(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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I want to believe this but I can't. It would be ridiculous if the trainer threw/used an item to change the weather. That would make the games too magical, and it would make no sense in Pokémon games. It's naturally raining in one area, some kid throws some item. And before you know it, it's sunny. And it wasn't a Pokemon who would change the weather, it would be an item...

Also, how do you already know the ENGLISH name for the Tauros evolution, Minotauros. The Japanese game comes first, English Developers probably haven't even had a glimpse of development yet.

And I do not think that there would be a green cobra Legendary. It probably would look WAY too much like Tsutaaja's final evolution and Rayquaza. And Game Freak would probably stray away from making it alike them. It would make more sense if Game Freak made a grey Legendary.
It's already april fools ? XD

Anyway, Rayquaza is based also on "Quetzalcoatl" the flying god Serpent from the Maya Mythology.
Sounds awesome, look forward to it Marijn!

FuzWuz said:
The Japanese game comes first, English Developers probably haven't even had a glimpse of development yet.

Actually I think you'd be suprised just how far back negotiations and planning go.
Think of Reshiram and Zekrom's simultaneous release for example.

I'm leaning towards believing now. Mainly because Martijn seems like a real decent bloke and I don't want to believe this is a hoax haha. Worse comes to worse and it's a lie, so what? We loose nothing. The truth will come eventually afterall! (unless the world ends or something)
Hm... I don't believe him. Martijngamer seems to be avoiding the topic of where he got his information, yet claims he was authorized to divulge the information. If he was allowed to divulge the info, why would he keep the source from the people who question it?

One of his statements interests me. "I'm not allowed to release any pictures at this time ... they don't want to release anything before it's got its final design." I'm fairly certain that the Pokemon won't be undergoing any design changes at this point in the game's development. 14 Pokemon have already been released to the public, and the game itself is very far along in production. I can imagine that finalizing the designs of the Pokemon happened quite a while ago. He also mentions that "[the green cobra] is also still in development" I doubt that the design of one of the major legendaries would still be going on after the rest of the game was so far in development. It looks to me like the idea of the designs still being in development is just a convenient excuse he's using because he doesn't have any pictures/sources.

He made another statement that suggests he is misleading us, specifically the statement that "My source is English". This is very surprising, especially as the only official information that has been revealed outside of Japan is the legendary Pokemon. Why would an English source provide him with information that hasn't been revealed in Japan, but yet make no mention of the information that has? Interestingly, he mentioned the three Starter Pokemon, which have NOT been revealed in the US.

Another thing that I found interesting is "I was permitted to share this information". Who permitted this? Why this specific information? Why would this information be given to only one person, to reveal in any way he wants, and not be revealed by an official source, such as Pokemon.com, where the legends were shown for the first time?

@Martijngamer, I don't mean to offend you or attack you personally, but unless you can prove your information is true and from a reliable source, I see no reason why I, or the fandom, should assume you have any credibility. The nature of your information suggests to me that either you are lying or your source is, an idea which is only multiplied by your unwillingness to tell us the source of your information.

EDIT: Minotauros this hour, eh? This should be interesting.
RedKirby, I get why you are so skeptical about this. But remember when the English names of Pokémon leaked in a forum? That was just some guy with inside intel. There's a lot of people involved in Pokémon. it's a Worldwide brand. He is here, he is not an anonymous source. He is here to answer the questions he can answer. I'm not here saying 'it's all confirmed, stop being an idiot'. Just wait and see. If he is lying, his credibility will evaporate, and I don't see why he would do that.
kriffix said:
Hey Martin,
I'm sure you're in a position where you're not allowed to divulge your source, but may I just ask if it's Japanese or English?

It's just I was curious how you came to know the name of Minotauros in particular.
The Japanese name of Tauros is "Kentauros", so even from that side of things the name "minotauros" is quite feasible. What's more is that the actual Japanese word for Minotaur is ミノタウロス/Minotauros.
Why not they named a gear pokemon "gear" didn't they? As for the good/bad thing, I like it but if I wanted to experience everything I would need to start a new game. And lose all my data, not happening. So we would need multiple save slots. And a green cobra, please. Something about this seems fishy.

