(2) 14 HGSS Card Images, New 'LEGEND: HeartGold and SoulSilver Collection' News [9/3]

I really don't like the x2 weakness to be honest. I don't like how easy it becomes to one-shot a person's pokemon.


(I also think the art on the legends cards are rubbish :X)
RE: (2) 14 HGSS Card Images, New 'LEGEND: HeartGold and SoulSilver Collection' News [

Pokefan4000 said:
Am I the only one who's complaining on the new Legend cards? It's very possible that you don't pull both of the pieces in a single pack, so you'll be trying to find the other half. The artwork is amazing, but does it really need to take up 3/4s of the entire card? I expect not very exciting attacks and powers/bodies or very small font. Oh well. At least with the fact that you need the other piece to play it, they probably won't be worth as much as Lv.Xs were.

And as if water decks weren't plentiful already, even more will be coming thanks to Feraligatr. I guess that's their way of bringing a bit of a broken unlimited deck to the modified format. Hey, why not reprint Professor Oak while they're at it?

Oh, yeah. And Totodile's pose reminds of the Hare Hare Yukai for some reason.

Metalizard said:
I'm not liking all these changes... All this Great Pokémon and Legend cards thing... just doesn't look like the Pokémon TCG anymore that I know since '98... Why did they stop with the Lv.X's? It's the first time I see them changing the game with new mechanics and cards when there's not even a new generation coming out... why couldn't they stick with the lv.x's until the 5th generation? then, they could make these great pokémon and legend cards to the new pokémon... and I liked the SP's too but it seems there will be no more...

And why did they change the weakness to +10,+20, etc. if they were going to change it back to x2? that's just nonsense...

I don't know if you noticed but the english versions of japanese cards are basically the same... there won't be any change in the cards' appearance when the set comes to America.... (except languange)

I agree with these... I mean, sure the Art is awesome and stuff on the Legends cards, but otherwise.. they don't look too great. And its going to be a huge pain to have to not get just one of the rarest type of cards, but TWO. Unless you get both in one back, which is highly unlikely.. The "great" pokemon aren't too good, aside from gatr, which is stupidly broken. I was hoping to have a playable Typhlosion :(... I don't know.. I just don't see why they got rid of Lv. X so soon, like usually they would wait to the next gen right? Idk.. just not what I was hoping for.. then again, a Dunsparce LEGEND would make me forget about everything else and super happy face.. xD
That Ho-oh and Lugia are just like O___________________________O. And you guys really just need to chill on the Feraligatr, it's obvious there's going to be something with these great Pokemon that will limit them in one way or another.

Also- I really want Arceus legend now.
Oh, GAWD. I personally HATE the new set. The LEGEND cards? Yeah, the artwork is sweet, no denying that. But seriously. What kind of fun would that bring to Pokemon? This is supposed to be for battling, but Lugia and Ho-Oh aren't fantastic! Feraligatr is unbelievably broken, and we're gonna have to find away around that. This set's gonna be annoying.
Well, the artwork for the legend card is cool but the thing is I'm already imagening a person buying a pack of this set and gets the upper half of the Lugia card (for example), sees all that water and only the wings and asks "what the...? where is the pokémon?"...
Also, seeing the (poor) quality of the American cards, there's the probability of somebody pulling a wrong-positioned-layout card (I don't know exactly how to call them)...
^LOL, that'll be funny. I think the artwork of the Legend cards will scare some kids. When I first saw the Lugia, I jumped back a bit XD.
Legends cards look amazing (I´m going to kick their asses with Machamp). Artwork for Great Pokemon sucks and their attacks and powers are unoriginal. I still wanted to see more Lv.X cards. There goes my hopes for Rampardos Lv.X >_<.
Its weird, I think legend pokemon are as artwork going to be modelled of their element. If you look carefully Lugia looks as though he is made out of water. Whilst Ho-oh looks like he was made from fire.
kashmaster said:
Its weird, I think legend pokemon are as artwork going to be modelled of their element. If you look carefully Lugia looks as though he is made out of water. Whilst Ho-oh looks like he was made from fire.

