(2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed [1/13]

Cofagrigus ohmygod, I'm gonna feel strange every time I say it.

It's like if Pikachu were named Dikeachu... you know? People -- parents -- are bound to make it an issue :(

Edit: also, Sawsbuck is a really clever name... but think about Combee :D [honey]comb + combine + bee asdf my brain wriggles around every time I try to comprehend the cleverness.
EMOLGA is a typo, because it is the worst name for a Pokemon I have EVER HEARD.
I mean, it's a letter away from its Japanese name, the pun of Electric and Monga- a squirrel genus- is lost and it ends up sounding completely stupid.
Considering L and N are very close on the keyboard, I really hope this is a typo. Otherwise I'll break my positivity and name this the worst ever.
Of course, I won't use Emonga anyway. But it looks so cute and cool...
WOW. I hate nearly all of these names..

Sawsbuck with the Summer Autumn Winter Spring is pretty unique. I hate the rest of the names.

I kinda like Vulcarona a lot for Ulgamoth though. It kinda makes the Pokemon a bit feminine sorta to me, but that's just me. Coincidenally the Pokemon is similar to Mothra who's supposely a girl. o_o
^Yeah, an assumption based on new information complex. You'll get used to them and appreciate them, or should I list all of the clever puns?
Cofagrigus would have been better as Cophagrigus.
Oh wow, it looks MUCH better.
I don't really see why egrigous is part of the name, it's obviously coffin and sarcophagus distorted.
If you read my reply you'd understand why they've used egrigous. Egrigous means shocking, or terrible. Terrible Coffin.
But that would break the 10 letter limit :(

also YES list more puns <3 I'm so cheesy, I love puns. I'd rather understand them now than look back 8 years from now and realize that there is a pun in Dil Pickles. /fml
Braviary made my day. It's amazingly brilliant. I like Krookodile too, playing on the "crook", as in robber/thief. Cos you know, it's a villanous crocodile.

Yeah, there's some real gold in these names, for the most part I like them.
@viper fox I didn't read it, I had a different definition of egrigous. Thanks.

@taycs Oh, that's why. Well then I understand.
Rival Bianca eh?

Makes me think of my Ex Bianca lol She was crazy but sometimes that was a good thing she was never predictable lol.
Wow, if I can't pronounce these names, how do they expect 10 year olds to??? What kind of morons do they have writing these names?! This makes the actual pokemon look decent!

I was considering buying Black or White just for the heck of it, having played since the original Blue, but now I'm extremely doubtful. We've all been trying to deny it, but Pokemon is dead, at least in terms of quality.
So sad the pokemon dont look like there was enough thought put into some of them Isshu region became unnova now the english names are just as bad, a couple names could have been change but for the most part this game should have been kept more japanese names and stayed the Isshu region
@filmvisionary The people writing the names aren't morons, none of the names are hard to pronounce if you THINK, and don't complain about the Pokemon themselves in a name thread. I though this was over. Not being harsh here, but serious. If you believe Pokemon is dead, then leave the series or at least this discussion. You don't need to ruin our fun.
Eh, I've skimmed the list and most don't seem too bad. Though some are pretty hilarious...in a bad way. :p

I may post my likes and dislikes later.
DarkVoid57 said:
The pokemon company had officially hit it's low. Thes are completely sad names. A coffin called cofagrigus. I want to CRY at these names. Sad. Oh well. Once again most of these will be nicknamed theire Japanese names in my Black

Beggers can't be Choosers, at least in terms of Generation V that's the case.

It was bad enough trying to pronounce Hippopotas and Arceus right in Gen IV. Arceus having
to be pronounced (Ar-Kee-Us) instead of (Ar-See-Us) was pretty bad in itself.
Most of these names are respectable, but others are just complete gibberish. "Mienfoo", "Mienshao", and "Druddigon" don't bring about the image of an awesome hydra dark/dragon...

In all, I wouldn't shoot myself if these turned out to be the real names, but I wouldn't leap for joy either. They're so-so overall, with some really good ones thrown in, but until the next batch of "new" pokemon are revealed, I will consider this list merely speculation.
Lol "Unfezant" I think is meant to sound like "Unpleasant." A pheasant is a bird. And I can't believe they used Pignite, but on the wrong evolutionary stage.
@Fire_Master You got it ALL wrong. Deino, Zweilous and Hydreigon are the names of the three dark/dragons, they're all named after the german numbers for 1, 2, 3 based on the number of heads.

You should match up the names with the species so that you have a better judgment of the names, ok?
RE: (2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed

Serperior. Woah. That's pretty lame. D:
This is bad, to say the least. Most of these are really uncreative, but some are pretty amazing. Like Samarott, that's awesome. Goes in my top 10 list of Pokemon names.