(1) Video Game Showdown Info Released! [4/8]

"The competitors will be selected randomly from everyone who shows up. This is unfortunate, as people who travel far distances may be rejected."

Yeah. Despite the fact that this is now being held in the UK, I probably won't be going. I'm not going to waste X amount of money, traveling Y amount of hours, just to turn up and not even get selected. Heck, even if I did, I would probably lose to some Smeargle cheapness.

If you want a REAL tournament guys, check out the latest one being hosted on Pokebeach. :D
Yeah, I should be happy it's on Phoenix, and I could actually go, but for 5+ hours just to go there for a Shiny Milotic, isn't worth it. I probably have hacks, and their rules are the stupidest this side of competitive battling, so they'll have to miss me. ;/

dmaster out.
Wow Garchomp isn't banned? *Evil Laughter*

Eh not really I don't go to video game tournaments, but still with what I've heard Garchomp is a monster. >:]
ZOMG. I might go. I tried last year for the quiz thing and I got the invite. :p

I like how they are in different places instead of just 2. Hehehe... Garchomp. >:)
I really want to enter (I've always dreamed of going to Tokyo), but I'm not so sure based on this random-selection system. It would be so depressing to drive for 5+ hours from Massachusetts to Philadelphia only to not get chosen. However, I'm gonna EV train a Garchomp (muahahahaha) just in case. Still, though, the registration system is so screwed up... :(
Ah, once again I'm ignored by PUSA, when will Australia get fair recognition?
And random selection just sucks, because I think more then 128 will turn up to each event...
Spending the day in San Francisco would be nice regardless, so I think I'll go if for nothing more than to grab a Milotic at the tournament itself.
Everyone is going on about Garchomp being allowed but it's not a big deal guys. There are three things that make Garchomp less of a threat in 2v2 than in singles (where he is banished to the uber tier):

1) Garchomp's first STAB attack, Earthquake, is somewhat nerfed in 2v2. It strikes at 75% of its full power, like all multi-hitting attacks in 2v2.

2) Outrage will select the opponents Pokemon randomly. It's a pretty big risk.

3) Raindance is popular. That means sandstorm is not. You effectively have a useless ability. Also note that because raindance (and hail somewhat) is popular, Garchomp's x4 weakness to ice is going to stick out a lot.

Not saying that Garchomp is a bad Pokemon by any means in 2v2, but it's not the best either. D:
I don't know anything about competitive battling I'm just saying it because I've heard he's amazing. So don't give me technical talk please. ;p
Yes, Garchomp is a bit over-powered in OU but, like scampy explained, isn't all that useful in 2v2.

If I happen to be home in Texas on the 30th (about 50 50 chance) I'll be there to at least try. An hour drive to Dallas is worth a free event poke and a chance to qualify (though I can't say I'm all that competitive ingame... just don't have a lot of patience to breed heh) I'm excited for sure!

Still wondering why rotom is banned? He's available ingame at a level under 50 so I can't seem to figure out why he would be banned? Someone want to fill me in because an explosion-immune pokemon that has potential in hail might be fun...
Wow. When you put Tyranitar and Rotom on the same ban list, you know it's a sucky tournament. Really? Rotom?! Really?