(1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

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im gonna fight Dento because i'm choosing mijumaru (i love it =]). and for some reason i'm in love with the red head.
Aw, I'm kind of disappointed with the starter's.
Everything else is okay. Though I was hoping for a triple battle.
You hope I'm a chick? ....rofl someone doesn't read/look at people's signatures

And ah, playerking, I forgot about that. But still, I'm strongly convinced there's an electric leader, so I'm still immensely happy. Also, Poddo. Just, Poddo.
For them to come up with such originality this generation, and to still be stuck on a fire/fighting starter, it upsets me...
I Really Like The Yanappu, Baoppu & Hiyappu Trio. I Like The Emotion In The Artwork. I Really Hope to Catch These In The Games. As For Emonga Im Really Happy That There Is Now A Flying/Electric Pokemon. Nice Artwork!

As For The Gym Leaders I Hope I Get Face All Of Them, But If I Had To Face One It Would be A Tie Between Dento & Poddo.
xDD, I gotcha now...i just diddnt decide to look at your sig xD. Anyway, im not leaving pokabu after all the months ive loved him. You guys can go play with your otters and snakes, me...ill be in the corner with my fire pig :D
I admit the water dude is cool too, but he looks like Falkner a bit. Or Minato from Persona 3.

Anyways, the sexy leader trio aside, I love the three monkeys. I'm saving Pokabu for my English release starter, so I'll have Baoppu on my team for my japanese playthrough :) Also I can't wait to see the three monkeys' evos (assuming that rumor is real of course.)

Edit: Also, 'sall good Blizzz. I'm just strange and read all the sigs. But yay, Pokabu! Highfive for the firepig :)
I was about to say something about the water gym leader's name, but WPM has fixed it already.
But still, kinda disappointed for the mijumaru's second evo, I mean, Futachimaru kicks ass, but its evo is so "no no no" lol
@ReaperRayneShad Unfortunately, these rumors say there won't be a Dark type gym. :(

Off-topic: I'd like a Fighting type gym with a male leader as good as Poddo. Bruno, though not a gym leader, looked like a caveman. Chuck looked fat. Maylene was a girl. Brawly is the most decent looking Fighting gym leader, but he didn't appeal to me either. I want a Fighting gym leader who looks strong, yet doesn't look like a neaderthal on steriods.
Oh Yeah, Im A Bit Sleepy Must Have Slipped My Mind. Also I Read Somewhere Else That There Is Gonna Be 18 Pokemon Revealed In This CoroCoro. I Hope So But I Doubt It.
I wonder if the third evos will look any better. This Sugimori art is doing wonders for these evolutions. I'm just a little upset at another fire fighting.
A water move that burns? I like it! haha
It's gonna be different to play a game not knowing all the Pokemon.
Reliving R/B/Y :)
@lotusoftheleaf: I'm hoping for that as well. XDDD I'm so glad we can put the "are the starter evos real or not" debate to rest; it was getting a little tiring. *fanboys over Kon*
I'm disappointed in the Fire/Fighting typing too. I was really looking for to Mijumaru being Water/Figthing. Everything seemed to be pointing to it. I mean, using its shell as a sword and I think it was going to learn the move Reversal too. Fighting is my favorite type and I really wanted to be able to add Mijumaru to my team of all Fighting types. I guess I'm stuck with Poliwrath instead.
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