(1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

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halfrican said:
evilpacman said:
Please do not release the info! I think it would do us all a favor! Many want to be surprised and those that keep badgering you for the information are being ungrateful that you even gave any info in the first place. Its not their place to decide, its yours, but I sincerely hope you dont reveal anything more. UNLESS it is something that will be officially revealed before the games come out. I think anything else is just spoiling the surprise. Just my two cents.

Um, we're discussing the ethics of posting it. This is a forum, meant for discussion. At least I think it is. It's kind of a weak strawman to just whittle it all away to people feeling entitled. I haven't, nor has anyone else, demanded WPM do anything. I would never tell you to stop expressing your opinion that it not be posted, so you should respect my opinion that it should.

I feel like I dont have enough time in the day to look through all the posts and quote everyone that asked for him to reveal ALL the information. The same people tend to explain that he owes it to them because they were led on to think they would get it. That is not an opinion, that is what has been pervading these threads since he even claimed to have more info than what he revealed.
Perhaps one way to reveal gradual information would be to release it via quiz-type questions like the good old days of Pokebeach on the main page. Something like "Which Gen III Pokemon evolves into this fire/ground coal Pokemon? HINT: This Pokemon spends it's days inside a Fiery Path"
halfrican said:
I haven't, nor has anyone else, demanded WPM do anything.
felichar said:
yeah, exactly. please, show us the info you have. that will increase the numbers of visitors to the site and thats good ;p

Only had to go one page back.

evilpacman said:
Its true that people can choose not to look but that is not as easy as you think. Some people (such as myself) like to read discussion of the new games. You cannot maintain that you dont want to read any spoilers and continue to discuss the new game at the same time. Thus, spoilers inhibit people who dont want to be spoiled from even partaking in XY conversation.

^This. I don't want to have to choose between avoiding this site and trying to dodge spoilers in every XY thread.
felichar said:
i see that there is a lot of discussion if pokebeach should or not show the information they have. for me, i personaly think that they shoul since they are a site that brings to us all the information about the pokemon world. about those that say that dont want to get spoiled, corocoro, smash and other things does it, and if you dont want to get spoiled simply dont read it

It makes a difference.
When information is presented officially, it is well presented and in digestible amounts.

I hate it when there is low quality leaks of any kind. Because they always cause unnecessarily worse reactions in general.

I remember when the sprite sheet for BW was leaked.
-it looked horrible (with some saturated eyecancer blue and dark grey background), even though the pokemon designs were as good as any other...every generation would have looked ugly presented like that.
-it was too much to take in for people who are easily overwhelmed
For example
It makes a huge difference if you get a list of 150 pokemon sprites thrown in your face that you can scroll through in 10 seconds, or if you get to know their sugimori art ~5 at a time, and then meet them one by one as you progress through the game and actually take a moment to appreciate details etc.
Sure the average hater will still think Vanillite is an abomination when they meet it first, but at least they wont have "gen 5=abomination" as the basic unjustified opinion in their head before they even get the game.

I personally don't think either way is wrong here, as I trust WPM enough that it wont be the wrong info at the wrong time so to speak, if any.

Id love bits that spark speculation or hint at what kind of generation this will be.
I mean, how much can a pokemon game even be "spoiled." I could know the names and types of every pokemon in the dex and still have no insight into which ones I'll like. In fact, I haven't gone into a pokemon game knowing nothing about it since R/B/Y. When it comes down to it, a list of bullet points can't even tell you that much. We know he doesn't have a gird of pictures of the dex. It's unlikely that he has rosters of the trainers, locations of wild pokemon, or anything like that. If anything, it'll be some pokemon names and/or descriptions, some new attacks, new mechanics, etc. I can't recall a time in which I thought "man, this attack would have been cooler if I didn't know it existed before now."
evilpacman said:
felichar said:
i see that there is a lot of discussion if pokebeach should or not show the information they have. for me, i personaly think that they shoul since they are a site that brings to us all the information about the pokemon world. about those that say that dont want to get spoiled, corocoro, smash and other things does it, and if you dont want to get spoiled simply dont read it

Its true that people can choose not to look but that is not as easy as you think. Some people (such as myself) like to read discussion of the new games. You cannot maintain that you dont want to read any spoilers and continue to discuss the new game at the same time. Thus, spoilers inhibit people who dont want to be spoiled from even partaking in XY conversation.

