(2) Koromori Confirmed, Toys Reveal a New Pokemon? [7/6]

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i hope this koromori will replace zubat cause im tired of fighting with zubat~and that white bat is really2 adorable~i hope it not bitey~

for nenuzura,,i think its a psychic bird like natu,,,because "nen" bring the meaning of sense or psy and "uzura" give the meaning of quail,,,and its probably not mamepato evo,,

For Tsutaja,,,the word "Tsuta" is ivy and 'ja' is like the devil/thief,,,,maybe a devil/thief ivy~ and for Tsutawaiya maybe wire of ivy??,,haha,,

For Namakusu,,,'Nama' is raw/uncooked and 'kusu' is a kind of tree called Camphor?,,i dont know the relation between the pokemon and the tree itself,,maybe they live near the tree?,,For Ononokusu,,'Ono' is axe and 'kusu' is same with above,,,which means The Camphor's axe? maybe the protector of these tree?

For Jiari,,,'Ji' is ground/land and 'ari' is an ant,,,maybe like the trapinch?

For Karakasu, 'Kara' is empty and 'kusu' can bring the meaning of cake. For example, the word 豆粕 (まめかす) Mamekasu that mean Bean cake. 'Mame' is bean and 'kasu' is cake,,,i think thats why she looks like a cake lady~

For Nezumimi, as you know, 'Nezu' is mouse and 'mimi' is ear. for Nezumidori, 'midori' is green,,,and maybe its a green mouse,,,which make it a grass type? maybe...

p/s : this only my opinion,,,not official yet~
GothLoliBat said:
You know, when I was looking at the video posted above, I started thinking of what the Pokémon design team must've looked toward for inspiration. Koromori might've been inspired by the Popo Bawa, a cyclopian bat-winged incubus thing from the Tanzanian island of Pemba. It has a nasty habit of attacking men and men only. XD The tiered mannequin with the white bow behind its head might just be a possessed mannequin dressed up in Gothic Lolita clothing (that outfit makes me think of some of the Lapin Angelique stuff in TWEWY), and the gummy bear thing makes me think a lot of the kodama from Princess Monoke- just, you know, covered in green goo.

You win awesome points for that. Only a yoctogram, though.

ANYWAY. The green gummy bear, I have no idea what that thing is. What could it possibly be inspired by? I doubt it's inspired by an anime movie. It's really the only thing I can pay attention to, because most of the others have generally obvious origins.
Unfortunately I doubt that Koromori will replace Zubat. Honduran bats are not cave dwellers... but maybe we will get some other cave pokemon? Or Koromori will evolve into a ghost bat (the only other white bat), which does live in caves. That would be awesome.

Ghost bat:
Wolf616 said:
Unfortunately I doubt that Koromori will replace Zubat. Honduran bats are not cave dwellers... but maybe we will get some other cave pokemon? Or Koromori will evolve into a ghost bat (the only other white bat), which does live in caves. That would be awesome.

Ghost bat:

like an albino zubat~ like it~
I think it'd end up in a cave just because it's a bat. I mean, it's not like the specific logic of an animal has anything to do with the specific logic of the pokemon based off of it.
Mucrush said:
Yeah it is apparantly Zorua as Hihidaruma ;b

This here is where some of those roumers is coming from... I think they sounds interesting. They're 50/50 for me to believe them, cause they sounds plausible ;b

Oh,How cool!!!:D

Oh,I love the storyline. I'm glad they decided to nothing to do w/ gym battle and stupid contests in the new series. They finally comes up w/ a very good story arc for the series actually involve the hero have to protect the heroine from evil or who destines to save the world involves around the series. You haven't seen an anime series like that for years. I love some story like that.:D

I'm guessing Team Plasma'll be the B/W series' main villains,they're after Iris & her pokemon Zeke( they have some kind of connections w/ Reshiram & Zekrom. They said Iris's a mysterious girl. Proabably I'm right she's Reshiram along. My guess's Don's actually Ash's dad. Probably Ash has same powers as Don's & Iris',& I remembered Ash has similar powers like that in "Lucurio & The Mystery of Mew" They haven't introduce him in the another animes,but I think they'll finally introduce him in the new one.

Here's my guesses are Iris & her pokemon Zeke gets rescued by Ash's father from Team Plamsa's capture & they becomes friends like father & daughter. He told her a son named Ash that he haven't seen since very long time. But one day, Team Plasma found them,but She & Zeke got away,but they captured Don instead. I think they'll meet up w/ Ash in the episode & his pikachu gets stolen from Team Rocket & Iris'll end up to saving Ash & pikachu. They found out he's Don's son. So they returns the favor and Iris ask Ash to be her bodyguard to protect from harm or something's happen. I think that'll the start off. Ash & her ends up devlop to relationship(like being boyfriend-and-girlfriend).

This's my theory what'll happen to Block, My guess's he finally found his true love & started a day care center at Sinnoh. Or he ended up w/ dragon gym leader Clair & helping w/ her gym. I always think they're looks so cute together when I saw them in one of Jotoh episodes.

