(1) Translations of New BW4 'Dark Rush' Cards [12/2]

Sableye – Darkness – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[C] Confuse Ray: 10 damage. Flip coin, if heads your opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Confused.
[D] Junk Hunt: Choose 2 Goods cards from your discard pile, show them to your opponent, and put them in your hand.

what are "goods" cards?
Sableye looks like it will be popular. Slowking is interesting, but I think it may be overlooked. Entei-EX might be a good companion to ReshiBoar/TyRam.
entei is not good.

burn still needs a flip and can be retreated out of.

90 for 3 and a attach from discard in a format where typhlosion exists is bad specially when it gives up 2 prizes.
I think some of them are pretty interesting:
Sableye will for sure see play especially when Junk Arm will rotate out. But because it is an attack I think it is balanced.
Plusle might a decent starter, but i think it depends on whats the real card text and how good the minun card is.
Volcarona and Entei EX: I think together they could make a good fun deck ,too bad there is still this stupid coinflip...
Entei might also be a good Starter for Reshiram decks just an idea...
I don't care what anyone says. I like that Plusle. Sure, it costs an Energy, it has one retreat, and it requires a Minun on the Bench. Eight cards just like that is amazing.
I am thinking a Vocarona/Arcanine (from Hail Blizzard)/Typhlosion Prime deck could be fun. Arcanine can hit pretty hard and has a lot of similarities to Reshiram, and Volcarona can take advantage of the burns that Arcanine inflicts. Maybe Entei-EX coulees find a place in the deck, too!

And I am loving that Sableye. I know it takes up an attack, but that effect is just too good to pass up. It can also be used as Twins bait in some decks, while grabbing some items at the same time.

Darkness Toolbox is getting steroids from this set. Stock up on T-Tars now, while you still have the chance.
sapphirebirch said:
entei is not good.

burn still needs a flip and can be retreated out of.

90 for 3 and a attach from discard in a format where typhlosion exists is bad specially when it gives up 2 prizes.

Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about...

Second attack is great in Tyram. It might take 3 energy to charge up, but it deals relatively high damage and can charge up a few benched Reshiram even faster with Typhlosion after getting Fire energy in the discard.
Lol Houndoom Prime and Volcarona...call it...Burn Victim xD. Needs a good attacker and it's all set...
ISB said:
Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about...

Second attack is great in Tyram. It might take 3 energy to charge up, but it deals relatively high damage and can charge up a few benched Reshiram even faster with Typhlosion after getting Fire energy in the discard.

And with that retreat cost of 3, you'd have to attack 3 times for using Entei to not have a negative net gain, and how often are you going to get 3+ energy in the discard, 3 on a Pokemon, no Typhlosion up, and against an opponent that can't deal 180 damage in 3 turns? Pretty much never, unless you run Switch, but then its a rather clunky tech that doesn't increase the damage output, speed or consistency of your deck (in fact, it hurts all three).
Dark Void said:
And with that retreat cost of 3, you'd have to attack 3 times for using Entei to not have a negative net gain, and how often are you going to get 3+ energy in the discard, 3 on a Pokemon, no Typhlosion up, and against an opponent that can't deal 180 damage in 3 turns? Pretty much never, unless you run Switch, but then its a rather clunky tech that doesn't increase the damage output, speed or consistency of your deck (in fact, it hurts all three).

Omg a 3 retreat cost o:

My bad, didn't see that. Still, would be interesting to try this out.
icyFREEZEdragon said:
Sableye looks like it will be popular. Slowking is interesting, but I think it may be overlooked. Entei-EX might be a good companion to ReshiBoar/TyRam.
No,no,no. Entei EX IS a good companion to Rehiboar. I can imagine a decklist right now! I'm dying for it to come out-I'm trying to build ReshiBoar right now, and making a few changes will really help me, my budget, and my deck consistency.
I don't do competitive, I just collect. The effects and all that don't matter much to me, just the Pokemon and the artwork (I like it when cards have high damage and HP, though I never really use them that way. Entei-EX looks awesome. I'm excited to learn how to enter the contest!
EDIT: I went to the main Pokebeach website after I posted this, and they way to enter was just posted.
Am I the only one that sees just how disruptive Carnivine can be? For instance... returning a stage 2 Rare Candied pokemon... Is it on the bench? Catcher it out, then Speed Blow it back to the hand. Could be an interesting tech if grass pokemon ever get a good attacker and a way to accelerate energy (possibly with Shaymin EX?).

