(2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed [1/13]

^Yes, like I said people constantly orgasm over the Japanese names while in fact they don't even know the meaning of the words. Zapdos's Japanese name was Thunders- creative, huh? And don't forget Klink's name- Gear, Gear the freaking Gear Pokemon.
And Sawk's Japanese name, Dageki, literally just means strike in Japanese. No alternate spelling, nothing.
WPM, because you put'd rumored in "rumored", do it then mean that you believe them to be official? xD

Btw. the name "Stunfisk" is actually kinda clever. The danish word for fish is fisk, which is why I think its clever xD
Even though i dislike these pokemon (the ones i will mention) their names are the best ferroseed ferrothorn and pignite.
Deino, Zweilous and Hydregion are by far my favorite names and Pokes on the list. Great fitting names. Haxorus sounds awesome too.
Well with every passing day, these get more legit for me.

Ok I'm officially in love with Scraggy and Scrafty. Now I think these are right, but: Scary + Baggy and Scary + Shifty. I don't know if those are right but I like them.

Also I hope Genesect is a typo because I think Genosect makes more sense.....
Thanks for making the chart, WPM. Putting faces to the names, if you will, makes me like them even better.

I like how there was an added "i" in Cobalion -- makes it fit in better with the rest of the trio. It's the small things like that I notice. :p
CMP said:
Thanks for making the chart, WPM. Putting faces to the names, if you will, makes me like them even better.
Yes. That chart is great. It is a very good reference tool.
I'm probably not the first to notice but : Deino Zweilous HyDreigon

after using uno dos tres in the legendary birds they use the german alternative in the hydra-evoline :p
Mienfoo and Mienshao for Kojofu and Kojondo <3
English-names also give them more Chinese vibe in, which I like a lot :)

Names are all okay, everything souds cool, except Throh and Sawk from Nageki and Dageki respectivly. :\. They sound like a lack of inspiration to me, really. But I'll just name mine Nageki <3
Rumoured names now confirmed. Official Nintendo Magazine in the UK has revealed Doryuzu's, Mamanbou's and Kurumiru's names - they match.

Also attack names:
Opposition - Struggle Bug
Drill Liner - Drill Run
There isn't the need of the word "pretty sure", cause... they're all official english names. The only one, which I just think is a typo, is Emolga... :b
Don't know if something similar has already been posted here.

Snivy - Snake + Ivy
Servine - Serpent + Vine
Seperior - Serpent & Superior
Tepig - Tepid & Pig
Pignite - Pig + Ignite
Emboar - Ember + Boar
Oshawott - Ocean + Water + Otter (otter ultimately comes from Proto-Indoeuropean meaning water anyway)
Dewott - possibly Dew + Otter or Duo + Otter
Samurott - Samurai + Otter

Patrat - Patrol + Rat
Watchog - Watch + Groundhog
Lillipup - Lil' / Lilliputian + Pup
Herdier - Herd + Terrier
Stoutland - Stout + Land (From "Lander," German for "terrier"; same etymology, i.e. "terra, land")
Purrloin - Purr & Purloin
Liepard - Lie + Leopard
Pansage - Chimpanzee / Pan (genus) + Sage
Simisage - Simian + Sage
(Same etymologies for Pansear, Simisear, Panpour and Simipour)


Pidove - Pigeon + Dove
Tranquill - Tranquil + Quill (not quail)
Unfezant - Unphazed / Unpleasant & Pheasant
Blitzle - Blitz + Foal
Zebstrika - Zebra + Strike
Roggenrola - Corruption of Rock 'n' Roller
Boldore - Boulder / Bold + Ore
Gigalith - Gigas (Greek for "giant, colossus") + Lithos (Greek for "stone")
Woobat - Woo + Bat
Swoobat - Swoon + Bat

Drillbur - Drill + Burrow
Excadrill - Excavate + Drill
Audino - From "I dunno" + Audio

Timburr - Timber
Gurdurr - Girder
Conkeldurr - Concrete + Elder?
Tympole - Tympani / Tympanum + Tadpole
Palpitoad - Palpitation + Toad
Seismitoad - Seismos (Greek for "tremor") + Toad

Throh - Throw
Sawk - Sock
Sewaddle - Sew + Swaddle
Swadloon - Swaddle + Cocoon
Leavanny - Leaves + Nanny
Venipede - Venom + Centipede
Whirlipede - Whirl + Centipede
Scolipede - Skolex (Greek for "worm"; same etymology as Scolopendridae) + Centipede

Cottonee - Cotton
Whimsicott - Whimsical + Cotton
Petilil - Petit + Lily
Lilligant - Lily + Elegant
Basculin - Bass + Masculine
Sandile - Sand + Crocodile
Krokorok - Crocodile + Rock
Krookodile - Crook + Crocodile
Darumaka - Daruma
Darmanitan - Dharma + Orangutan
Maractus - Maraca + Cactus

