(1) Video of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Pikachu in Macy's Parade [11/25]

Sure, those could be the correct ways to pronounce the names in English, but they were definitely wrong from a Japanese perspective.

They should technically be Reh-shi-rahm and Zeh-chrome.
This thread is starting to sound like "Isshu Starters English Names Revealed".

Does it really matter how they said it? All that matters is that they still said 'Pokemon', and not 'Pokeman'. THAT would've been a problem.
they were definitely wrong from a Japanese perspective

Well the Japanese perspective is not the de facto standard. If it were, then the very idea of names getting translated would be non-existent, and all the Japanese names would be perfectly retained (you see that in most anime dubs actually)

Matter of fact was that those were the English names being pronounced. If you use the Japanese perspective on an English name, then it is rather Silly to do so, kind of like like using the English perspective to argue that it is "wrong" for the Japanese to pronounce black as "burakku".
Thought the floats were really cool and note that he said they stand 14 feet high if i'm not mistaken this is how tall the pokedex also says they are so this would make reshiram and zekrom life size pokemon as aposed to a giant balloon. and pretty cool that pikachu is celabrating hi 10th parade. Also like that they used the theme music from season one i think this is the best theme for pokemon to date
Cool floats, like a giant version of the figurines I collected when I was 8.

Frankly, I don't know why people get so bent out of shape over pronunciation. Who cares? I personally pronounce the names as Reh-shee-rahm and Zeek-rahm (the "rahm" sounding like CD-ROM). That's how I put them together in my head the first time I saw them (probably because I wanted the names to rhyme), so that's what stuck.