Vaporeon is a huge dissappointment. Based on this, the mediocre Umbreon, and the worthless Leafeon and Glaceon from the Resiram EX and Zekrom EX decks, the competitive future for the Eeveelutions in the BW era isn't looking so bright...

Sableye looks nice, but I'm a bit cautious of its hype. For one, we're in a format full of Yanmega Primes, Judges, and Ns. Secondly, you use an attack to get the two Item cards. Who's to stop them from slapping said Judge or N down to render your "attack" useless? Thirdly, it's from the discard pile, meaning that its early game potential is about as good as Smeargle (and we all know how that turned out). In other words, Junk Arm overshadows Sableye by a hundred miles. In a BW-on format, though, its future is debatable. I'm still not keen on using an attack to get the items, as N will still be popular and in-format.

Plusle is interesting and could be used as a starter with Minun. An 8-card hand refresher is just nice, and a potential replacement for Cleffa when the format rotates.

Entei EX speaks for itself. Sure, it's not a huge damage generater like Reshiram or Zekrom, but the ability to deal 90 damage for three energy WITH the additional POSITIVE effect of attaching an energy from your discard pile to a benched pokemon is just asking for it to be used in anything that runs fire energies. It'll surely see play when it comes out, and even more play when the format goes BW-on and loses Typhlosion Prime.
I really don't see anyone using Entei-EX. Sure you guys are saying it would be good in Reshipholsion, but you guys are living in the present. By the time Entei-EX comes to North America, Reshiphlosion will mainly use Reshiram-EX instead of BW Reshiram. and the EX doesn't discard energy. I don't see Entei-EX getting any play in any top tier deck. Sorry Entei.
Wes1234 said:
Am I the only one that sees just how disruptive Carnivine can be? For instance... returning a stage 2 Rare Candied pokemon... Is it on the bench? Catcher it out, then Speed Blow it back to the hand. Could be an interesting tech if grass pokemon ever get a good attacker and a way to accelerate energy (possibly with Shaymin EX?).

Vaporeon is a huge dissappointment. Based on this, the mediocre Umbreon, and the worthless Leafeon and Glaceon from the Resiram EX and Zekrom EX decks, the competitive future for the Eeveelutions in the BW era isn't looking so bright...

Sableye looks nice, but I'm a bit cautious of its hype. For one, we're in a format full of Yanmega Primes, Judges, and Ns. Secondly, you use an attack to get the two Item cards. Who's to stop them from slapping said Judge or N down to render your "attack" useless? Thirdly, it's from the discard pile, meaning that its early game potential is about as good as Smeargle (and we all know how that turned out). In other words, Junk Arm overshadows Sableye by a hundred miles. In a BW-on format, though, its future is debatable. I'm still not keen on using an attack to get the items, as N will still be popular and in-format.

Plusle is interesting and could be used as a starter with Minun. An 8-card hand refresher is just nice, and a potential replacement for Cleffa when the format rotates.

Entei EX speaks for itself. Sure, it's not a huge damage generater like Reshiram or Zekrom, but the ability to deal 90 damage for three energy WITH the additional POSITIVE effect of attaching an energy from your discard pile to a benched pokemon is just asking for it to be used in anything that runs fire energies. It'll surely see play when it comes out, and even more play when the format goes BW-on and loses Typhlosion Prime.
Entei EX is terrible. you do realize it has a 3 retreat cost? yeah ok its doing a mediocre 3 for 90 and attaching energy to the bench. what about after that? Retreat discarding 3 energy? it wont even be good with typhlosion gone.

also I keep hearing everyone talk about shaymin ex. Does everyone fail to realize its a card that only works well when your opponent has taken at least 3 prizes AND is frail and gives up 2 MORE prizes when dies?
Not really impressed with these cards so far. The best stuff is probably Dark Patch and Zoroark, both which have already been shown before. Hopefully there's some cool stuff we just haven't seen yet.