(1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

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I'm not sure yet if I want to know the other informations WPM has because I have no idea what they concern.
Pokèbass said:
Koga7737 said:
Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but in the press release, in the picture of the Pokedex, if you zoom in, you can see Fennekin, Fletchling, and Zigzagoon. I wonder if that means Zigzagoon and Linoone will be available in the wild from the start ^^

I don't think that is going to be Zigzagoon, maybe the gogoat pre-evo

If you zoom in on it as much as you can, it kinda does look like Zigzagoon (except for the face)
Alix Rooker said:
Reggie McGigas said:
I can't help but notice that there a ton of users who made accounts just to post on this issue. It's really intresting to see people's opinions on this matter!
Yeah. I've noticed too.
It's like they want the info, and create an account to inform WPM that they do.
Maybe he will create a post where he says something along the lines of "Since you guys are so adamant about me posting the insider info (or so many of us want it, incidentally), then I shall post some more tidbits on what the insider has given me."

I think it would be rather interesting to read what else the leaker has told WPM.

I think that's true, I'm one of those people that made an account just for this reason. I'm not new to pokebeach or anything, but I normally just read stuff and never had the urge to share my opinion, really.
However I felt very strongly about this topic and really wanted to share my thoughts.
The good thing about this is, whatever the outcome of it all, I discovered that I really enjoy these forums and the community, the speculating and discussions and I'm sure ill keep posting and being active :)
Giratina210 said:
Pokèbass said:
I don't think that is going to be Zigzagoon, maybe the gogoat pre-evo

If you zoom in on it as much as you can, it kinda does look like Zigzagoon (except for the face)
I zoomed in. It looks exactly like Zigzagoon's sprite.
Reggie McGigas said:
I can't help but notice that there a ton of users who made accounts just to post on this issue. It's really intresting to see people's opinions on this matter!

It is really important "information" that WPM got a hold of, I think most new members who posted here are curious to see if all this information is real or not.
I'm from serebii and I can attest that people there are talking buzz about all these new information that WPM posted.
That's why I created an account here to see what all the buzz is about. Plus, Pokebeach seems to be on top of the news lately.
Alix Rooker said:
Giratina210 said:
If you zoom in on it as much as you can, it kinda does look like Zigzagoon (except for the face)
I zoomed in. It looks exactly like Zigzagoon's sprite.
Yeah, i zoomed too. Two slots after the sprite there is a bird. "A taillow will confirm it being a Zigzagoon" i thought, but it's the new bird Pokemon, instead.
Plus, every time a new gen. is approaching, Gamefreak announce a group of Pokemon that are commonly scattered in first routes (Purrloin, Patrat, Pidove). So, let's think who are the first this time: Panchum, Helioptile, Fletchling and Gogoat. Gogoat is to big, naa, it will not be in first routes. So, what i think? That Pokemon is gogoat, pre-evo:

Why i am pinning this stuff about the first routes? Because in every RegionDex, the bird and other Pokèmon that you will find in first routes occupy the very first slot of the dex (Max. #25). The indicted Pokèmon is two slots back from Fletchling, it's impossible to be Zigzagoon. It will be most likely the gogoat pre-evo.

I hope you can understand all this brainstorming. Update: I know, that sprite is Zigzagoon, but i mean that - in my opinion - is only a placeholder.
Pokèbass said:
Alix Rooker said:
I zoomed in. It looks exactly like Zigzagoon's sprite.
Yeah, i zoomed too. Two slots after the sprite there is a bird. "A taillow will confirm it being a Zigzagoon" i thought, but it's the new bird Pokemon, instead.
Plus, every time a new gen. is approaching, Gamefreak announce a group of Pokemon that are commonly scattered in first routes (Purrloin, Patrat, Pidove). So, let's think who are the first this time: Panchum, Helioptile, Fletchling and Gogoat. Gogoat is to big, naa, it will not be in first routes. So, what i think? That Pokemon is gogoat, pre-evo:

Why i am pinning this stuff about the first routes? Because in every RegionDex, the bird and other Pokèmon that you will find in first routes occupy the very first slot of the dex (Max. #25). The indicted Pokèmon is two slots back from Fletchling, it's impossible to be Zigzagoon. It will be most likely the gogoat pre-evo.

I hope you can understand all this brainstorming.
I understand all of that, but it looks exactly like Zigzagoon.
Pokèbass said:
Alix Rooker said:
I zoomed in. It looks exactly like Zigzagoon's sprite.
Yeah, i zoomed too. Two slots after the sprite there is a bird. "A taillow will confirm it being a Zigzagoon" i thought, but it's the new bird Pokemon, instead.
Plus, every time a new gen. is approaching, Gamefreak announce a group of Pokemon that are commonly scattered in first routes (Purrloin, Patrat, Pidove). So, let's think who are the first this time: Panchum, Helioptile, Fletchling and Gogoat. Gogoat is to big, naa, it will not be in first routes. So, what i think? That Pokemon is gogoat, pre-evo:

Why i am pinning this stuff about the first routes? Because in every RegionDex, the bird and other Pokèmon that you will find in first routes occupy the very first slot of the dex (Max. #25). The indicted Pokèmon is two slots back from Fletchling, it's impossible to be Zigzagoon. It will be most likely the gogoat pre-evo.

