(1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan :D

P.DelSlayer said:
vinnie22 said:
I really hope this is not all the info we get for the whole month of june; we still know nothing! Whats the plot, gym leaders, evil team, professor, rival, elite four?? Hm's, Tm's? different types of poke-balls, Pokemon contests? New key character? Legendary types, 3 starters evolutions? Battle frontier, double or triple battles? HELLO! THEY REVEALED NEXT TO NOTHING!
HELLO! A new type announcement is easily as big as some of these, if not bigger.

CyberCat5555 said:
That dragon bat thing is gorgeous. I know that I will be getting that one.
Also, did Xerneas use Ice Beam? It looked like it, I hope its not an Ice type...
I am glad they did not revel Xern and Yvel's types. I am still going for psychic/electric, psychic/steel for Xern (it no longer looks like a fairy type, seeing the new fairy Pokemon) and Dark/Flying for Yvel, to balance out Xern's likely psy/elec type.

Small cutesy things =/= Fairy types. We only know Marill, Jiggles and Gardevoir are Fairy types, but they could be using these 3 to market the type because they're popular among fans.
I'm hoping that they will reveal a Fairy type that won't have the pink, cutesy design, just to see the amount of different directions they could go with the Fairy type.
I can still easily see Xern as Fairy type.
The move Xerneas uses looks like it could be Ice Beam, but at the same time it could be a new move.
(can you please give me insight as to how Xern looks like a Steel type? I'm not seeing it at all)
I'm thinking Dark/Flying for Yveltal as well.

I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan
I feel like LMAO so badly at those (whose name I will not mention) who has been persistent about how POKEMON won't introduce another type and started a war on this forum.

Regardless the source was right once again! Am really impressed with the new pokemon designs!
danio13 said:
Who here is going to nickname their Noivern "V-Scratch"....as in Vinyl Scratch lol
That is actually a really cool name! I might name my Noivern that!
vinnie22 said:
(can you please give me insight as to how Xern looks like a Steel type? I'm not seeing it at all)
I'm thinking Dark/Flying for Yveltal as well.
Xerneas has a sleek, metallic-black coat that is possibly reflective, as the spots on its flank could possibly be reflections of its antlers. The fur on its neck is a somewhat cobalt blue, and cobalt is a metal (also, blue seems to be the preferred fur color for steel types, such as Lucario and Cobalion). Last but not least, the glowing white blades on its legs look to be of a metal origin. I also made up a thoery that Xern may be a cyborg, and, in Pokemon, steel=robots. But still, this is just pure speculation, and I doubt anything about the legendaries' types will be reveled tonight, but you never know.
Out of interest, does anyone have a link to a primary source about what the Japanese name for the Fairy-type is written as?
Edit: Never mind; I was shown one. It's the same as it is in English.

Pokemon-Amie is like, Hey You, Pikachu! You're walking at a mall and making these weird gestures and kinda trolling the public.
Oh man, I knew they were gonna pull a fast one and show Pokémon off in the main presentation for the first time, but I didn't expect it to headline, and I definitely didn't think they'd reveal Fairy there.

I'll leave out the frantic fanboying, since that's been covered already. I do really like both the new mons, and a primary Flying Noivern basically confirms that Flying is going to be treated a little more equitably. I'll admit I was really surprised at the choice of Fairy-type rewrites they showed off - I'm still about 90% sure Clefairy is changing as well, but it seems weird that if it was, it wouldn't be included. Also wondering which of the other Pokémon in those evolution lines will be Fairy-type - Wigglytuff and Azumarill, obviously, but what about the earlier ones?

And how has no one made the link between Pokémon-Amie (love that pun) and the rumored "bonding" method of evolution for Sylveon yet? Seems pretty obvious to me that Sylveon will evolve via Amie, which might get tricky in future generations but is pretty cool just for the moment.
DorianBlack said:
And how has no one made the link between Pokémon-Amie (love that pun) and the rumored "bonding" method of evolution for Sylveon yet? Seems pretty obvious to me that Sylveon will evolve via Amie, which might get tricky in future generations but is pretty cool just for the moment.

I was the first person to mention Pokemon-Amie in this thread and I said it's the new bonding mechanic. A few other people have mentioned that it's probably how Sylveon evolves. d:<

They could always change its evolution method in the future if P-A is no longer a thing. They did that with Feebas, after all.
vinnie22 said:
I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan :D

P.DelSlayer said:
vinnie22 said:
I really hope this is not all the info we get for the whole month of june; we still know nothing! Whats the plot, gym leaders, evil team, professor, rival, elite four?? Hm's, Tm's? different types of poke-balls, Pokemon contests? New key character? Legendary types, 3 starters evolutions? Battle frontier, double or triple battles? HELLO! THEY REVEALED NEXT TO NOTHING!
HELLO! A new type announcement is easily as big as some of these, if not bigger.

CyberCat5555 said:
That dragon bat thing is gorgeous. I know that I will be getting that one.
Also, did Xerneas use Ice Beam? It looked like it, I hope its not an Ice type...
I am glad they did not revel Xern and Yvel's types. I am still going for psychic/electric, psychic/steel for Xern (it no longer looks like a fairy type, seeing the new fairy Pokemon) and Dark/Flying for Yvel, to balance out Xern's likely psy/elec type.

