(1) Video of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Pikachu in Macy's Parade [11/25]

I was THERE, they were really awesome, and it was really fun to see, and I was surprised to see Zekrom and Reshiram there, I just started freaking out there! I was also surprised to see them selling pokemon things at the stand... well, the only pokemon thing they sold was a Pikachu on a stick(tempted to eat it) but yeah, really fun, and they did a great job with the pokemon floats and balloons...
I forgot that 14 feet in the Thanksgiving parade means nothing haha. It was cool seeing them nonetheless. I'm glad they got the names right for oncem and I'm glad that annoying thing on Reshiram was hidden. If they removed it completely, I might like it more.

dmaster out.
when they mentioned 14 ft i knew they werent gonna be that huge in comparasion to pikachu since it would require more handlers for both balloons and with their wings it would be abit hard.i was very surprised that they actually got the names right and at least was shown.
well thanks for posting, but i mean for some people it may be cool but to me well, its just.. "little kiddish"..
k1ll3d said:
to me well, its just.. "little kiddish"..

you say that like it's a bad thing, lol

pokemon is very very kiddish. It was meant to be that way.
This is completely off topic, but the turkey I was making earlier turned out to be the best turkey I have ever had :D

And now, It is time to sleep.

I'd think they made a mistake so I can laugh. But the way they say Pokemon, (Poh kee mon) is just... unpleasant to the ear.
And, they really had to make it "Black Version and White Version". Version. ugh.
Well while their pronunciation of Pokemon was a little off (they put too much effort on the "E" sound) it was still good. They should just was the anime Poh-keh-mon is not that hard to pronounce. Although I haven't really watched the dub since after advanced battle so pusa may say slightly different.
I really don't think we have a standardised pronunciation anyway. Note for example: the western way of pronouncing "pikachu" uses a different "a" compared to Japanese pronunciation (westerners tend to use open rounded vowel, Japanese use unrounded, which leads to "piii-ker-chu" vs the Japanese "pii-kah-chu")...
I turned on the parade just in time to see these two floats. I like the way they looked like 3-D CG models well-detailed.
I thought it was funny the way they hid Reshiram's junk. Like everybody else is saying I thought it was pronounced Resh'-ir-om, and the way the announcers pronounced Pokemon bothered me, but I'm not surprised that they said it that way. I expeected them to be balloons, too. Lol, only fourteen feet? That's practically nothing.
Alright, no, they didn't pronounce them correctly. :/ I take Japanese, and Reshiram should be more like, well Re-shi-ram, but with a long "a" sound(it does not sound like Ram does!). Zekrom, meanwhile, should sound like Ze-CHROME, since the "o" also should be a long "o."

Still, the floats look nice. Probably would've been great to see them in person.
I love how this thread is now about the correct pronunciation of Zekrom and Reshiram. I didn't think it really mattered - aren't they still the same pokemon?
They were pronounced correctly. Just how Pikachu is pronounced different in English so are their names.
Shadow Arceus said:
I thought it was funny the way they hid Reshiram's junk.

I find it sad though. It goes against faithfulness towards the original design :D

Just like his saggy wingtips, I wonder why they couldn't make it not sag down.

vaporchu8 said:
Alright, no, they didn't pronounce them correctly. :/ I take Japanese, and Reshiram should be more like, well Re-shi-ram, but with a long "a" sound(it does not sound like Ram does!). Zekrom, meanwhile, should sound like Ze-CHROME, since the "o" also should be a long "o."

Yeah the "ram" in reshiram is pronounced like the way westerners pronounce "rum". Open unrounded vowels.

Still, the westerners are going to stick to the "ram" pronunciation for sure. The word "reshiram" itself is a romanisation of the Japanese "reshiramu", and there's always a phonetic distortion when you westernise a name.
Thank You WPM for posting. It made it easy to see what I missed. The fact they are advertising Pokemon Black and White already, I found surprising.
The announcers pronouncing Pokemon wrong did annoy the crap out off me. Sure, most people I know say it different depending on whether they like it or not (most of my friends say it wrong on purposes), but come on, this was an advertisement. I felt like I was watching Last Airbender all over again.