(1) 'Revived Legends' Scans and Translations [2/9]

Am I the only one who sees a lack in playable holo's? Besides a few primes, and a few rares, I don't see a whole lot worth playing.
Pokebeach Main Page said:
We're both going to sleep right now after being up all night, so if there's any errors or problems, we'll fix them later in the day.

Maybe this answers why it's not translated yet. ;]

Aw...Togekiss is so cute! Its first attack is pretty awesome too.
I can't wait for this set. I will order it as soon as it comes out.

Anyone know how many of each card the decks come with?
Gliscor still wins the artwork award.

Steelix Prime actually looks good. 100 for five might be a ton, but with DCE, SME, and his first attack it could come up quickly.
Scizor Prime is good, especially his body (I remember it being translated somewhere).
Vileplume HAS to be like another Spiritomb...
Reprinted Defender FTW.
Why did they make a Lairon but no Aggron?
Lanturn Prime is cool. Especially with Gatr Prime.
Kingdra Prime is nice as well. Fire decks still aren't looking too popular.
A big dissapointment IMO. Vileplume is not that great considering it's a stage 2; even though tomb has to be active, it's only a basic. Steelix prime is terribad; even with energy accel it's going to take forever to setup. Scizor Prime is nice. Defender being reprinted is the best thing for this set. Kingdra prime has a really good power. Lanturn is terrible IMO. Tyranitar prime is *maybe* good; find a way to make it work and it will do good.

So it's not a good set overall, and it has a few good cards.
@FireMeowth: That works in both ways. If it doesn´t have to be active, then you can never play a Trainer at all (as opposed to retreating Spiritomb). It would be the perfect tech for Plox (too bad they won´t be in the same format), and even with Ampharos Pt, as the most important coming into play Powers will be out (although the SW one will be rotated). It would have a tough time against Dialga, though.
Wow Legend Box is just amazing. And its nice to see Rare Candy reprinted, couldn't imagine a format without Rare Candy =D. The Pokemon i really like is Vileplume (complete trainer lock and it doesn't even have to be active bad thing is that trainer lock affects both players and its attack isn't very good either).
I don't like this set that much, I do like these though
Sneasel(I think in a HGSS-on it could be good, especially w/Pokémon CLLCTR and that one card that searches for dark energy)
Prime Scizor(definitely my favorite out of whole set, I think it can be run as a better version of turbo blissey)
Prime T-Tar(only cuz of artwork)
The Legends
The Lithograph could be useful but just looks cool.
I was very excited to see the Eeveelutions return so soon in this set. Sadly, after readin the translations, it seems that only some of them will actually see some play.

Jolteon - Thankfully, I'm glad to see that they gave Jolteon straight forward attacks this time rather than its usual catch of having to discard an energy or two to unleash its full potential. A solid 70 damage for 3 energies will easily KO most pokemon weak to it, so it's a decent match up against a water deck, especially with Rain Dance becoming popular again. Agility? For one energy and 20 damage? Not bad for early game.

Vaporeon - This kinda dissappointed me. Am I the only one that thinks that this is practically a waste of an Eevee? Three energy for 30 damage to two pokemon? Even for a spread deck, isn't that overpriced? Then again, Rain Dance somewhat makes up for this if run in said deck. I hope Glaceon brings a better name to the "water-lutions" when it comes out. Meh. At least it's not restricted to Benched Pokemon. It can still hit the active... but just for 30.

Flareon - I think the only play this card will see is in a Eeveelution deck. At least it's handy against grass decks. I'm not fond of the fact that you have to discard a fire energy for its strongest move, Flamethrower, but then again, 3 energy for 90 damage ain't too shabby, either. There are better fire types out there, though, so this will likely be Eveelution-deck exclusive.

Espeon - I personally like this card. May give spread deck a hard time since, for one energy, you remove 4 damage counters from ANY of your pokemon (not just one) and "snipe" one of your opponent's pokemon for the same amount.

Umbreon - I look forward to seeing/using this card. The first attack explains it all. With powers and bodies still widely used on most attackers, I think this card will see somewhat common play as a teck against such pokemon.

Eevee - One word. Lame. I'll go with the Call for Family one from the Metagross vs Leafeon Expert Deck.

Overall - Considering the number of doorways for a number of good decks opening up, this round of Eeveelutions leaves me hungry for a lot more. The Eeveelution have a number of hurdles to overcome if they wish to become a good deck for the HS SS era. For one, they sadly lack the consistent strong attacks to to make an Eeveelution deck able to effectively take advantage of weaknesses. Jolteon and Flareon were the only ones that met the criteria, and aside from sharing Eevee as their basic form, there's absolutely zero synergy between them. Nothing supports each other. Secondly, energy acceleration is currently improssible for these Eeveelutions. The ones with 3-energy attacks (Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon) all require two specific energy types, so that therefore makes Double Colorless energy utterly useless. Rain Dance only works with Vaporeon, so unless a playable attacking Glaceon comes out (Glaceon for main attacking and Vaporeon for picking off pokemon on the bench as needed), Dance-lutions just won't be seen playable in the HS SS era. Unless energy acceleration improves (scream Double Rainbow Energy plz?), a reliable Eeveelution deck draw engine comes out (like Delcatty from Power Keepers at the least?), or Eeveelutions get remade yet again, it would seem that this era of Eeveelutions only presents Leaf-rade (Leafeon + Roserade) and possibly Dance-lutions (Rain Dance + Glaceon + Vaporeon) as possible playable decks while Espeon and Umbreon will serve as random additions for different deck variants. Glaceon, there's a great deal riding on your release. PLEASE don't dissappoint us.
wow....Tyranitar Prime is awful...just....awful.

I expected a LOT better from a Prime. Especially Tyranitar!
Same here.I'm a collecter...so TPrime would be cool for me.But at least they did good art. =D
In your translation of Scizor prime, you don't have the translation of the body. I would edit and add it. A lot of us know what it does, but still, its a must.