Don't know if something similar has already been posted here.
Snivy - Snake + Ivy
Servine - Serpent + Vine
Seperior - Serpent & Superior
Tepig - Tepid & Pig
Pignite - Pig + Ignite
Emboar - Ember + Boar
Oshawott - Ocean + Water + Otter (otter ultimately comes from Proto-Indoeuropean meaning water anyway)
Dewott - possibly Dew + Otter or Duo + Otter
Samurott - Samurai + Otter
Patrat - Patrol + Rat
Watchog - Watch + Groundhog
Lillipup - Lil' / Lilliputian + Pup
Herdier - Herd + Terrier
Stoutland - Stout + Land (From "Lander," German for "terrier"; same etymology, i.e. "terra, land")
Purrloin - Purr & Purloin
Liepard - Lie + Leopard
Pansage - Chimpanzee / Pan (genus) + Sage
Simisage - Simian + Sage
(Same etymologies for Pansear, Simisear, Panpour and Simipour)
Pidove - Pigeon + Dove
Tranquill - Tranquil + Quill (not quail)
Unfezant - Unphazed / Unpleasant & Pheasant
Blitzle - Blitz + Foal
Zebstrika - Zebra + Strike
Roggenrola - Corruption of Rock 'n' Roller
Boldore - Boulder / Bold + Ore
Gigalith - Gigas (Greek for "giant, colossus") + Lithos (Greek for "stone")
Woobat - Woo + Bat
Swoobat - Swoon + Bat
Drillbur - Drill + Burrow
Excadrill - Excavate + Drill
Audino - From "I dunno" + Audio
Timburr - Timber
Gurdurr - Girder
Conkeldurr - Concrete + Elder?
Tympole - Tympani / Tympanum + Tadpole
Palpitoad - Palpitation + Toad
Seismitoad - Seismos (Greek for "tremor") + Toad
Throh - Throw
Sawk - Sock
Sewaddle - Sew + Swaddle
Swadloon - Swaddle + Cocoon
Leavanny - Leaves + Nanny
Venipede - Venom + Centipede
Whirlipede - Whirl + Centipede
Scolipede - Skolex (Greek for "worm"; same etymology as Scolopendridae) + Centipede
Cottonee - Cotton
Whimsicott - Whimsical + Cotton
Petilil - Petit + Lily
Lilligant - Lily + Elegant
Basculin - Bass + Masculine
Sandile - Sand + Crocodile
Krokorok - Crocodile + Rock
Krookodile - Crook + Crocodile
Darumaka - Daruma
Darmanitan - Dharma + Orangutan
Maractus - Maraca + Cactus
Dwebble - Dwell + Pebble
Crustle - Crust + Muscle, probably
Scraggy - Scrappy & Baggy
Scrafty - Scrappy & Crafty
Sigilyph - Sigil + Glyph
Yamask - Yama + Mask
Cofagrigus - Coffin + Sarcophagus
Tirtouga - Tortuga (Spanish for "tortoise")
Carracosta - Carapace + Costa Rica (Nesting site of the Leatherback turtle, the closest living relative to the Archelon)
Archen - Archaic + Hen???
Archeops - Archaeopteryx
Trubbish - Trash + Rubbish
Garodor - Garbage + Odor
Zorua - From Zorro (Spanish for "fox")
Zoroark - Zorro + Dark
Minccino - Mini + Chino cloth
Cinccino - Chinchilla + Chino cloth
Gothita - Goth + -ita / Lolita
Gothorita - Goth + -ita, like Senorita
Gothitelle - Goth + -elle, like Mademoiselle
Solosis - Solo + Mitosis
Duosion - Duo + Fission (not "fusion" because it has a split brain, rather than two joined bodies)
Reuniclus - Reunite + Nucleus / Homonculus
Ducklett - Duck + Cygnet
Swanna - Swan
Vanillite - Vanilla + Lite
Vanillish - Vanilla + Delicious
Vanilluxe - Vanilla + Deluxe
Deerling - Deer + -ling
Sawsbuck - SAWS (progression of the seasons from Summer to Spring) + Buck
Emolga - Corruption of "Emonga"
Karrablast - Kaerat- (Greek for "horn") + Plastron
Escavalier - Escargot + Cavalier
Foongus - Fungus
Amoonguss - Pun from "Fungus among us"
Frillish - Frill + Fish
Jellicent - Jelly + Magnificent
Alomomola - Aloha (Hawaiian for "love") + Mola (Alternate name for the sunfish)
Joltik - Jolt + Tick
Galvantula - Galvanize + Tarantula
Ferroseed - Ferrum (Greek for "iron") + Seed
Ferrothorn - Ferrum + Thorn
Klink - An onomatopoeia
Klang - An onomatopoeia
Klinklang - Combination of its pre-evolved forms
Tynomo - Tiny + Dynamo
Eelektrik - Eel + Electric
Fun Fact! Gymnotide = electric eel
Eelektross - Eel + Electric + Boss
Elgyem - LGM "Little Green Monster"
Beheeyem - BEM "Bug-Eyed Monster"
Litwick - Lit + Wick
Lampent - Lamp + Entity / Torment / Lament
Chandelure - Chandelier + Lure
Axew - Axe + Hew
Fraxure - Fracture & Axe
Haxorus - Hack + Axe + Saurus
Cubchoo - Cub + Achoo!
Beartic - Bear + Arctic
Cryogonal - Cryos (Greek for "cold") + Polygonal
Shelmet - Shell + Helmet
Accelgor - Accelerate + ???
Stunfisk - Stun + Fisk (North European for "fish")
Mienfoo - Mien + Kung Fu
Mienshao - Mien + Xiaolin
Druddigon - Dragon & Ruddy
Golett - Golem
Golurk - Golem + Lurk
Pawniard - Pawn (chess) + Palliard / Poignard
Bisharp - Bishop (chess) + Sharp
Bouffalant - Buffalo & Bouffant
Rufflet - Ruffle + Eaglet
Braviary - Brave + Aviary
Vullaby - Vulture + Baby
Mandibuzz - Mandible + Buzzard
Heatmor - Heat + ???
Durant - Durable + Ant
Deino - Deinos (Greek for "fear," etymological root for "dinosaur") & Ein (German for "one")
Zweilous - Zwei (German for "two") + Perilous / Jealous
Hydreigon - Hydra + Drei (German for "three") + Dragon
Larvesta - Larva + Vesta (Roman goddess of the hearth)
Volcarona - Volcano + Corona (Latin for "crown" from Greek korone)
Cobalion - Cobalt, crafting material & color
Terrakion - Terra (Greek for "earth") / Terracotta, crafting material & color
Viriion - Viridian, crafting material & color
Tornadus - Tornado
Thundurus - Thunder
Reshiram - Rei (Japanese for "zero") + Shiramu (Japanese for "whitening")
Zekrom - Zero + Kuromu (Japanese for "blackening")
Landorus - Land
Kyurem - Kyuurei (Japanese for "flash freeze") + Mu (Japanese for "nothing")
Kekleo - ???
Meloetta - Melody
Genesect - Gene + Insect