(1) 'Thundurus vs. Tornadus Gift Set' Revealed [10/12]

ramsey1993 said:
I wonder if they are going to give out Promo cards at the movies again like they did in the first movies. ...
So they might do that or a wifi download or something cool. Maybe even give the Zekrom and Reshiram , from this set, as promos at the movie in theaters.
:D That would be great! I'll never forget my fond childhood memory of skipping school to see the first Pokemon movie, and the moment I was handed that "special" promo card on the way in. Totally worth it!!
If Nintendo did either a promo card giveaway or a DS DL, then I would attend both films, TWICE! {F}
[17:27:16] (me) << How many more times do you think PCL will reprint Reshiram and Zekrom?
[17:27:37] (Zyflair) >> one or two
[17:27:57] (Zyflair) >> any more and I will SERIOUSLY go and write them a personal complaint
[17:28:03] (Zyflair) >> you can quote me on that
Barf at these. Alternate artwork reprints are cool and all, but five of them in the case of Zekrom/Reshiram isn't.

I'm also tired of seeing every print of every BW Legendary card done in computer-generated artwork.
I don't see why everyone's so upset. Yeah there may be a lot of alternate art for Reshi and Zekrom, but it's not like you're being forced to buy them. We aren't even sure if America is getting these promos to begin with. They aren't even in an actual set, and hey they're still playable cards, so what's the big deal?
Charizard3712 said:
And your point is...? There are a lot of cards that would sell if they reprinted them, for example reprint Pokemon Collector and I promise you whatever set you put it in will make that set sell more bc of Collector being in there. My argument is the fact that I want different Reshirams and Zekroms with different attacks instead of the same repetitive one's we already have.
They sell to little children. That is who the game is geared toward, unfortunately, because people in Marketing obviously don't realize that the biggest contributors to the game are the older folks who have stuck around.

This is the sad truth of why we're getting Resh/Zek reprints instead of stuff like Collector/Catcher reprints.
If Nintendo made those they'd be selling like hotcakes! *hint hint*
Pokefan4000 said:
Because it's the EXACT SAME CARD. That's boring.

Way to miss my point. What I meant is that you aren't forced to buy them, they won't get in your way when buying packs, so why even care. Also did anyone even bother noticing that it's the 'Thundurus vs. Tornadus Gift Set' the focus it Thundurus, Toranadus, and the FA Landorus, Reshi and Zekrom are just add-ons to it.

Also Pokemon has reprinted Catcher in Japan a few times in decks, and Collector isn't even legal in Japan.
Way to miss MY point. Instead of making new cards or reprinting different ones, they reprint the same stuff over and over again.
And btw, buying packs is never a good idea. Unless it's a common or uncommon, you'll save more money simply buying individual cards.
Pokefan4000 said:
Way to miss MY point. Instead of making new cards or reprinting different ones, they reprint the same stuff over and over again.
And btw, buying packs is never a good idea. Unless it's a common or uncommon, you'll save more money simply buying individual cards.

Then why do you care!? If you don't like it then ignore it. This isn't Call of Legends where it was a set of useless reprints, these are two top tier cards, and again Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus are the focus of this, not Reshiram and Zekrom. Also way to insult Pokemon, they make money through boosters, and without that the card game would cease to exist. Anyway get your cards however you want, but don't insult others because they don't do it the same way.
"Way to insult Pokemon"? Dude, if you've been on these forums for THIS long, you would have known that several hundred "insult Pokemon". A few already have in this thread, and you target me. Please calm down or target everybody else in this thread. Preferably the former so we can stop this silly argument.

Though I believe I speak on behalf of the competitive players that could have gotten a new card to use instead of the 5th reprint of a card.
Yes I realized that people insult pokemon on a regular basis on this site, I notice that like 5 years ago. My point still stands, why do you care, and that was actually aimed at everyone.

Also all 6 of them are reprints, why does it being those two matter, this isn't even an English release...yet, but I still don't understand that massive hatred that people have for these two.
Since I'm trying to get banned, I'm going to say this:

Really people, are you trying to ruin your life? I see 18-51 year olds on this site and Pokemon is a KIDS game. Why doesn't WPM shut this crap down, and actually stop spending money on a failing forum site where I see 38 year olds. If you're offended, my job is done.
PokemonRulez101 said:
Since I'm trying to get banned, I'm going to say this:

Really people, are you trying to ruin your life? I see 18-51 year olds on this site and Pokemon is a KIDS game. Why doesn't WPM shut this crap down, and actually stop spending money on a failing forum site where I see 38 year olds. If you're offended, my job is done.


Made me laugh that you're complaining since you don't have the skill to play. Think of it like chess but with more luck :>

Have fun being banned btw (for whatever reason).
slickmario said:

Made me laugh that you're complaining since you don't have the skill to play. Think of it like chess but with more luck :>

Have fun being banned btw (for whatever reason).
Skill =\= Luck
Should have explained that more thoroughly...

Oh well.

If you don't like this site, then leave. No one is forcing you to stay here. Enjoy being the only 11 year old in the world who doesn't enjoy Pokemon.
PokemonRulez101 said:
Really people, are you trying to ruin your life? I see 18-51 year olds on this site and Pokemon is a KIDS game. Why doesn't WPM shut this crap down, and actually stop spending money on a failing forum site where I see 38 year olds. If you're offended, my job is done.
You sir, made my day. I like even more how you insist that Pokemon is only for kids, even though that's the more focused audience. The fact that you even say that your goal is to offend us makes this even more hilarious.

Frost said:
I'm also tired of seeing every print of every BW Legendary card done in computer-generated artwork.
That's not the problem. The problem is that they don't vary the effects on their art. It's like a one-trick pony with these artists.
The problem for me is more that I just don't like the CGI style in the first place, though. It's gotten better over the years but it still feels too basic and boring to me, no matter which one of the multiple CGI artists is doing it.

I prefer the hand-drawn artwork because there's many more artists/styles and each of the artists actually draw the Pokemon with different settings/poses/etc. Which I guess also leads to me agreeing with your point about the lack of variation of the CGI artwork, but even if the CGI art had more variety, I would still prefer the hand-drawn stuff.
Thank God Tornadus and Fliptini are in this or it would be a waste of money. ;p Reshiram and Zekrom are so few months ago.

dmaster out.
Tornadus isn't even that good, anyway...it'll be outclassed when we get Kyurem. Both serve the same purpose; to ease matchups against Donphan.
I wouldn't say outclassed. I don't see Kyurem/Zekrom being a very good deck lol. Kyurem will be good against Donphan, just really by itself.

Regardless, this is getting pretty offtopic as it's dealing with the cards in our metagame, not really the gift set itself. Carry on.

dmaster out.