I also use this website for trading and such and so I can avoid any XY talk. However, information spreads and no matter how much I want to avoid it but still use this website for other reasons, I will find out. Its like someone casually blurting out who killed Dumbledore even though you were avoiding that spoiler for as long as you could before the movie came out.

Point is, releasing spoilers is not fair to people who dont want to be spoiled. Not releasing spoilers is fair to everyone because the spoilers werent meant to be known at the time so no one is at a loss.

thats life, this is a site that brings us the latest news about the pokemon world, and since this is a big news
frezgle said:
halfrican said:
I haven't, nor has anyone else, demanded WPM do anything.
felichar said:
yeah, exactly. please, show us the info you have. that will increase the numbers of visitors to the site and thats good ;p

Only had to go one page back.

evilpacman said:
Its true that people can choose not to look but that is not as easy as you think. Some people (such as myself) like to read discussion of the new games. You cannot maintain that you dont want to read any spoilers and continue to discuss the new game at the same time. Thus, spoilers inhibit people who dont want to be spoiled from even partaking in XY conversation.

^This. I don't want to have to choose between avoiding this site and trying to dodge spoilers in every XY thread.
That's hardly demanding or feeling entitled. He even cited a reason to post it.
"that will increase the numbers of visitors to the site and thats good ;p"

I don't disagree completely with your side. It's hard for me to relate because I honestly don't care about being spoiled. Even still, I understand those who do. I think there is definitely a way to share the information conservatively in a manner that makes everyone happy.
halfrican said:
I don't disagree completely with your side. It's hard for me to relate, because I honestly don't care about being spoiled. Even still, I understand those who do. I think there is definitely a way to share the information conservatively in a manner that makes everyone happy.

I wouldn't really care if he released small tidbits over time since that's basically what TCPi does already. But the more he leaks, the more discussions are going to get flooded with people asking for all the info.
"You gave us this much; why not all of it? Why are you holding out on us?"
I don't think there is a solution that makes everyone happy; some people want all the info now, and some want to discover it in-game. I'd argue that conceding to the latter group would slightly more justified, since those who don't want to be spoiled can't be un-spoiled, and those who do will find out eventually anyways.

either way i think we've maybe opened a pandora's box
How about everyone shuts up about it because begging or arguing either way probably isn't going to change his mind? C'mon, people. Let's just revel in all the stuff we got today and be happy with it. Unpleasable fans are the worst kind of fans.
frezgle said:
halfrican said:
I don't disagree completely with your side. It's hard for me to relate, because I honestly don't care about being spoiled. Even still, I understand those who do. I think there is definitely a way to share the information conservatively in a manner that makes everyone happy.

I wouldn't really care if he released small tidbits over time since that's basically what TCPi does already. But the more he leaks, the more discussions are going to get flooded with people asking for all the info.
"You gave us this much; why not all of it? Why are you holding out on us?"
I don't think there is a solution that makes everyone happy; some people want all the info now, and some want to discover it in-game. I'd argue that conceding to the latter group would slightly more justified, since those who don't want to be spoiled can't be un-spoiled, and those who do will find out eventually anyways.

either way i think we've maybe opened a pandora's box

the info always gets out before the game release, now if its a few days from the release or months its the same, so i chose months
I made my account solely to post in this thread.

