THIS is:
We are superior to nature, no one is arguing there.
Afs was. I was directing my argument at him, no one else.
No one smart anyways. But we are superior to nature for the wrong reasons that most think, including some you state.
Oh really? I think science would tell you otherwise.
The laws of physics were around before we were, and "nature" obviously knew about them.
Really? I don't think so. Yes, an animal will be aware of the laws of physics acting on its body, but it won't actually know about them. It will just feel them, not even think or care about what they are. Nature does not know about, or care about the laws of physics. It simply obeys them. However, we DO know about them. We made an entire system devoted to studying them. I have yet to see nature do this.
Just because we are able to do more complex things, again, does make us superior.
Actually, yes, it does. I would say that a dog is superior to a bug because the dog can do more/has a bigger brain/is smarter/etc. I don't think many people would argue with this.
It is what we do with our gift of knowledge that makes us superior.
How about you stop beating around the bush and just say that it is our gift of knowledge that makes us superior, instead of saying its what we do with it? The very fact that I'm smarter than my dog makes me superior to him. It doesn't matter if I actually go out and prove it to the world. All that matters is that I'm smarter. Therefore, I'm superior to him.
You stated that we are superior as we build rockets. True, and false at the same time. We built the rocket, so what.
Have you ever seen an animal actually care about trying or even caring about getting to the moon? I think not.
Animals, like dolphins persay, have an incredible amount of intelligence to boast about, yet they show it in their unique way.
They obviously aren't as smart as we are, or else we would be being trained by dolphins to do tricks, not the other way around.
We built the rocket, but we used it to go to the moon, further our knowledge of science and the forces around us, taught it to the next generation, thereby adding to the book of knowledge.
Even if we didn't we would still be far superior to everything else. The fact that we CAN find out about these things, or even care about them to begin with proves my point.
Animals learn intelligent things, but they do not pass it down(usually), as it is not an essential skill needed to survive, such as hunting, eating, mating, and so on.
Exactly! They don't care about such things as we do. They aren't smart enough. Doesn't that make us superior to them?
So that is my argument, counter if you will, I DARE YOU.
No, I did better than counter it. I crushed it into a pulp. Good luck getting around facts.