Dwebble - Dwell + Pebble
Crustle - Crust + Muscle, probably
Scraggy - Scrappy & Baggy
Scrafty - Scrappy & Crafty
Sigilyph - Sigil + Glyph
Yamask - Yama + Mask
Cofagrigus - Coffin + Sarcophagus
Tirtouga - Tortuga (Spanish for "tortoise")
Carracosta - Carapace + Costa Rica (Nesting site of the Leatherback turtle, the closest living relative to the Archelon)

Archen - Archaic + Hen???
Archeops - Archaeopteryx
Trubbish - Trash + Rubbish
Garodor - Garbage + Odor
Zorua - From Zorro (Spanish for "fox")
Zoroark - Zorro + Dark
Minccino - Mini + Chino cloth
Cinccino - Chinchilla + Chino cloth

Gothita - Goth + -ita / Lolita
Gothorita - Goth + -ita, like Senorita
Gothitelle - Goth + -elle, like Mademoiselle
Solosis - Solo + Mitosis
Duosion - Duo + Fission (not "fusion" because it has a split brain, rather than two joined bodies)
Reuniclus - Reunite + Nucleus / Homonculus
Ducklett - Duck + Cygnet
Swanna - Swan
Vanillite - Vanilla + Lite
Vanillish - Vanilla + Delicious
Vanilluxe - Vanilla + Deluxe
Deerling - Deer + -ling
Sawsbuck - SAWS (progression of the seasons from Summer to Spring) + Buck
Emolga - Corruption of "Emonga"

Karrablast - Kaerat- (Greek for "horn") + Plastron
Escavalier - Escargot + Cavalier
Foongus - Fungus
Amoonguss - Pun from "Fungus among us"
Frillish - Frill + Fish
Jellicent - Jelly + Magnificent
Alomomola - Aloha (Hawaiian for "love") + Mola (Alternate name for the sunfish)
Joltik - Jolt + Tick
Galvantula - Galvanize + Tarantula
Ferroseed - Ferrum (Greek for "iron") + Seed
Ferrothorn - Ferrum + Thorn

Klink - An onomatopoeia
Klang - An onomatopoeia
Klinklang - Combination of its pre-evolved forms
Tynomo - Tiny + Dynamo
Eelektrik - Eel + Electric
Fun Fact! Gymnotide = electric eel
Eelektross - Eel + Electric + Boss
Elgyem - LGM "Little Green Monster"
Beheeyem - BEM "Bug-Eyed Monster"

Litwick - Lit + Wick
Lampent - Lamp + Entity / Torment / Lament
Chandelure - Chandelier + Lure
Axew - Axe + Hew
Fraxure - Fracture & Axe
Haxorus - Hack + Axe + Saurus
Cubchoo - Cub + Achoo!
Beartic - Bear + Arctic
Cryogonal - Cryos (Greek for "cold") + Polygonal
Shelmet - Shell + Helmet
Accelgor - Accelerate + ???

Stunfisk - Stun + Fisk (North European for "fish")
Mienfoo - Mien + Kung Fu
Mienshao - Mien + Xiaolin

Druddigon - Dragon & Ruddy
Golett - Golem
Golurk - Golem + Lurk
Pawniard - Pawn (chess) + Palliard / Poignard
Bisharp - Bishop (chess) + Sharp
Bouffalant - Buffalo & Bouffant
Rufflet - Ruffle + Eaglet
Braviary - Brave + Aviary
Vullaby - Vulture + Baby
Mandibuzz - Mandible + Buzzard

Heatmor - Heat + ???
Durant - Durable + Ant
Deino - Deinos (Greek for "fear," etymological root for "dinosaur") & Ein (German for "one")
Zweilous - Zwei (German for "two") + Perilous / Jealous
Hydreigon - Hydra + Drei (German for "three") + Dragon
Larvesta - Larva + Vesta (Roman goddess of the hearth)
Volcarona - Volcano + Corona (Latin for "crown" from Greek korone)

Cobalion - Cobalt, crafting material & color
Terrakion - Terra (Greek for "earth") / Terracotta, crafting material & color
Viriion - Viridian, crafting material & color
Tornadus - Tornado
Thundurus - Thunder
Reshiram - Rei (Japanese for "zero") + Shiramu (Japanese for "whitening")
Zekrom - Zero + Kuromu (Japanese for "blackening")
Landorus - Land
Kyurem - Kyuurei (Japanese for "flash freeze") + Mu (Japanese for "nothing")
Kekleo - ???
Meloetta - Melody
Genesect - Gene + Insect