Personally, I want to hear the spoilers and everything our insider has to offer. To the few people who don't want to be spoiled, I completely respect that. But, I think it's totally unavoidable. Our guy has approached WPM with information (knowing that Pokebeach is a news site), so it's safe to say he wants this information leaked. No doubt other news sites are going to want to find this guy and they wouldn't hesitate to post this information. It would quickly spread and before you know it, X and Y have been mostly spoiled. I see no point in withholding this information, when it's more than likely going to get out anyway, whether another news site approaches our leaker, or he approaches them.

But, I'm mostly assuming all this. I also assume that our leaker, wants a reliable outlet for his leaks and that's why he's approached WPM. I don't know whether he'd actually want to make this situation any more complex by including other sites. But now I'm assuming far too much.

tl;dr The information is probably going to get out, whether it's through WPM or someone else
DorianBlack said:
How about everyone shuts up about it because begging or arguing either way probably isn't going to change his mind? C'mon, people. Let's just revel in all the stuff we got today and be happy with it. Unpleasable fans are the worst kind of fans.

You do realize this is a forum, right? o_O Debates and discussions are what keeps the site alive. Caring about spoilers doesn't make anyone unpleasable, either. I personally am very happy with the stuff we got today, as has been elaborated in other posts. :v
Gogoat said:
I made my account solely to post in this thread.

Personally, I want to hear the spoilers and everything our insider has to offer. To the few people who don't want to be spoiled, I completely respect that. But, I think it's totally unavoidable. Our guy has approached WPM with information (knowing that Pokebeach is a news site), so it's safe to say he wants this information leaked. No doubt other news sites are going to want to find this guy and they wouldn't hesitate to post this information. It would quickly spread and before you know it, X and Y have been mostly spoiled. I see no point in withholding this information, when it's more than likely going to get out anyway, whether another news site approaches our leaker, or he approaches them.

But, I'm mostly assuming all this. I also assume that our leaker, wants a reliable outlet for his leaks and that's why he's approached WPM. I don't know whether he'd actually want to make this situation any more complex by including other sites. But now I'm assuming far too much.

tl;dr The information is probably going to get out, whether it's through WPM or someone else

yeah, i agree, if the insider doesnt want the info to come out he woul never had reached WPM.
if pokebeach doesnt do it, he probably is going to look for someone else, and its going to a a loss to this site since he has tha chance of being the 1st
I have a question for WPM: what kinds of news is to be expected with those leaks? I mean, without giving anything, what would you have to give us? Names, designs, ...?
felichar said:
Gogoat said:
I made my account solely to post in this thread.

Personally, I want to hear the spoilers and everything our insider has to offer. To the few people who don't want to be spoiled, I completely respect that. But, I think it's totally unavoidable. Our guy has approached WPM with information (knowing that Pokebeach is a news site), so it's safe to say he wants this information leaked. No doubt other news sites are going to want to find this guy and they wouldn't hesitate to post this information. It would quickly spread and before you know it, X and Y have been mostly spoiled. I see no point in withholding this information, when it's more than likely going to get out anyway, whether another news site approaches our leaker, or he approaches them.

But, I'm mostly assuming all this. I also assume that our leaker, wants a reliable outlet for his leaks and that's why he's approached WPM. I don't know whether he'd actually want to make this situation any more complex by including other sites. But now I'm assuming far too much.

tl;dr The information is probably going to get out, whether it's through WPM or someone else

yeah, i agree, if the insider doesnt want the info to come out he woul never had reached WPM.
if pokebeach doesnt do it, he probably is going to look for someone else, and its going to a a loss to this site since he has tha chance of being the 1st

Exactly, that's what I think is truly at stake here, i'm not sure if page clicks are an issue or if Pokebeach even gets ad revenue, but this site would get very busy if they posted the leaked information.
Water Pokémon Master said:
I've been sent a lot of information but I don't think I want to make a ginormous post spoiling everything. If anything, I'll release it gradually. Or maybe not even at all. I'm not sure yet. It really depends on whether or not I think TPCi cares. For the card game, they obviously cared, but I think it's different when it comes to the games.

