This Pokemon is kinda cool. Depending on his type, I might use him. Since he is an event Pokemon that the Japanese can get as soon as they get the game, do you think that we might be able to get the Liberty Ticket when Black and White first gets released in America?
Personally, I think that he's a Normal type. He just looks that way.
Well, I'm going to stop going to this and other Pokemon websites for a while as I don't want to learn everything there is to know about Black and White before it comes out! So, bye for now, Pokebeach!
BTW, Mijumaru looks absolutely adorable in the Best Wishes promo!!
His little teeth are so cute!
Personally, I think that he's a Normal type. He just looks that way.
Well, I'm going to stop going to this and other Pokemon websites for a while as I don't want to learn everything there is to know about Black and White before it comes out! So, bye for now, Pokebeach!
BTW, Mijumaru looks absolutely adorable in the Best Wishes promo!!