(2) 14 HGSS Card Images, New 'LEGEND: HeartGold and SoulSilver Collection' News [9/3]

Finnally, a good set. No more SP stupidness, no more 1 Energy Game breaking attacks, no nothing. The cards look awesome. This is gonna be the best set for a long time.
Nice translations! A lot of the attacks and powers are similar to older cards that I remember playing with back in the day. So far I'm loving it! :D
I love the LEGEND artwork. It's amazing.

Sadly, that's it. The mechanic is wasted on the calibur of card that they are. I need both in my hand to play them, and they suck worse than a lot of normal stage 2s? Riiiiight. I hope to see playable LEGEND cards in that set, though I bet they'll save it for later... I really hope these don't become like secret rares (aka useless).
I saw Rain Dance and then the game broke.

These cards are gonna suck untill the format is Legends on. Except Feraligatr.

Also what's the difference between normal and great Pokemon?
HGSS card images of the main legendaries, the starters, Red Gyarados, and....Dunsparce!

lol that is hilarious.
Chimecho3000 said:
HGSS card images of the main legendaries, the starters, Red Gyarados, and...Dunsparce!

lol that is hilarious.

Well, Dunsparce IS one of the most popular 2nd Gen. Pokémon...
It is here, at least.
This is interesting. One thing that I noticed is Ho-Oh's artwork. If you look at it, the artwork looks extremely violent and realistic. Same with Lugia.

Overall, I think the new mechanics in the set aren't great. I find it better to have Great Pokemon having their picture sticking out like the Lv.X's did. But maybe that's because I don't really like the new Legendaries. The artwork is really overhyped. I guess I can live with the set.

EDIT: Ugh. I saw Ho-Oh. It is another BS Charizard reprint. Same Body, but the attack requires you to discard one energy, not two. Feralitgatr is intersting. The Poke Power allows you to drop Water Energy on Water Pokemon. And it is as often as you like.
the set is becoming like yu-gi-oh .. *fusion and lost zone* i kinda dont like them but oh well .. i like meganium hehe ~_~
The LEGEND cards like AMAZING!
The artwork is beautiful. Can't wait for this set to come out. <3
I. Want. Ho-oh. LEGEND! =P

Artworks are amazing! True, some are lame on attacks, but still...it just looks so awesome!

Hope to see more of this set, so far Feraligatr is the most broken of this set. ;)
haha I like how the attacks look thrown on those legend cards, like "oh no! we forgot to add an attack! Quick, just wrap it around lugia's foot!"

Red Gyarados looks good art-wise. Wish I could say that about the stats too, but oh well :/
mmm, since when is lugia a water type?

Anyway, nice cards. LEGEND pokemon gonna rule the world with their epic artwork.
FireMeowth said:
I was wondering about that too...

Amt said:
*Plays Roseanne's and grabs both Lugia LEGEND cards*


Lugia LEGEND isn't basic, remember?

lugia is not a basic?? *i didnt read the full article sorry*

then what kind of card is lugia legend?
The Legend-cards are... Legend-cards.
WPM said:
For the purpose of using powers and Trainers, this card is treated as its own subclass, much like Basic Pokemon cards, Evolution cards, LV.X cards, and so on.
*GASP* A decent Feraligatr card, with...a broke power!!!? *drools* I've been waiting for this for a long time i've always loved Feraligatr. if they make another card similar to Suicune ex...

Hey hold on!? Weakness x2!!? great...its just like how is was before *crys* They beter bring out a stadium that eliminates weakness.
I just had a heart attack because I'm going to have to make blanks for these :| Interesting ideas, but I miss the LV.X mechanic already. Oh maaaan.... How the heck do I blank Legend cards?! XD

Also, it's the first time in about a decade that we haven't had Weakness and Resistance "swirls".