(1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

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Its Says On Another Website. That If You Choose Tsutaaja you face Poddo and his Baoppu, Like The Type Disadvantage Thing. It Sounds Like A Good Concept.
It doesn't matter if the starter page was fake because the real scans still proves the Serebii, and pokexperto, and WPM and everyone else is right about the starters. They're real.
Offtopic: Typlosion is a great Pokemon. If this is real which it most likely will be 20% sure it's fake i will love this gen the dog looks awesome i'm even forgetting about the whole no ties to old Pokemon.
All of the new ones seem so cool and fresh, that you don't really seem to need the old ones anymore.

I think Serebii just took it down because Pokebeach and Poke jungle also took it down. It still has a few things making it look fake, while the other screens appear to be real.
Who cares if starter page is fake? I do, cause they said pokabu was fire/fighting again. And i do not want that at all. Now i have hope : )
@psyburn yeah that was directed towards you. Sorry I keep forgetting that the quote button isn't working for some reason.

@Blizzz if pokexperto was right about all this, I highly doubt he will have messed up on something like the starters. Not trying to purpose downplay you and stuff but the facts add up.
Everyone, just because the starter page is fake, does not mean that those starter evo's are fake. Pokexperto claims that those are infact the real starter evos, and all of the new pokemon revealed confirm his leaks. So its either all real, or Pokexperto somehow made all of these scans and information himself. Which one do you want to believe?
@Chimchar: Eh....that was one effective troll then.

I guess N isn't a runaway prince either....
Not saying theyre fake, i know they're real. I just diddnt want pokabu to be fire/fighting like the previous 2 gens. Im one of those people who cant stand chimchar and his evos.
Yea the starter page looks out of the place. The fonts for the starter evo names are different, there're no orange-silver pokeballs behind their pictures AND THE PAGE NUMBER FONT AND STYLES ARE DIFFERENT. Ok the starter page's kind of crapped. But this doesnt really give us much hope on getting our starter's family's types changed, unless the starter information in the previous post about the leaked pokedex is also false. =\
Let's keep this spamming/flame starting off-topicness to a minimum here. I'd really hate to lock a thread for it again.

dmaster out.
XD what I meant was theres not really any point in complaining now. They are pretty much confirmed to be the typings that he claimed they are. I'v never really liked any of the starters except Pokabu XD.
The Pokexperto guy has either:
A leaked game;
A friend that has a leaked game.

Or is either:
A Famitsu or Nintendo staff member;
A friend to someone with the same stats as stated in the above option.
I was the first one who said the starter evo's on corocoro were fake guess i might be right anyway i guess this game is replacing the first gen Tabunne-chansey Bull thing-Tauros Basurao- Magikarp .I really like Basurao now that i've seen it's potentialy real artwork.
How could you hate Chimchar. It's not his fault that the creators made him a fire/fighting type. Anyways to stay on topic I am just a really, really happy camper!
When I was making the fanart for the frog one http://weyard.deviantart.com/#/d2yf3fk, Melkor gave me hex color codes for his colors, 2 similar shades per colored section. Leading me to believe that he merely had a collection of the sprites. (since most of the sprites only have 2 levels of shading, the highlighted part and the normal colored part)

However the artworks for some of them revealed in corocoro just now lead me to believe that he also had official artwork. Because the cat fan-art is so close that it could have just been traced from the original.
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