(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Weyard said:
nah, i hate pre-evos. It doesnt add anything to the game really... and thats too many letters isnt it? dodostrich?

Feraligatr screwed over some letters, I'm sure they could make it fit xD Plus, Dodostrich is ten letters, which would fit...

Metalizard said:
Ok, I'll try one too...
martijn, can you tell me what place is the Isshu region based on? Is it based on New York like some people think?

Have you seen the image of the region?

Martijngamer said:
This would be guessing, so what I say is just as good a guess as yours on this.
I think that might be the Victory Road-area with the Elite Four, but it could also be some sort of battle zone/colosseum.

I thought you said there weren't going to be gyms >_>'

Monkey708 said:
I suppose that you guys are right about there only being two perfect type combos. But just remember, there might not be a second type. Since Normal/Ghost will never be made,

Uh, Is Ghost/Normal really a "perfect type"? Because iirc, it's weak to Dark...

Oh also!

For the people a few pages back stating Illusion would be useless if it didn't change the moveset, that's not entirely so. It is my understanding that the Zoroark comes out of the Pokeball already disguised, with a changed name and everything. This would lead the opponent to thinking "oh, It's a ______", instead of it actually being a dark type. Of course, after a turn or two they should figure them out, but one turn is all some people need to gain an edge.

tweety210 said:
If TR does return then this game will have one interesting storyline.
How so? The Team Rocket plots have always been the weakest ones...

...Team Plasma sounds fine to me. Especially if their leader is Charon with an army of Rotom! Hoho!
reemmber that team rocket grunt that was on misty gym at the end he say he was going back to his homeland t star team rocket there think about it guys
Monkey708 said:
I just had a crazy idea. What if there is another Wii game which connects to Isshu on a Gale of Darkness scale. BattleRev had no plot whatsoever, but GoD (I just noticed that spells god) in Poketopia would be awsome. Maybe that would be where grey/gray takes place. A wii game with the areas, properties, and stories of B/W but in 3D on the Wii would be awesome. Plus a major but solo evil villan combined with but unrelated to a Team Rocket sidestory (despite the accent forced upon us *shudder*) would make this one of the best games ever! With just the games DP, HGSS, and BW, we'll be able to complete our Pokedexes (Minus event Pokemon)! Monkey is happier than when I got a bananna!

Well Revolution was a throw back to Stadium 1 and 2.

And about the guy in Cerulean City. Didn't he have a Russian accent? So he would be from Russia. And before someone says well the regions are fake so he could be from anywhere, let me point to you Lt. Surge. He is from North America, as stated in the games.

So like a side game incorporating the BW gameplay but having a completely different story within the region? I highly doubt it, as the main series has always been on handhelds. It would be interesting though! About the third game in the BW series (doubt it will be grey), well that just be weird. Having the original two on handheld and the third on a console wouldn't go well with fans. Not all have the Wii.
Chaotic_Blue said:
reemmber that team rocket grunt that was on misty gym at the end he say he was going back to his homeland t star team rocket there think about it guys

That just gives more proof that he'll stop by in Isshu and reform his orginization!
Redneck said:
Monkey708 said:
I suppose that you guys are right about there only being two perfect type combos. But just remember, there might not be a second type. Since Normal/Ghost will never be made,

Uh, Is Ghost/Normal really a "perfect type"? Because iirc, it's weak to Dark...


dark/ghost is the only "perfect" type

then are there are 8 with only 1 weakness 3 of those having a 4x to one type
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:
Well Revolution was a throw back to Stadium 1 and 2.

So like a side game incorporating the BW gameplay but having a completely different story within the region? I highly doubt it, as the main series has always been on handhelds. It would be interesting though! About the third game in the BW series (doubt it will be grey), well that just be weird. Having the original two on handheld and the third on a console wouldn't go well with fans. Not all have the Wii.

meh. I just wanted a 3D game. As for the Wii issue, I only bought it for BattleRev. I'm sure many would buy it (now at a better price) if it gave the option of a better plot, the newest Pokemon, a new aspect on a world created from NYC, LA, and Tokyo, and finally just being a better game.

5 minutes of waiting? Why isn't anyone posting?
Also, who else has any ideas about the legendary trio? (Not the Big One, the small one)
wasnt it posted somewhere that there was a suggested look to the three lesser trio? somehting about a mini mewtwo?
Monkey708 said:
meh. I just wanted a 3D game. As for the Wii issue, I only bought it for BattleRev. I'm sure many would buy it (now at a better price) if it gave the option of a better plot, the newest Pokemon, a new aspect on a world created from NYC, LA, and Tokyo, and finally just being a better game.

Yes... A main pokemon game for a home console. That would make the term "pocket monsters" meaningless, unless you have ridiculously large pockets.
Bagel said:
wasnt it posted somewhere that there was a suggested look to the three lesser trio? somehting about a mini mewtwo?

I doubt it. I thought it said cotton, humanoid, and dog.

Snowing said:
Yes... A main pokemon game for a home console. That would make the term "pocket monsters" meaningless, unless you have ridiculously large pockets.

Some people happen to wear cargo pants, you know. Maybe there will be Zoroark themed cargo pants! Yay:p
Monkey708 said:
I doubt it. I thought it said cotton, humanoid, and dog.

humanoid was the mini mewtwo one,

i read the mini mewtwo reference on 2ch (chrome auto translates pages)
now that the E3 is open, i hope we have news very soon
Bagel said:
humanoid was the mini mewtwo one,

i read the mini mewtwo reference on 2ch (chrome auto translates pages)
i don´t want a mini mewtwo
The spoilers to me, well, some seem a tad to out there. I don't like the whole new giant green Cobra to accompany Zekrom and Reshiram. Its basically a giant Rayquaza.
Shiny Hunter v2 said:
The spoilers to me, well, some seem a tad to out there. I don't like the whole new giant green Cobra to accompany Zekrom and Reshiram. Its basically a giant Rayquaza.

That's because the spoilers may be fake.
Shiny Hunter v2 said:
The spoilers to me, well, some seem a tad to out there. I don't like the whole new giant green Cobra to accompany Zekrom and Reshiram. Its basically a giant Rayquaza.

[offtopic] Well hey, looks like I have competition, eh? >n> [/offtopic]

Really doubtful the green cobra is true at all. If it is, it has to be a separate Pokemon or a Tsutajajajajajwhatever evolution. It wouldn't fit in with Reshi and Zek. A snake would, yes, but not a green one. :S
Venator said:
IF I wanted any Farfetch'd evolution, then I'd want this one drawn by JESGRAD07 on dA


Wow. This totally made my day.
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