(1) Rumor: New Pokemon Greninja, Hawlucha, and Binacle Revealed? [9/29]

WitherSnow said:
Shed some light on this: Why would you give people a review copy and tell them not to focus on certain things. Wouldn't leaking these things generate hype?

Right now there /is/ hype; on the starters. Leaking the starters would make a bit of a splash, yes, but see how quickly the other 'confirmed leaks' lasted after being confirmed? I think they want the post-confirmation hype to happen very close to the release date; maybe 3 or 4 days prior max to the release date.

So everyone is flipping out over the starters as they buy their games, not before and calm down a few days and then get the games.

Am I making sense or
I really hope that isn't what Froakie's final form looks like...

I like the tongue scarf idea, but I hate the traingular body shape. I can't even tell if that's his chin or his thigh, in that picture! >_<
papakankri said:
The embargo on the information ends on the 4th, yea.
I've also heard that the only thing people with review copies can't leak come the 4th is details on the final evolutions of the starters.

Edit: Also, looking at the leaker with the Greninja and Hawlucha. I'm seriously feeling that Hawlucha's "varying color scheme" is just the issue with some bad lighting, but who knows. What I'm really wondering is why a level 63 bird that doesn't look like it's evolved has 192 HP. It seems kinda high. Although I'm probably just going crazy here.
That amount of HP is akin to an Arcanine's HP with an HP IV of 9-10 and no EVs. Arcanine has a base HP stat of 90. This means that Hawlucha's base HP would be somewhere between 70 and 100. It's a Fighting luchador, so I'd say it's definitely plausible.

I hope it's real. I like it a lot. >.>
Hawlucha's design isn't the most amazing thing I've ever seen, but I like it. More interested in its typing. I simply loooooooove when new type combos come out, and Flying/Fighting is delightful. (Still waiting for my Electric/Dark and Fire/Ice) 0.o
WitherSnow said:
Not just a huge news update a HUGe update. A HUG e upda te.

Shed some light on this: Why would you give people a review copy and tell them not to focus on certain things. Wouldn't leaking these things generate hype?

The reviewer I was following the posts of is not gonna be one of the ones to leak, they're refusing to tell anything that isn't on their ok list. They're not even testing out the multiplayer with other reviewers because GF didn't give him/her a clear ok on it. Not saying none will, but there are some that don't want to risk their jobs. :p

98Greener said:
Aside from starter evolutions, they could show the Pokemon we're talking about...
Binacle, Hawlucha...unless those were proved to be fake a few pages ago...

Depends if some reviewers have a different ok list, or what they're willing to risk. The one I was (stopped making updates and answering questions until the 4th, at the earliest) following doesn't have permission to talk about any of the pokemon that are not currently revealed. Hey, maybe some do, and maybe some find the thrill of the risk worth it.
Dropping a reminder to everyone that mentioning other fan sites is NOT allowed. It's been a problem in this thread and I will start issuing warnings if it keeps happening.
Frezgle said:
Dropping a reminder to everyone that mentioning other fan sites is NOT allowed. It's been a problem in this thread and I will start issuing warnings if it keeps happening.

If I slipped up and overlooked that error in my posts here, let me know. I am going back and seeing if I did indeed mess up. The site I mentioned is not a fan site, not really sure what it's focus (what it's about) was. Just for a note.
Binarcle is gorgeous and nobody can convince me otherwise. I'll be really sad if it's fake.

taycs said:
honestly i don't mind whether or not the "leaked" pokemon are real or not, it won't affect your gameplay if you don't enjoy EVERY SINGLE POKEMON EVER (personally i think those are some pretty believable designs given past generations) but i would like to say that i also immediately noticed the raging toe on hawlucha and i think it is hilarious beyond all explanation.

Somebody else said it really beautifully, but I'm too lazy to go back and find the post so they'll just have to be content with my recognition.

This is a message board. The whole point is to share opinions. If people weren't allowed to share their opinions, nobody would be here. And art is made to be critiqued, not just praised. If you don't want your stuff to get critiqued, you don't share it. So simple.

Shocker said:
If it was a bubble scarf, you'd be perfectly fine with it.
No, I would still hate it. It has an ugly body anyway.