I hope you can understand all this brainstorming.

It's so cute. More likely a pre-evo then. But then again, remember the picture that WPM posted about the supposed Fletchling evo and it turns out it was just some weird angle that made it look big? Perhaps it's the same here... deceptioooooonnnn
hever said:
Pokèbass said:
Yeah, i zoomed too. Two slots after the sprite there is a bird. "A taillow will confirm it being a Zigzagoon" i thought, but it's the new bird Pokemon, instead.
Plus, every time a new gen. is approaching, Gamefreak announce a group of Pokemon that are commonly scattered in first routes (Purrloin, Patrat, Pidove). So, let's think who are the first this time: Panchum, Helioptile, Fletchling and Gogoat. Gogoat is to big, naa, it will not be in first routes. So, what i think? That Pokemon is gogoat, pre-evo:

Why i am pinning this stuff about the first routes? Because in every RegionDex, the bird and other Pokèmon that you will find in first routes occupy the very first slot of the dex (Max. #25). The indicted Pokèmon is two slots back from Fletchling, it's impossible to be Zigzagoon. It will be most likely the gogoat pre-evo.

I hope you can understand all this brainstorming.

It's so cute. More likely a pre-evo then. But then again, remember the picture that WPM posted about the supposed Fletchling evo and it turns out it was just some weird angle that made it look big? Perhaps it's the same here... deceptioooooonnnn
Disgraaaaaceeee! Evil as plain as the scar as his faaacceee!
Deception! AN OUTRAGE!!! Disgrace! FOR SHAME!!
Alix Rooker said:
Pokèbass said:
Yeah, i zoomed too. Two slots after the sprite there is a bird. "A taillow will confirm it being a Zigzagoon" i thought, but it's the new bird Pokemon, instead.
Plus, every time a new gen. is approaching, Gamefreak announce a group of Pokemon that are commonly scattered in first routes (Purrloin, Patrat, Pidove). So, let's think who are the first this time: Panchum, Helioptile, Fletchling and Gogoat. Gogoat is to big, naa, it will not be in first routes. So, what i think? That Pokemon is gogoat, pre-evo:

Why i am pinning this stuff about the first routes? Because in every RegionDex, the bird and other Pokèmon that you will find in first routes occupy the very first slot of the dex (Max. #25). The indicted Pokèmon is two slots back from Fletchling, it's impossible to be Zigzagoon. It will be most likely the gogoat pre-evo.

I hope you can understand all this brainstorming.
I understand all of that, but it looks exactly like Zigzagoon.

Its probably a placeholder as Pokebass said
Alix Rooker said:
hever said:
It's so cute. More likely a pre-evo then. But then again, remember the picture that WPM posted about the supposed Fletchling evo and it turns out it was just some weird angle that made it look big? Perhaps it's the same here... deceptioooooonnnn
Disgraaaaaceeee! Evil as plain as the scar as his faaacceee!
Deception! AN OUTRAGE!!! Disgrace! FOR SHAME!!

He asked for trouble the moment he came!!!! Love that movie!
WPM, please don't post the news. Once that gets out it's gonna blow up around the Internet. I want to be surprised when I get the game and it's gonna be pretty hard avoiding that information.
Pancham said:
2) WPM will get +1 respect from many members because he is the "Messiah" of Gen 6 and has juicy info that no other site has.
Not really, this is not his info. Plus other sites can get this info as well.

Well the point here was that he posted the info before anyone else.

1) No matter how you look at it, WPM is not going to help patch his shaky history with Pokemon for stealing their thunder.
That was years ago. It's not as if Pokemon would sue him for leaking info.

He wont be sued, but I think he wants to be on good terms with them. It doesnt seem like they have a good relationship yet so why ruin that?

2) Pokebeach may lose some of its members for a short period of time (or maybe forever if they feel betrayed).
Betrayed? LOL please. One of the main, if not the main, reason why people go to sites like Pokebeach is to find out info about new Pokemon games and discuss them. Why lose members? What makes X&Y so much different than B&W that they will leave the site?

Either you took betrayed too literally or I used it too literally, but my point is that they would be upset about being spoiled. Because this game is much different. Its the first game in a long time that might not be leaked in full. A lot of people would love to play the game without much prior knowledge. Its sort of a nostalgia factor there.

3) Those who dont want to be spoiled will no longer be able to be active in discussion of the new games.
Surely those who discuss the games WANT to know confirmed info about what they are discussing? If they don't want to be spoiled eventually, they should not be using a site like this and stick to only checking the official Pokemon site

Not exactly so. I like to discuss what I think about the games and what I would like to see or what has already been revealed. I dont want to see the entire game unfold before I get to play it though. I dont think WPM should restrict who goes to this site by releasing massive amounts of information. Besides, I use this website for trading and card collection discussions too.

