(1) Second Interview with Masamitsu Hidaka - Many Interesting Points!

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That was a really good interview! It's nice to finally know what was in the GS Ball. If you're able to get his e-mail address, will you ask him the questions you weren't able to get to?
It's good to know there will be more generations. It's hard to believe that there wouldn't be any new ones, but Arceus does seem to be like the most significant legend [myth]. We should know if Arceus the 12th movie after the credits of the 11th movie. Eh, maybe they won't be that revealing. :eek:
The more i hear about Ash, the more i find out how stupid he is. He walked for ages with Celebi on the GS ball and never used it?!!!?

Joking XP. Awesome interviewm WPM! Many of my questions were answered.
Cool interview. I hope you get his email so you'll be able to ask the questions that haven't been asked.
I hope Pokemon doesn't go on forever. I don't want to be like 80 years old and watching Ash (still 10) in the 20th generation of Pokemon! :O
Fantastic interview! It's so great you were able to speak with such a great man! :D

The part where he spoke on the females in the show is downright funny! xD
It's too bad he couldn't say more about Arceus or Platinum. It's probably not his area of focus. :( At least we know #12 won't be a placeholder, and will have a "new" Pokémon. As for a trailer after #11's credits, I think it'll feature the Lake Trio, if anything. (Hoping... xD)
You guys should keep in mind he works on Storyboard, and they probably have sworn to secrecy, to protect their jobs so they don't start talking about new pokemon and such. Still, that cleared up the GS Ball, though I was hoping they'd bring it back, or they could do a special with May.

I liked his answer about the new girls, but I wonder how the translator felt about that :D
Thats really a shame then. GS was probably my all time favorite Pokemon games due to the lenght and all the fun stuff and Pokemon you could catch. I would really like a remake. Ah only time will tell I suppose :p
Great job WPM!....

-So GS ball thing just ended up to be nothing in the end, huh! That I really did not like to hear.
-Happy to know that the generations will continue forever..
-One thing is not yet clear to me though-in the first interview he said that the 11th movie is going to showcase one of the new pokemon...was he talking about one of the yet to be released 4th gen. pokemon or one from a fifth gen.?
I'm just waiting for somebody to translate those audio files you took of both interviews. I get the feeling that the translator left some information hanging on both ends of the conversation...
Bangiras already listened to the first two interviews and said they were completely accurate to what I reported and to what the translator stated.
Great interview! You are indeed a lucky man! I have a question, did you get the impression that he visited Pokebeach? I know he probably hadn't heard of it before the first interview, though I'm curious if he checked it out afterwards.
Thank you for sharing those interviews! I'm glad there will be a fith generation. I had a question, Did Mr. Hidaka hint that pokemon will go on forever?
@Xanthophobiac2814: I don't think he visits the internet at all from what I understood. He's working on many shows and doesn't have time.

@PokemonObsessed: He said there was going to be a 5th generation for sure. He also suggested Pokemon would go on forever.
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