And I know at this point it's futile, but just for the sake of stubbornness I still insist that the trademark of the Oshawott line was the whole shell blade thing, not being otters. :p

The name of a Pokemon is literally one of the shallowest arguments for fighting legitimacy ever.
We are supposed to learn from the past experience aren't we?

Learning from the Wottergate incident years before, we can assume safely that to prove some leaks as fake, you have to prove it by tracing it to the source, not by comparing the concept/design/art to it's previous evolution, since it's can be easily debunked. (Seriously, if you know how mad the fan during the Wottergate incident, accusing the now confirmed BW starter evolution as a rip-off of Milotic, Dialga, and Rhyperior :facepalm:)

By that, until now, i haven't seen an actual source of Greninja shows up giving up some proof of it's fakeness (as in their drawing process etc), the one on the 4chan doesn't count as a fake since they don't give the legitimate proof of it being a fake(oh the irony). If someone come up and showing their process of creating Greninja, like how the talented DA artist prove to be the creator of the rumored Gallantoad, by then we can assume that the pokemon is a fake.

Art/design comparation never makes sense when it comes to starter, as much as you want to point that out.
Random Lurker Post:

I agree that, on previous generations, final evolutions have deferred greatly from the rest of the evolutionary line and deceived all expectations; but never once had a starter lost all of its major trademarks. Chickorita keeps the leaf/buds/flower collar, and, as people have mentioned before, the leaf atop its head doesn't disappear, it merely transforms. Charizard grows wings, but Charmander's trademark trait is the flame on its tail, and the design is overall similar. Samurott still has the conch shells, which are oshawott's trademark, as well Dewott's whiskers. Blaziken keeps Combusken's color scheme, it merely changes patterns, and the biggets change it gets is a thicker layer of feathers; it still strikes some resemblance with its previous evolutions.

Greninja, though, has lost the most major signs of connection with its evolutionary line; the bubbles were clearly a prominent trait on both Froakie and Frogadier, as were the white spots on their nose, not to mention the round-shaped face. It is highly unlikely Frogadier's round face would suddenly transform into an extremely edgy one, which, to be honest, doesn't fit with the roundness of the rest of Greninja's body. It is also highly unlikely they would get rid of the frogs' characteristic "pop-out" eyes in favor of flatter, pointer shapes that reassemble ears more than anything that can be related to frogs.

Who knows, it could actually be real; I'm just throwing my two cents about it.
Exactly what Ririka said.
Also, remember that person who WANTS it to be fake will find some supposed evidence Greninja's fakeness, just as someone who likes the design would seek for "proofs" or it being real. Right now, it's all speculation and pre-launch fever. We must remember, that everyone here just wants to already play the damn game. Let it connect, not divide, okay? ;)
Being mexican and a wrestling lover I really really hope Hawlucha is legit, it looks amazing haha and could a have a pretty amazing evolution :p
FroakieCroakie said:
Random Lurker Post:

I agree that, on previous generations, final evolutions have deferred greatly from the rest of the evolutionary line and deceived all expectations; but never once had a starter lost all of its major trademarks. Chickorita keeps the leaf/buds/flower collar, and, as people have mentioned before, the leaf atop its head doesn't disappear, it merely transforms. Charizard grows wings, but Charmander's trademark trait is the flame on its tail, and the design is overall similar. Samurott still has the conch shells, which are oshawott's trademark, as well Dewott's whiskers. Blaziken keeps Combusken's color scheme, it merely changes patterns, and the biggets change it gets is a thicker layer of feathers; it still strikes some resemblance with its previous evolutions.

Greninja, though, has lost the most major signs of connection with its evolutionary line; the bubbles were clearly a prominent trait on both Froakie and Frogadier, as were the white spots on their nose, not to mention the round-shaped face. It is highly unlikely Frogadier's round face would suddenly transform into an extremely edgy one, which, to be honest, doesn't fit with the roundness of the rest of Greninja's body. It is also highly unlikely they would get rid of the frogs' characteristic "pop-out" eyes in favor of flatter, pointer shapes that reassemble ears more than anything that can be related to frogs.