WPM doesnt owe anyone any information regardless of if you believe that he is being selfish.
Funny thing is, he does. He promised. Why would you post about how you were given a lot of leaked info and will only post more when some is confirmed? That is quite selfish. He should have said nothing if he knew he wouldn't post anything

I see your point, but a promise isnt a binding contract. If he feels he made a mistake then that is his decision. I still dont think its selfish because he still doesnt owe anyone this information.

Second, no one knows for sure if this information will be or has been leaked to ANYONE other than WPM, so there is a chance that if he does not post it here, we will not see it anywhere.

I'm not sure what you are confused about here lol What I'm trying to say though is that WPM might have been the only person approached with new information. He might be the only one that has all these spoilers. If he doesnt post it, its possible that no one else will. I'm basically trying to respond to the people that say that it will be revealed by someone else anyway regardless of if he posts it or not.

We can still speculate what he knows or what we think we might see in the games. We dont need hints, we dont need clues and we dont need to play a game to get it out of him. My girlfriend constantly asks for hints and clues about when I'm going to propose and where and all the stupid little details and it gets frustrating.
Who wants to speculate about something that the webmaster already knows about? He doesn't work for Nintendo, why is he so special to keep it from us. He would laugh at your speculations because he knows they are wrong LOL

Well, it could be questioned why we speculate at all. And besides, its what we have been doing since February when he got the initial information. I doubt he was laughing at us at any point when we were speculating. Speculation can be just as interesting and thought provoking as discussing confirmed info. Why not speculate what he knows? People are probably doing it already.

So, in closing... Take a good hard look at both sides. It is not fair to a number of people who want to be surprised for many reasons.
Yet they are using Pokebeach?? ?

Like I said, Pokebeach is more than just a news community, and I dont think its fair to single out certain individuals and make them feel like they have to avoid coming here to go about their business.

It is fair to everyone if no information is leaked, however. Everyone will always pull the "well the world isn't fair" only when they are on the benefiting side.
No it isn't. It's fair for you, not for me. If you don't want to spoiled, there are ways to avoid it. Get off the forums, don't click spoiler tags, stay only on the official site. You are on a forum speculating things, yet when concrete info is out, you don't want to see it? Good plan.

Speculation is interesting like I said. I like to speculate about things but I dont like to have the concrete info just poured out in front of me. When its officially released I know that I can look at it and not worry about feeling like there is going to be way too much. Its like a movie trailer. You like to see glimpses of the movie and its fun to speculate what they are, but why would you want to be leaked a bunch of important information or scenes before you can experience the whole thing? It takes away from the experience. And although that is a personal view, many times you end up hearing things you dont want to hear unintentionally.

So lets just try to keep the world fair here and not reveal anything to anyone.
And in the end, you just closed it by saying WPM should listen to your opinion by not revealing anything, classy.

No, I wanted WPM to consider my opinion but I also gave reasons why it might be beneficial for him to not listen to my opinion (the pros) He has every right to do what he wants. I'd like to see someone put more thought into their counter opinion than just "he owes us, I want to see the Pokemon" Explain why you think he should do it in as much detail.

My replies in Bold and red.
hever said:
Alix Rooker said:
Disgraaaaaceeee! Evil as plain as the scar as his faaacceee!
Deception! AN OUTRAGE!!! Disgrace! FOR SHAME!!

He asked for trouble the moment he came!!!! Love that movie!
Hell yeah!!
I watched it the other night. :3

Would anyone mind explaining to me what it is you see on that pic? Everyone is talking about a head and horns and stuff and I just don't see it :/
The colors look very gogoatish but I can't make anything of that bunch of pixels.
Nightingirle said:

Would anyone mind explaining to me what it is you see on that pic? Everyone is talking about a head and horns and stuff and I just don't see it :/
The colors look very gogoatish but I can't make anything of that bunch of pixels.
White head, small horns, bushy neck and beck, green tail, brown body.
Nightingirle said:

Would anyone mind explaining to me what it is you see on that pic? Everyone is talking about a head and horns and stuff and I just don't see it :/
The colors look very gogoatish but I can't make anything of that bunch of pixels.

It's basically a whiteheaded Gogoat with its profile facing to the right. The small black dot in the white area is its eye and behind it is a normal Gogoat.
Nightingirle said:

Would anyone mind explaining to me what it is you see on that pic? Everyone is talking about a head and horns and stuff and I just don't see it :/
The colors look very gogoatish but I can't make anything of that bunch of pixels.

ECHOxLegend said:

Oh now I see what you guys mean! Wow thank you so much, this really helped :)
It really does look like a gogoat pre-evo, in my opinion. Also, it looked like you'd receive/ride around gogoat in that city, so having some baby gogoats around there would make sense, I guess.
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