(edit) Martin where are you with Minotauros? This is definitely a joke. You cornered yourself. Why were you given permission to show us the picture? Why not post it right away? Post it...
"Oh my god, 650 Pokemon? Back when R/B/Y came out, I couldn't even count to 151!" - my girlfriend
A green cobra is awesome for me. It is cool if we choose our way to win the game like gyms, we choose the order. It is awesome if Black and White have a poison, bug and fight legendary( a Vampire. the king of the bugs. and a mini fighter that is little but very poerfull like Kid Buu from Dragon Ball Z).
Really am excited for the picture of Minotauros. Hoping for more news, like if we can walk with the Pokemon.
I'm with Luke here. I see Redkirby's points, some quite valid. But still it's best kept in mind of the world wide scale that is the Pokemon franchise. As (although a very green and amateurish) translator myself, stuff being revealed/slipped before Japan's announcements wouldn't be a first at all. Things like name's however are subject to change in foreign localisation's right up until publish day!

If all of this is true, "Minotauros" may only be a working name, but more likely a direct translation of what the Japanese one could be. The way to say "Minotaur" in Japanese afterall is indeed "minotaurous". The Japanese name for "Tauros" is "Kentarosu" (which is interestingly close to "Kentaurosu" which means centaur)
Man, I didn't like any of the newly revealed Pokémon and having 150 or so new pokémon that may suck, well, really sucks...
lets just wait its like that guy who said tsutaaja wud be a swan and pokabu wud be a donkey if hes wrong no one will evr believe him, if hes right hes gonna be a valuable source in the future
Luke said:
RedKirby, I get why you are so skeptical about this. But remember when the English names of Pokémon leaked in a forum? That was just some guy with inside intel. There's a lot of people involved in Pokémon. it's a Worldwide brand. He is here, he is not a anonymous source. He is here to answer the questions he can answer. I'm not here saying 'it's all confirmed, stop being an idiot'. Just wait and see. If he is lying, his credibility will evaporate, and I don't see why he would do that.

I understand your points, but many of his statements are left unexplained. I guess my problem is that everyone is so quick to accept his statements as true. I just want to supply a conflicting opinion to prevent people from being misled by a potentially non-credible source. I think it's possible he's telling the truth, but I don't think we should jump to conclusions as quickly as we have.
I do believe this guy. Why whould he came here and claim that he got information if he not has any information?? Seems unlogical, but the cobra Pokemon seems logical. I did see a picture of a snake swallowing its own tail symbolising infinity. And I can´t wait for the picture of the Tauros evolution!! Giggity go!!
RedKirby said:
I understand your points, but many of his statements are left unexplained. I guess my problem is that everyone is so quick to accept his statements as true. I just want to supply a conflicting opinion to prevent people from being misled by a potentially non-credible source. I think it's possible he's telling the truth, but I don't think we should jump to conclusions as quickly as we have.

You can talk to him, He is here in the forum. PM him if you feel the need.
And I'm with you in this. Please please, until all of it is confirmed, don't believe entirely.
But we don't have anything to speculate about as of right now. So I'm quite content to discuss this rumors and be happy about it. :)
they should make a pre-evo that evolves into taurus and kanghaskan or taurus and miltank, dont u agree? i mean even the color scheme matches for taurus and kanghaskan and they look a little bit alike
Luke said:
You can talk to him, He is here in the forum. PM him if you feel the need.
And I'm with you in this. Please please, until all of it is confirmed, don't believe entirely.
But we don't have anything to speculate about as of right now. So I'm quite content to discuss this rumors and be happy about it. :)

Yes indeed... I will give him credit for entertaining us. After all that's what Pokemons about right? You have like three minutes. hurry up. I want to see "minotauros."
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