Who knows, it could actually be real; I'm just throwing my two cents about it.

Your arguments against Greninja seem pretty flaky. Froakie to Frogadier to me seemed like he was losing bubbles, Froakie had a whole ball/bag of bubbles whereas Frogadier only had a strip of it left. Greninja does keep something around it's neck though (maybe it misses the bubbles). As for the roundness of the head. Frogadier's head actually did get sharper pointy.. thing.
Axell Starr said:
Nintenfreak said:
"I don't understand the love and attachment to [Pokemon I don't like]. I understand people have opinions but it is probably the most [stupid reason for disliking something] in the history of Pokemon."

It's a friggen Barnacle Pokemon! Have you ever seen a Barnacle? It's super awesome.

And that's what this thread is, a bunch of little kids, upset with designs they don't personally care for, acting like it can't be true because they wish it weren't. Seriously, it's Samurott all over again. Kids, your preferences have no bearing on reality.

Im doing this horseshit piece by piece.

It can't be true because it was confirmed FAKE! That usually means it is not true.
I don't need to wish anything. Again already confirmed fake.
Little kids?!? Im curious? How mature are you giving out these idiotic generalizations?
If you are trying to do some "hard truths" speech that you failed considerably.
In the end we may not like the designs but we can deal with it.

Also Binacle is awesome because it's a barnacle and it has two heads and it was not a Pokemon that you'd expect.

Ummm...why are you so mad? Theres no reason to twist other's words, nor is there reason to get upset in the first place.

Ririka said:
Then the arguments can't be used on Froakie.

The things with the previous starter is, we assume their main concept after it's officially confirmed.

- Oshawott -> Samurott, if it's still a rumor, everyone would be against this, since they think the main concept is being an otter, but it's a confirmed evo line, so we adjust the assumption that the main concept is the shell.

- Chikorita -> Meganium, if it's still a rumor, we'd argue that since Chikorita and Bayleef are "Leaf Pokemon" species, it should retain it's leaf on it's head. But since it's confirmed, we adjust the assumption that the main concept is the bud on the neck, because it's the only thing that shows improvement in the evo.

- Combusken -> Blaziken, if it's still a rumor, no one would believe this evo line, but then again, it's confirmed, alas, we adjust our opinion so that it's perfectly fine for Blaziken to be Combusken's evo.

Then again, as long as Froakie's evo not confirmed, we can't adjust our opinion purely based on it's design, since everything can happen in an evo line.

I to have run out of likes and like this post.

Zielo said:
I am one more "Wottergate" mention away from scouring the PokéBeach forums to find and read the thread where this happened if it still exists. My curiosity is burning. I know the gist of what happened but I want to see it for myself.

Here is what you want. This is what was posted yesterday.

I'm not really angry at anyone, and I'm not sure why the block of text I turned red keeps getting quoted when I never posted that.

Here's the thing, everyone calling fake doesn't want it to be real, they don't really have any proof. Leaks are rarely right, so it's the safe bet, and since it didn't fit some of their preconceptions about what Greninja should look like, they keep saying it's fake, with no real evidence. But here's what we know. The overworld shot matches nothing we've seen. the screenshots of Hawlucha and Binacle don't match anything we've seen. The images were made with a webcam. And the most important thing, no one has come forward to claim them. When people fake these things they come forward and show how they did it, always, because they like the attention, and this hasn't happened.
FroakieCroakie said:
Random Lurker Post:

I agree that, on previous generations, final evolutions have deferred greatly from the rest of the evolutionary line and deceived all expectations; but never once had a starter lost all of its major trademarks. Chickorita keeps the leaf/buds/flower collar, and, as people have mentioned before, the leaf atop its head doesn't disappear, it merely transforms. Charizard grows wings, but Charmander's trademark trait is the flame on its tail, and the design is overall similar. Samurott still has the conch shells, which are oshawott's trademark, as well Dewott's whiskers. Blaziken keeps Combusken's color scheme, it merely changes patterns, and the biggets change it gets is a thicker layer of feathers; it still strikes some resemblance with its previous evolutions.