I hope it'll run more episodes than 10 (like it did w/ Advane for three yrs & DP for four yrs). It probably will. If it do,probably it'll run for five.
you guys really need to wait for more confirmations/proof of those (kind of crazy and very fake-looking) rumors before getting so excited to the point of acting like they are already true.
sunyshore said:
you guys really need to wait for more confirmations/proof of those (kind of crazy and very fake-looking) rumors before getting so excited to the point of acting like they are already true.

We need to have something to do intil they're confirmed, like speculate and how it would be if they were real... would you rather sit, waiting and do NOTHING intil they're confirmed?! XD
Mucrush said:
We need to have something to do intil they're confirmed, like speculate and how it would be if they were real... would you rather sit, waiting and do NOTHING intil they're confirmed?! XD

believe me i'm here on this forum right now because i can't stop being excited about the games and wanting to discuss them! XD but some rumors are just way too farfetch'd to even bother with, i think. we've gotten tons of news this week that can be discussed and is okay to be excited about since it's real.

if the rumor discussion was just "maybe if" it wouldn't bug me but i'm seeing lots of people who are flat out believing anything they read anywhere to be fact. eek.
sunyshore said:
believe me i'm here on this forum right now because i can't stop being excited about the games and wanting to discuss them! XD but some rumors are just way too farfetch'd to even bother with, i think. we've gotten tons of news this week that can be discussed and is okay to be excited about since it's real.

if the rumor discussion was just "maybe if" it wouldn't bug me but i'm seeing lots of people who are flat out believing anything they read anywhere to be fact. eek.

Yeah, we have tons of news. But you know, speculation for me at least is hard when all we've been given are faces, names with backsprites, names in rumors, and stuff like that. I really just wish they'd talk about some of the stuff they've shown us, because it really just annoys me to know little bits of unrelated information like this.

Just slightly off topic, when does the August Corocoro come out? Not when it's published, because appearntly people can actually get it before it's fully in the public hands.
sunyshore said:
yeah, i pee myself a little bit each day we don't get to see denchura's face. :(

...That's a little...


Anyway. Yeah. Having only backsprites and names, names, names and sprites, or sprites is just not very good. Especially considering the number of things brought up... sheesh.
Majora_787 said:
Just slightly off topic, when does the August Corocoro come out? Not when it's published, because appearntly people can actually get it before it's fully in the public hands.

Leaks normally happen between the 10th and 14th for each issue, at least from the trends that have been about since I've paid attention to them. (Leaks happening on the 10th are rare, though, from what I've seen.)
valriefaery said:
Oh,How cool!!!:D

Oh,I love the storyline. I'm glad they decided to nothing to do w/ gym battle and stupid contests in the new series. They finally comes up w/ a very good story arc for the series actually involve the hero have to protect the heroine from evil or who destines to save the world involves around the series. You haven't seen an anime series like that for years. I love some story like that.:D

I'm guessing Team Plasma'll be the B/W series' main villains,they're after Iris & her pokemon Zeke( they have some kind of connections w/ Reshiram & Zekrom. They said Iris's a mysterious girl. Proabably I'm right she's Reshiram along. My guess's Don's actually Ash's dad. Probably Ash has same powers as Don's & Iris',& I remembered Ash has similar powers like that in "Lucurio & The Mystery of Mew" They haven't introduce him in the another animes,but I think they'll finally introduce him in the new one.

Here's my guesses are Iris & her pokemon Zeke gets rescued by Ash's father from Team Plamsa's capture & they becomes friends like father & daughter. He told her a son named Ash that he haven't seen since very long time. But one day, Team Plasma found them,but She & Zeke got away,but they captured Don instead. I think they'll meet up w/ Ash in the episode & his pikachu gets stolen from Team Rocket & Iris'll end up to saving Ash & pikachu. They found out he's Don's son. So they returns the favor and Iris ask Ash to be her bodyguard to protect from harm or something's happen. I think that'll the start off. Ash & her ends up devlop to relationship(like being boyfriend-and-girlfriend).

This's my theory what'll happen to Block, My guess's he finally found his true love & started a day care center at Sinnoh. Or he ended up w/ dragon gym leader Clair & helping w/ her gym. I always think they're looks so cute together when I saw them in one of Jotoh episodes.

I hope it'll run more episodes than 10 (like it did w/ Advane for three yrs & DP for four yrs). It probably will. If it do,probably it'll run for five.

I think this is true because I have seen many rumours of Mijumaru's evolution being name that
Xous said:
Leaks normally happen between the 10th and 14th for each issue, at least from the trends that have been about since I've paid attention to them. (Leaks happening on the 10th are rare, though, from what I've seen.)

Thanks very much.

And... Iris could be a lot of things, judging by her hair. But I highly doubt she's Reshiram.
Playerking95 said:
Reshiram looks nothing like iris.

Exactly. Just because they both probably breath fire and they both have large hair, RESHIRAM'S being way more long than actually big as opposed to Iris, doesn't mean she's a human Reshiram.
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