(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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To be honest, I believe this to be a bunch of crap, with some believable evidence, but mostly crap.
Weather Items? It's gone way past the rocks.
another new member sucked into this forum by this thread :p (incidentally from serebii as well)

On to speculation/theory

Right now I am in line with the "believe Martijn" crowd for now, at least with the Nintendo Information.

Personally I am expecting the 157 albeit with at least 20-25 of them being related to past pokemon (new evo, pre-evo) but that is merely guesswork and dreams. Also I so called female trainer a few weeks before when the Legendaries were revealed. I guessed a Professor Cherry to be precise.
Everyone has speculated on the female Professor, but Dr. Araragi, is not named after a tree, in fact, it's a genus of Butterflies.
bluechew said:
Everyone has speculated on the female Professor, but Dr. Araragi, is not named after a tree, in fact, it's a genus of Butterflies.

I found that as well but she's still named after a tree is you look harder.. a yew tree and the name also went with a certain magnolia plant.
The idea of a weather rock... hmmmm
Also, new here but not to pokemon :p
bluechew said:
Everyone has speculated on the female Professor, but Dr. Araragi, is not named after a tree, in fact, it's a genus of Butterflies.

true enough, when i had said it though, i hadn't heard anybody else. I am not claiming "first" just saying. I honestly hadn't heard the yew part till I start lurking here. Somebody in one of the threads I read said Beech, I laughed a little inside.
PokemasterKev said:
I found that as well but she's still named after a tree is you look harder.. a yew tree and the name also went with a certain magnolia plant.

I actually went straight to wikipedia to check it out in fact, i'll put the link to the wiki article below.
Magnolia seems like a good name for a female professor, considering the male professors have been named after trees and the only female was named after the Ivy plant (Professor Ivy) Perhaps Flowers are the female versions of trees?
@TheDarkLucario, Mrcombover and access
Beyond the information in the news post, not really.
I shared all the information I had at this point...

...well, there is one thing, but it won't be much shocking, neither will the skeptics suddenly become believers, because
1)it's been a long-time rumor already, and
2)I only know for certain they're considering it, not if it will make it.

But ok, what I do know:
There's been a rumor floating around for a long time that Pokémon Black and White will introduce an 18th elemental type, being the Light-type.

Yes, Game Freak is considering implementing an extra type into the game.
BUT, at this point it is not certain if it will actually make it into the game.

Like I said, nothing shocking, but just telling you what I do and don't know about it.

You're welcome to ask me anything, and I will write everything down to try and get that information, but at this moment, most things beyond the "black and white theme" and "field items" (not weather items) my answer is alas that I don't know for certain.
bluechew said:
I actually went straight to wikipedia to check it out in fact, i'll put the link to the wiki article below.

1. I got an avatar! Not as high quality as some of the ones here, but I definitely think it is cool.
2. Pokemon already has weather rocks. It would be cool, but weather should be exclusive to randomness and Pokemon.
Martin what do you think of those 2 images I posted? of the starters and Gear's evolution

do you wish you'd thought of those idea's yourself?
Martijngamer said:
I don't want to just sweet-talk you guys into liking and expect you to believe or like me again, I want to fix this and earn your trust and earn your approval, and make up for what happened.
That's great. Personally, despite being extremely skeptical of your info, I'd like to be able to trust your information. Let's break down some of the barriers blocking the skeptics from trusting you, if you don't mind.
What are your sources? You claim you went to Nintendo, who told you some information, and that another source, who you trust, told you different information and later permitted you to share this information. Who is this source? I don't need a lot of information, just a general idea of who they are. Why was the source in a position to give you permission to reveal this information? Where and how does the source get its information?
I don't want in-depth, specific information about the source if you can't tell us everything. I just want to understand how this source got the information and why he was allowed to or chose to share the information with you alone.

I'd very much appreciate a response. I'm very curious about what's going on, and I'd like for any misunderstandings to be cleared up.

Additional, this statement fascinates me. "Yes, Game Freak is considering implementing an extra type into the game.
BUT, at this point it is not certain if it will actually make it into the game."
When did you acquire this specific piece of info? Do you think that such a major decision as adding a new type would have been made a long time ago? Surely, adding another type this late into development would cause a major overhaul and delay of the game, as many Pokemon and moves would have to be reprogrammed as the new type and new content would perhaps have to be added to have a sufficient amount of the new type available in the game.
3. I wish there was a light type, but I believe that after so long, they won't introduce it. But nobody knows.
4. Game Freak is probably thinking about it, but we don't know that.
5. To Martijngamer, what exactly is your source? If it is English, that is reasonable, but I doubt it's or your credibility. Last minute sprite changes? If you're right, then the delay will be worse than SSBB.
Martijngamer said:
@TheDarkLucario, Mrcombover and access
Beyond the information in the news post, not really.
I shared all the information I had at this point...

...well, there is one thing, but it won't be much shocking, neither will the skeptics suddenly become believers, because
1)it's been a long-time rumor already, and
2)I only know for certain they're considering it, not if it will make it.

But ok, what I do know:
There's been a rumor floating around for a long time that Pokémon Black and White will introduce an 18th elemental type, being the Light-type.

Yes, Game Freak is considering implementing an extra type into the game.
BUT, at this point it is not certain if it will actually make it into the game.

Like I said, nothing shocking, but just telling you what I do and don't know about it.

You're welcome to ask me anything, and I will write everything down to try and get that information, but at this moment, most things beyond the "black and white theme" and "field items" (not weather items) my answer is alas that I don't know for certain.

You just had to go and say something...as much as i would love to hear some info... what would honestly even be the point of a light type... what would it balance? dragon? how could that honestly be explained?
Martijngamer said:
@TheDarkLucario, Mrcombover and access
Beyond the information in the news post, not really.
I shared all the information I had at this point...

...well, there is one thing, but it won't be much shocking, neither will the skeptics suddenly become believers, because
1)it's been a long-time rumor already, and
2)I only know for certain they're considering it, not if it will make it.

But ok, what I do know:
There's been a rumor floating around for a long time that Pokémon Black and White will introduce an 18th elemental type, being the Light-type.

Yes, Game Freak is considering implementing an extra type into the game.
BUT, at this point it is not certain if it will actually make it into the game.

Like I said, nothing shocking, but just telling you what I do and don't know about it.

You're welcome to ask me anything, and I will write everything down to try and get that information, but at this moment, most things beyond the "black and white theme" and "field items" (not weather items) my answer is alas that I don't know for certain.

Ugh you don't know what you just started....again.:( Also the skeptics will now start getting their pitchforks and torches and will start looking for you. I'm not against you or anything just giving you a warning.
Im kinda considering the cobra to be something reminiscent to Cthulhu, considering its a massive mythological monster reminiscent to Zekrom's body
I have weighed the idea of an additional type many of times, and well i'm still not sided one way or the other. I mean it adds a new shift in the game to potentially shake up the metagame and provide a fresh new concept to a 3 gen old table of types. On the other side how will it work thematically, much less story wise, will it change old pokemon or will it be gen V exclusive to save work/time?

Still Undecided
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