Oh, and just as a matter of opinion, I don't like how Binacle looks, but I don't think he's poorly designed. It think it's actually really fresh and original... wouldn't have him on my team because he's a little ugly to me... but good concept. Plus, he looks like he could evolve into something cool

(even if it's something similar with an extra head or two).
I think pokemon like Binacle are what makes the game exciting, and make me appreciate the Pokemon I like the design of even more. If they only put in pokemon I liked the look of, their would be like 200 dog pokemon, 30 dinosaurs and the rest would just be cute fuzzy things. Once I've played through Kalos and collected my favourites, I know I'll start wanting to look and train some "different" pokemon, So I'm certain I'd train one of those little guys eventually and even enjoy it

It would definitely grow on me (even if it's ugly).
Besides, if even one person likes a Pokemon like Binacle, I find it really hard for me to say "They shouldn't have made it" or "it's not original". Definitely don't like it, won't have it on my team, but at least some people are enjoying it and are excited about it

(though I do also appreciate those of you who don't like how it looks).
I personally think it might be real, just because it's such a crazy looking Pokemon, I can't imagine someone designing it as a fake. It's really out there, I don't think I've ever seen any fakemons based on barncles.