(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

elite said:
the only good one looks like A KNOCK-OFF TREEKO

We'll just have to wait and see what it's evolutions will look like, b/c yes both treecko and this pokemon are grass types, they're bipedals (although treecko could walk on two or all fours), and they are mostly green.

But this one is a snake pokemon and treecko is a gecko, I wonder if the snake pokemon's evos would lose any of it's limbs when it evolves???
At least the characters are okay-ish. I like they don't have crazy hair. Like Dawn with blue hair and May with hair that looks like check marks. Although I don't like the adult concept. Hopefully there is storyline to back that up.

Since they are older does that mean Dawn won't leave. I can't imagine a new adult traveling with Ash
Well I hope we're getting close much closer to having a platypus water type in the future.

I like how Tsutaaja's "collar" looks like it's sheding it's skin.

I really hope the evos are awesome, the fire type and the water type are so dif from the others in terms of what one would think a pokemon starter of that type would look like. A brown/orange and black pig with a yellow mark, and a snowman-like otter pokemon.

When do they evos usually come out??? When the game does or before?
HikaruAyame said:
My favorite part of the scans so far is the player's artwork. I think this will be a game where I only play as the male. He's bloody cute, and the girl's a bit.... Ahem. Well. Her hair is.....

Anyway, based JUST on the looks of the starters, I'd have to go with the pig FTW. I find it interesting that it's got no sign of fire anywhere on it. It doesn't even have any red! :) I like it when they surprise me.

The girl trainer is hot
Hah! I love all three of them. They're unique in their own ways, its interesting.

The Grass starter is very cool with its pointy snout and its eyes. To me, It doesn't really look like Treeko at all. I like the yellow appendages on its neck too, I thought it would be a necktie.

The Fire starter is just great, I actually thought it would be a donkey, but somebody mentioned that it would make sense for it to be a pig (with their theory about the zodiac), and they were 100% right. I love how the face looks like the Awesome smiley.

The Water starter is adorable and reminds me of one of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics mascot. It looks a bit like piplup because of its color scheme but I still like it, it's like a Snowman otter. I think its just as good as the other two.
ThatCrookedVulture said:
So the fire pig has the highest HP, possible first bulky slow fire starter maybe?

Pigs are known in video games for being fast and charging head first into things, so who really knows?