You know? I never looked at it that way, nice find there. ;D And again, come on people, stop complaining! Life's not a bowl of sugar! xD
dude this is not even what i thought it was going to be:( Yet the artwork is so sick man i wish i had a poster of that lugia on my wall. But still like metalizard said you get a pack and get a half of a card horrible. And with 8 great pokemon that is 16 parts that u have to collect to get the great pokemon. Just think if u get a box and u get 5 parts u will probbally get at least 1 complete great pokemon and would have to buy another box or trade a lot to get the other parts.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:({D}
I cannot possibly wait till when this set comes to America! I mean, even if the Lugia Legend card turns out not being the best one in the set...I will STILL make a deck on him because Luiga IS the best in my opinion! The Great Pokemon cards seem to remind me a bit of EX cards just a little with the artwork style and sorry people who think this set will stink but I think this will change the whole game in a good way, but only time will tell! :)
Well I'll start off by saying that this set will probably be the last nail in my Pokemon playing coffin. I will say that the artwork on the Legend cards is awesome! Thats about all the good I can say right now. Unless both "halves" of the Legend card will be in the same pack, these things will be next to impossible to get. Lets work on the assumption that you will only pull 1 half of a Legend per pack. Right now the average is 2 Lv Xs in a box. So that would mean you would get 2 halves of a Legend per box(unless PUSA increases the per box ratio), what are the chances you will get 2 havles of the same Pokemon. For example, you may get half of the Lugia and half of the Ho-Oh in your box. Then what??!! You have now spent about $100 and didnt even get a playable "Ultra Rare". Even buying multiple boxes doesn't gaurantee you anything. When Platinum came out I purchased a box from my game store where I run my League. I pulled a Palkia G Lv X and a Giratina Lv X. About a week later I purchased another box from a store about 25 minutes from the other and pulled the same two Lv Xs. If something like that happened with cards like these "Legends" I would be really upset! That would mean about $200 spent and NOT 1 useable Ultra Rare. I would have to hope to trade for the other half.
As for the Meganium and 'Gatr, what is with the Lv X-type border on the stage 2s?
I am starting to really worry about the direction this game is heading towards. I liked the Lv Xs, I didn't mind too much either way about the Lost Zone, but now "Fusion" Pokemon?? Pokemon has been its own game for 10 years, why is it starting to copy things from another game now?
DarkJawa, you are aware that the Legends are the fusion cards, right? A concept rarely seen in TCGs (if at all, the only thing I can imagine which comes even a little close is the 9 cards you have to collect to form a personality card in the old DBZ TCG), and not at all like yo-gi-oh or anything. The post in which WPM mentions the fusions was before the scans of Lugia and Ho-oh were revealed.

And whether they up the box ratio or not doesn't really matter, there have always been very expensive and very cheap decks. LBS was insanely expensive and AMU wasn't exactly the cheapest deck in the world either. If there's anything the last years have shown us, it's that decks don't necessarily need the most expensive cards to win, and I'm pretty sure this will be the case again.

Half a Legend can easily be traded with someone who has the other half anyway.

capt.penguin, the LEGENDS (you know, the big cards which are actually 2) are the ones which come in 2 halves, the Great cards come in the form of one card.

I for one really like the road this set seems to be taken, away from hyper-speed decks, less donking potential, and so on. And at least the Legend cards allow for legendaries to actually be broken without them being way-too-easy-to-get-out basics.
The Legend cards look incredibly cool, but that means you will more than likely have to search for the other half (not bad since some Basic cards are overpowered in a way I guess). I also miss the swish looking design on the Weakness and Resistance, but the layout overall is nice. I will probably end up buying this set when it's released (and then re-buy later in English). This just perks my interest in Japanese cards up another level.
The art on the Legend cards is insanely awesome, but the idea that you need two cards to make a complete one is stupid. And what's with the text? That will be a pain to play with. I'd rather have Lv.Xs. Besides, we never saw an Arcanine Lv.X.:( The Great cards don't seem to bad, but hopefully they won't zoom in so much on all of them.
PUSA didn't have to make 2 cards to make a pokemon. They just wanted people to buy more packs to get the other halfs. IMO even though the cards look awesome they have messed up the mechanics :(