Am I the only one who's complaining on the new Legend cards? It's very possible that you don't pull both of the pieces in a single pack, so you'll be trying to find the other half. The artwork is amazing, but does it really need to take up 3/4s of the entire card? I expect not very exciting attacks and powers/bodies or very small font. Oh well. At least with the fact that you need the other piece to play it, they probably won't be worth as much as Lv.Xs were.
And as if water decks weren't plentiful already, even more will be coming thanks to Feraligatr. I guess that's their way of bringing a bit of a broken unlimited deck to the modified format. Hey, why not reprint Professor Oak while they're at it?
Oh, yeah. And Totodile's pose reminds of the Hare Hare Yukai for some reason.