(2) Koromori Confirmed, Toys Reveal a New Pokemon? [7/6]

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Darkrai_Shadowforce said:
Zoroark is a fox. :p

Anyway, don't bother with that user. Don't waste your time on someone like him/her.

Coromori looks awesome as heck. His animation is awesome too.

I always think Wolf when I look at him. xD

And yes. He does. And it is.
re pokemon's name

this dinosaur like Pokemon from July 1st between Iris and Jessie is called namakusu thank me halfly and the post from giancarloparimango11's post on youtube pokemon black and white update july 8
Every time i see that pseudo-dragon-lengendary of the 5 gen

i cant see that things as tusk i always remember a mustache D:
RE: re pokemon's name

omahanime said:
I think of Larvitar when I see it.

maybe just in that toy, because those toys make them chubby.

But if you look at the beta art, he doesn't look like one, and he's a bit skinny.
RE: Toys Reveal New Pokemon?

Gushy said:
I just had the crazy thought that maybe the Larvitar-looking Pokemon's evolution will be this guy!


Lol, yes, I used the artwork Xous made.

you guys are mental! its obviously the pseudo! and Kibago obviously evolves into ononokusu!!
RE: Toys Reveal New Pokemon?

SupremeRk9 said:
you guys are mental! its obviously the pseudo! and Kibago obviously evolves into ononokusu!!

Don't post in threads that haven't had replies in it for two weeks. You can discuss B/W in the Current Event Forum.


dmaster out.
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