honestly would believe the list if it wasn't for the whole "fire donkey". But who knows, that fire donkey could be freaking epic.
Pokemonvacation said:
im sure the platypus thing is water. i don't care if the pig/donkey is fire or grass i just think it would be cool to have a pig/donkey...

A DONKEY!? Really? That sucks, I always pick the fire starter, but, it just doesen´t look cool anymore...
Irishkappa208 said:
A DONKEY!? Really? That sucks, I always pick the fire starter, but, it just doesen´t look cool anymore...

a tiger or even a bear sounds better hopefully the platypus thing is nnot a platypus but a bear or a tiger and is fire type
Irishkappa208 said:
A DONKEY!? Really? That sucks, I always pick the fire starter, but, it just doesen´t look cool anymore...

Hey now! Donkeys are pretty awesome, plus they are hard workers.