Greninja, though, has lost the most major signs of connection with its evolutionary line; the bubbles were clearly a prominent trait on both Froakie and Frogadier, as were the white spots on their nose, not to mention the round-shaped face. It is highly unlikely Frogadier's round face would suddenly transform into an extremely edgy one, which, to be honest, doesn't fit with the roundness of the rest of Greninja's body. It is also highly unlikely they would get rid of the frogs' characteristic "pop-out" eyes in favor of flatter, pointer shapes that reassemble ears more than anything that can be related to frogs.

Who knows, it could actually be real; I'm just throwing my two cents about it.

The thing is, we assumed the previous starter's concept after it's confirmed.

I posted about this a while ago. Here's the link.

That's why we can never argue about a pokemon's evo based on it's design/concept only, since we're not sure what is the prominent thing about the pokemon, we're just assuming things.
The triangle things behind Frogadier's eyes, however, still have round edges if you look closely; Also, the tongue theory doesn't seem plausible enough to me, since it looks pretty odd and out of place; We can't even see where does it join with the mouth.

Also, I do believe that until we have a confirmation from GF I make a pretty compelling argument looks-wise.

Finally, as a matter of OPINION (mentioning for the sake of no striking up an argument), I highly doubt pokemon designers would make such an edgy, pointy face for such a round-bodied frog; it just doesn't feel right to me. Again, that is an opinion and not an argument in favor/against Greninja.
FroakieCroakie said:
Greninja, though, has lost the most major signs of connection with its evolutionary line; the bubbles were clearly a prominent trait on both Froakie and Frogadier, as were the white spots on their nose, not to mention the round-shaped face. It is highly unlikely Frogadier's round face would suddenly transform into an extremely edgy one, which, to be honest, doesn't fit with the roundness of the rest of Greninja's body. It is also highly unlikely they would get rid of the frogs' characteristic "pop-out" eyes in favor of flatter, pointer shapes that reassemble ears more than anything that can be related to frogs.

Who knows, it could actually be real; I'm just throwing my two cents about it.

Wha... you think Greninja differs more than Samurott, who not only goes from bipedal to quadrupedal, but becomes an entirely different animal? And grows facial hair? And sees two little shells become a giant conch helmet on its head, as well as shell-sword sheaths on its arms??? I'm sorry, there's no topping that amount of differences. Frogadier and Greninja are both frogs, similar in construction and posture. Their hands and feet, for instance, are virtually identical. Their limbs are identical but for Greninja's Popeye situation.


If it weren't for the tongue I'd say that was a safe and predictable evolution. Frogadier is obviously more angular than Froakie, and Greninja is more angular still. Frogadier does not have a round face, and in fact the spikey "ears" of Greninja are already present in its design, just closer to the front of its head. As for the bubbles, I could easily say the "theme" of Froakie and Frogadier is "frogs with scarves", and Greninja follows that exactly.

It doesn't make Greninja any more real, but the argument that it differs too wildly compared to previous final evos doesn't hold up, like at all
FroakieCroakie said:
Finally, as a matter of OPINION (mentioning for the sake of no striking up an argument), I highly doubt pokemon designers would make such an edgy, pointy face for such a round-bodied frog; it just doesn't feel right to me. Again, that is an opinion and not an argument in favor/against Greninja.

Yeah, the blockiness of the head makes it look part mechanical, almost as if it were a cyborg.
I'm back. (Sorry guys.) Honestly if Greninja's head and legs looked more like Frogadiers and he had the bubble scarf instead of the tongue he'd be fine.

Whats his face (Hawlucha?) is still kinda meh for me. He just doesn't appeal to me much

Binnacle's also still meh. Doesn't appeal to me.
Long time lurker dropping in! Gotta say I'm not 100% convinced of Greninja authenticity; something about the image looks a little off to me? I'm not sure what it is; I can't put my finger on it.
That being said...I kinda like it! Looks pretty cool to me I'd love to see it animated.

Now however; Hawlucha? I want fifty. Ha ha; I REALLY want this Pokemon to be real with a burning passion, I will actually be very disappointed if he isn't real. He reminds me of something out of the world of Zelda Wind Waker. I....love....it.

Binnacle; not exactly fond of the faces on the design, very fond of the animal it's based on, eh.