(1) Pokemon Video Game Showdown Invites Sent Out [6/17]

I got to go to the Pokemon Journey across America event, but this time because there were only two spots in America, I couldn't go. I really wanted to go. I almost won the Journey across America event in Utah. I wish they would have gone all over this year. :( At least I didn't take the test, so I don't have to be crushed if I would have failed.
Serebii, showoff -_- don't lie if it's not true. I didn't, were you suppose to do anything in particular to qualify?
Loyal Lucario said:
Serebii, showoff -_- don't lie if it's not true. I didn't, were you suppose to do anything in particular to qualify?

You had to answer some questions online...
How am I lying? -.-

Here's the letter:

Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in the Pokémon Video Game Showdown Qualifier Tournament being held on July 19, 2008, in New York, New York.

Be sure to read the Tournament Rules and Game Setup information before arriving at the event.

All participants must complete the following forms and return them to Pokémon USA, Inc., postmarked by June 28th, 2008.

Winner Release & Waiver Form

If you're considered a minor in your place of residency, the Companion Release & Waiver form must also be completed and returned:

Companion Release & Waiver Form

Mail, e-mail, or fax your completed forms to:

Pokémon USA, Inc
Attention: VGS Player Coordinator
333 108th Ave NE, Ste 1900
Bellevue, WA 98004
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 425-274-1041

Venue Information

July 19, 2008 — New York, New York
The Altman Building
135 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011

Junior Division

* Registration and Check-in: 9:00am-9:45am
* Play begins: 10:00am

Senior Division

* Registration and Check-in: 10:00am-10:45am
* Play begins: 11:00am

We look forward to seeing you at the event! Players who do not arrive on time for check-in will lose their seat at the qualifier, so please be on time!

If you have any additional questions about this event, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Pokémon USA, Inc.
I pick cry. I will cry every night for people paying money to go to this tournament. On second thought, it does sound cool...;(

dmaster out.
Wow, congrats, Serebii! I didn't even try out, but sounds like fun :)
Mudkip711 said:
yeah, I got accepted
NY here I come

... Michael... don't lie XD.

I really didn't expect you to even play D/P. Congrats, my friend.
i didn't lie and thax sylar
ps: i don't really play i just thought i'd try and do it maybe
How hard were the questions? Like, what exactly WERE the questions? Were they breeding questions.... ev questions... etc?
if this poke is grass/fighting what move would be more affective on it

where do you get this item

and stuff like that
...WOW, those questions seem easy.

Lol, I should've tried it XD. Oh well, I'm sure they'll have this next year :]
just pull up the berry dex and stuff on serebii

i used my strategy guide from DP
It's okay Lucario. Anyways, sorry to the people that have to pay, and to the ones who don't make it. I live in NY, so I'm lucky. Can't wait to see you people!
well Im going to get mad because I coundint even enter because I live in canada! I have made a thred about this at