It would really help to know how much/what kind of information that is, to judge about this whole situation(of course you can't tell without telling, I guess)

I already posted part of this somewhere else, but since the discussion seems to take part here, that's my two cents on that topic:
IMO it would be fine to tell people, the reasons for this:

- people don't have to read it, he should do it under a huge spoiler tag, with disclaimers or send pms or sth, it should not be posted on the front page and to see it you should actively agree to view a large amount of spoilers

- who says all the information he got is right? Maybe some of it isn't, to know for sure we'd still have to wait for official reveal, right? I mean hypothetically he might just know some things and make up some random stuff to troll, nothing is confirmed until it is confirmed.

- didn't he say his insider talked to other ppl about it, too, even if he didn't, to me he seems like he wants the stuff revealed so probably he will tell sooner or later anyway and I would prefer finding it out on here and for ppl being optional to find out.

- it's not like any visual stuff(I guess? If so, visual stuff houldnt be revealed IMO), so even if all of it turns out to be right, there would be enough to look forward to, still, the pokemon looks, region, trainers...

- it wouldn't be anything else than it always was for us for pokemon games, normally we knew everything already before they came out here, and it never spoiled the whole game for me or anything(again, people do not have to read it), I know they are doing it this way for a reason, just saying knowing everything before playing the game never killed anyone...

- it's true that many people don't want to know this stuff, in fact there are many that don't want to know anything, what do they do? They just don't read it. Not telling us will not harm anyone, but would probably make some really sad, however telling the ones that want to know will not harm anyone either. The game will still be hyped and they'd still be excited for any official news confirming the 'insiders' stuff.(that's why I think it wouldn't harm TPCi)

- wouldn't it be nice for him, too? He got this extra special information on his website, wouldn't there be many coming to look for it?

On a side note: I think the big mistake that was made here is telling us that there is more information. It was not a good move to do so, and it makes people feel cheated of it and denied something they could easily have.
It seemed unfair to say, 'hey I have this huge bunch of super interesting, amazing news, but you know what, I'm not gonna tell you haha.' (I know wpm didn't mean it that way, but this whole thing s a not well thought through mess and it places him in a powerful position)
I feel like there was no reason to tell us he knows something if there's no way for us to find out that information, it just feels bad and unfair and annoying. But whatever, that's how it is now and we should make the best out of it.

I'm glad wpm is the one who knows this stuff, though, since he didn't just post it to get Internet fame or sth or spoil it for the people that don't want to see it. I'm sure he will make the right decision about it and I don't think it would be fair to attack him for whatever he decides to do. This is not a war and whatever he does some people will be unhappy about it.
We should thank him for being reasonable and accept whatever he wants to do.
i rather wait to get the info.. i'm not in any rush to get the info, i like being hyped for the game...

DorianBlack said:
How about everyone shuts up about it because begging or arguing either way probably isn't going to change his mind? C'mon, people. Let's just revel in all the stuff we got today and be happy with it. Unpleasable fans are the worst kind of fans.

heh it's funny cause some of them are begging for more info at the same time complaining about the new info...
I wonder how many people will make a team entirely from Fairy Pokemon and whenever they use an attack shout out, "<name>, I REJECT" as a reference to Orihime from Bleach.

Probably a lot.


Anyway, you know, if more bulky Pokemon learn that new Electric move, I can see some competitive value if it does considerable damage. But either way, this is some great news!
The next time I see the "people can just not read spoilers" argument, I'mma punch a wall. There are plenty of good points that people have brought up (better site revenue, it's probably going to get leaked elsewhere anyway, people are going to keep asking for it); all of which I think are valid, even if I still disagree with that ultimate decision. But it is nigh impossible, if you spend any amount of time on fan sites or even many social media sites, to avoid especially hyped-up information leaks. Just. arrgh no that doesn't work.
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