(1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

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I absolutely do not care if the evolutions are actually fake. All I am saying is that those "SCANS" are fake, and should be removed from the site, because they are indeed fake.

And once again, the REAL damning evidence that they are fake is Reshiram's nose.
It's Normal type according to this: http://pokebeach.com/2010/09/leaked-black-and-white-pokemon-information. I bet she has that afro-Tauros in her lineup.
Ever heard of something called a printing error? Or is Reshiram's nose deliberate and cunning way to communicate to an underground drug syndicate?
The better quality scans let me read what's actually written now:

Basurao - Depending on which version you have, one colored form will be easier to catch than the other. Also, not just water type moves, but expect to see other moves that utilize it's big jaw!

Yooteri - Cheer Up is a new move that raises attack and special attack. With this you can do lots of damage!

Desukaan - Mummy ability: When an opponent attacks, it turns their ability into "mummy" as well

Ononokusu - New dragon type move: Dragon Tail. After hitting, it makes the opponent switch pokemon

Doryuuzu - Drill Liner is a new ground type move that has a high critical hit ratio

Denchuura - New ability Nervousness/Tension, seals the opponent's berry
So this "printing error" magically makes these two pages numbered completely differently than all of the other pages (no yellow orb), and makes a physical impossibility happen?

Man, that's a pretty impressive printer.
I didnt even realise this but there is a pokemon with a pokeball on its head an looks like a mushroom, what a great way to hide
Yeah i didn't notice Pokemushroom either at first sneaky little thing. Maybe if you to pick up a Pokeball near a grass area it will turn out to be Pokemushroom. Can someone translate page 30 with the whole DS clock thing and if Pokabu is near Aloe ia it hers or is she still a normal type gym leader.
Look, I'm going to leave you to rant away, whatever the outcome. I really don't care what your opinion is, why would the person upload REAL scans as well as fake ones?

VulcanFlame - Its a bison. Respect my Canadian heritage ;)
I wonder if they would hide under that Poké Ball to get away from humans, or to trick them into picking them up so they can attack them? It is part Poison after all.

Also, I just got to add that I love Denchura's ability. Not so much what it does, but I'm glad it seems they're basing it off of real life taranchulas, which aren't the evil killing machines the media would have you believe. They're actually timid creatures. I've always wanted one for a pet but my mom is scared to death of them, but I've read a lot about them and how to take care of them. :p
I now fully believe the starter evos are fake beacause of Pokemon Pia. But the scan of the starters and the mascots are fake.
Yes! Clearer scans!
Ononokusu-Makes me love more then I already did. Can't wait for the rest of the scans come up!
Doryuuzu-.. color scheme, thought he was purple ((kind of like Zoruark who looked more... brownish before)) oh well, I like it nonetheless :)
Buffalon- Looks more fierce than Tauros! I like it. ((well yes, I know Tauros is a bull not bison.))

((I don't doubt the evolutions, heck the pokubu evolution shown with Aloe is real enough to me, I just doubt page 14/15, but Megachu has a good point... why would they do that? ))
new translations:

Bafaron - Afro Break, a new move only Bafaron can learn. The recoil is big but the damage is big too!

Dangoro - New move: knock down. Knocks down any flying pokemon, then the counter attack can begin.

Tabunne - It's not just cute, with its new move "healing wave" you can heal ally's health

Monmen - Only appears in the wild in Pokemon Black

Churine - Only appears in the wild in Pokemon White

Tamagetake - Clear smog: returns opponent's status changes to normal. It's head looks like a Pokeball, will your opponent be surprised?!

from last page:

Basurao - Depending on which version you have, one colored form will be easier to catch than the other. Also, not just water type moves, but expect to see other moves that utilize it's big jaw!

Yooteri - Cheer Up is a new move that raises attack and special attack. With this you can do lots of damage!

Desukaan - Mummy ability: When an opponent attacks, it turns their ability into "mummy" as well

Ononokusu - New dragon type move: Dragon Tail. After hitting, it makes the opponent switch pokemon

Doryuuzu - Drill Liner is a new ground type move that has a high critical hit ratio

Denchuura - New ability Nervousness/Tension, seals the opponent's berry
So was that root Pokemon running around in Pokemon white or could it of still been Pokemon black? All this information is awesome especially i can't wait for Pokemon sunday tomorrow. Yes there will be more scans.
Hoorah, new scans! I like all of the Pokemon revealed in it, including the starter evos. The new fish looks great, the cat looks promising (Dark type!), and Ononokuso is pretty sweet. As far as the coffin Pokemon is concerned, I think that everything went better than expected. It looks silly from the back, but quite ominous from the front. I also really love Denchura, and Tabunne looks quite regal.

I don't care about the debate as to whether the starters are good or bad, but do you think it's possible that the Stage 1's we have now and were leaked are (obviously) real, but perhaps the Stage 2's are inaccurate? What still has me doubting them is just how they were printed on that page, how they were the same size as the Stage 1's, it just looked awkward.
No sleep lost if this is or isn't the case, I'm just musing.
Hehehe, my logic wins again. Still, it is kinda odd. There's no crease line or anything - has it been edited?

That Mushroom will play a similar role to Voltorb and Electrode in terms of Pokeballs, I reckon.
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