(1) Updated: 'Black' and 'White' Sale Deals [3/6]

I'm getting my Black DSi bundle at K-Mart, to get the free White game today. But now I see Target offering an exclusive art book, and I'm torn between where I should go. This is absolute torchure.
The toysrus that I went to didn't have wall clings, only the stylus kit. Kinda weird, and I heard all the parents of other kids, "The stylus is better than the wall cling, so its not a problem".

I wanted that wall cling.....
^Darkvoid means that they didn't even have the wall clings (at least that's what I think)

The TRU in my town didn't have any. The manager said the shippment was coming later and anyone that preordered can pick one up later as long as they had the reciept.
Gamestop really failed us this time.You have to pay the Pre-Order fee,and for what? 20% of the strategy guide that no one really uses? That's a let down....really.
The Strategy Guide deal Gamestop is giving is basically useless, if you don't plan on buying the Guide or don't have the money for it.....
Maybe Gamestop felt that the Shiny Beasts and Celebi were so good enough they didn't have to give out bonuses this time.....IDK
^Hmmm...thinking about it that may be true. But then again, the beasts were given away over Wi-fi too.
I pre-ordered yesterday at Toys R Us (that's right, yesterday!) and the guy didn't have any clue about the buy one get another 1/2 off. Whatever, I'm buying one, and getting one for my little brother. The guy did say he would be giving everyone who got black or white a liberty pass to get Victini.
My Toys R Us apparently couldn't find or didn't get the wall clings. Heck, it took them a while to find the Legendary Kits while we waited in line. I hope others were more fortunate.
Just got back from Toys R Us and everything went fine as far as I could tell. I received my 50% off, free kits, and wall cling (The employee said it was the wall cling, anyway. Just seems to be a giant sticker to me, but whatever) with no hassles at all. Hopefully everything went well for you guys.