Small cutesy things =/= Fairy types. We only know Marill, Jiggles and Gardevoir are Fairy types, but they could be using these 3 to market the type because they're popular among fans.
I'm hoping that they will reveal a Fairy type that won't have the pink, cutesy design, just to see the amount of different directions they could go with the Fairy type.
I can still easily see Xern as Fairy type.
The move Xerneas uses looks like it could be Ice Beam, but at the same time it could be a new move.
(can you please give me insight as to how Xern looks like a Steel type? I'm not seeing it at all)
I'm thinking Dark/Flying for Yveltal as well.

I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan

Just because you don't deem something important doesn't make it any less important than it actually is.

Rusty Sticks said:

It would be super cool, if you wait too long to use a move or an item, if your Pokémon misses its turn or something because it was looking at you. Maybe if its attacked while in this position, critical hits could land more easily!
FT10 said:
Rusty Sticks said:

It would be super cool, if you wait too long to use a move or an item, if your Pokémon misses its turn or something because it was looking at you. Maybe if its attacked while in this position, critical hits could land more easily!

That would be a stupid idea
P.DelSlayer said:
vinnie22 said:
I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan :D

HELLO! A new type announcement is easily as big as some of these, if not bigger.

Small cutesy things =/= Fairy types. We only know Marill, Jiggles and Gardevoir are Fairy types, but they could be using these 3 to market the type because they're popular among fans.
I'm hoping that they will reveal a Fairy type that won't have the pink, cutesy design, just to see the amount of different directions they could go with the Fairy type.
I can still easily see Xern as Fairy type.
The move Xerneas uses looks like it could be Ice Beam, but at the same time it could be a new move.
(can you please give me insight as to how Xern looks like a Steel type? I'm not seeing it at all)
I'm thinking Dark/Flying for Yveltal as well.

I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan

Just because you don't deem something important doesn't make it any less important than it actually is.
Right back at you, just because you feel this is important, doesn't mean it is, don't get fresh with me; thanks:rolleyes:

vinnie22 said:
P.DelSlayer said:
vinnie22 said:
I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan :D

HELLO! A new type announcement is easily as big as some of these, if not bigger.

Small cutesy things =/= Fairy types. We only know Marill, Jiggles and Gardevoir are Fairy types, but they could be using these 3 to market the type because they're popular among fans.
I'm hoping that they will reveal a Fairy type that won't have the pink, cutesy design, just to see the amount of different directions they could go with the Fairy type.
I can still easily see Xern as Fairy type.
The move Xerneas uses looks like it could be Ice Beam, but at the same time it could be a new move.
(can you please give me insight as to how Xern looks like a Steel type? I'm not seeing it at all)
I'm thinking Dark/Flying for Yveltal as well.

I DISAGREE LOL; I could not care less about a new type.I mean the fairy type Pokemon thing is nice, but at this stage in Pokemon, a new type is not really that big of a deal or surprise. They should have released new types since the sinnoh region, but i'm glad your excited about it fellow Pokemon fan

Just because you don't deem something important doesn't make it any less important than it actually is.
Right back at you, just because you feel this is important, doesn't mean it is, don't get fresh with me; thanks:rolleyes:

Shocker said:
FT10 said:
It would be super cool, if you wait too long to use a move or an item, if your Pokémon misses its turn or something because it was looking at you. Maybe if its attacked while in this position, critical hits could land more easily!

That would be a stupid idea

I admit, its not my most brilliant idea to date, but its common sense, no? Imagine getting Karate Chopped while you see it coming vs. getting chopped in back of your head! Besides, if you take way too long to act, why shouldn't you possibly miss your turn? It would add more of a sense of urgency to battles.
So anyway, i'm hoping we get more information by tomorrow, thanks so muck Poke beach for the info.
vinnie22 said:
So anyway, i'm hoping we get more information by tomorrow, thanks so muck Poke beach for the info.

Considering there's more E3 and CoroCoro which could leak later, there's a good chance we may see more news!
Since it will probably be revealed soon, who wants to take a guess as to what Spewpa looks like? Also, what else do you think will get retyped? (besides Clefairy and Mawile)
I feel really bad now because, not only did it take me a few minutes to figure out the origin of the name "Noivern", but I just now realized the origin of the name "Pokemon-Amie".

Yes, we get that Kalos is France; no need to rub it in.
P.DelSlayer said:
vinnie22 said:
So anyway, i'm hoping we get more information by tomorrow, thanks so muck Poke beach for the info.

Considering there's more E3 and CoroCoro which could leak later, there's a good chance we may see more news!

Thanks i needed to hear that, i was really looking forward to much more news, many youtubers are covering x and y and are also telling me they are hoping for more.
Bootortle said:
Since it will probably be revealed soon, who wants to take a guess as to what Spewpa looks like?

I'm hoping it's like a pupal stage of a Spud Bug from Mother 3

All drooly and gross :3