(2) New Evolutions, XY Anime [9/19]

Bashamo said:
Wailady said:
I wonder if Aurorus will be a viable option to stall Dragon-type Pokemon if given appropriate defenses.

Most dragons run a fire type move so it would have a hard time dealing with them

Doesn't it's rock typing make that neutral though? I forget :/
Bashamo said:
Wailady said:
I wonder if Aurorus will be a viable option to stall Dragon-type Pokemon if given appropriate defenses.

Most dragons run a fire type move so it would have a hard time dealing with them

Rock/Ice = neutral damage from Fire.
But, plenty of Dragons also carry Earthquake, so...
It's kind of a shame because it is quite a neat typing. 4x weakness to Fighting (one of the most popular offensive types in the current metagame) and 4x weakness to Steel (already popular defensively and will probably be even more used due to Fairy's weakness to it) are just too much for it to deal with. :/
zappy800 said:
Bashamo said:
Most dragons run a fire type move so it would have a hard time dealing with them

Doesn't it's rock typing make that neutral though? I forget :/

Yeah that is true, it might make a good dragon wall after all
Bashamo said:
zappy800 said:
Doesn't it's rock typing make that neutral though? I forget :/

Yeah that is true, it might make a good dragon wall after all
Any Fairy type can double as a Dragon wall.

To make things even worse for Aurorus, it is doubly weak to Mach and Bullet Punches. Plus, it might just be me, but Aurorus does not look like it would be all that fast, so there are probably better walls out there.

I'd be cautious, and probably pick something a little better suited to the job...something that actually resists Dragon. Steel and/or Fairy will be ideal for that.

(Come to think of it, Steel/Fairy is probably one of the best defensive type combos ever. It's only weak to Ground and I think Fire, but many of the weaknesses of the opposite type are covered.)
I don't if this is just me, but I feel like Aurorus and Tyrantrum are the best Dino (maybe even fossil) Pokemon yet!
Tyrantrum reminds me of Greymon without horns. I mean that in a good way, they're both awesome. :)
Rock/Dragon. Nice. Makes up for my lost hopes of Druddigon being Rock/Dragon back in B/W.
Bashamo said:
Wailady said:
I wonder if Aurorus will be a viable option to stall Dragon-type Pokemon if given appropriate defenses.

Most dragons run a fire type move so it would have a hard time dealing with them

Just pointing out that due to the advent of Fairy, it will be much more common for Dragons to potentially carry a Steel type move
This would make Dragon stalling a really horrid job for Aurorus
...wait a minute...

Bonnie - Clemont's sister is a determined girl who is trying to find a wife for him. She carries his Pokemon around.
How did I not notice this before? Ew.
DNA said:
...wait a minute...

Bonnie - Clemont's sister is a determined girl who is trying to find a wife for him. She carries his Pokemon around.
How did I not notice this before? Ew.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Though it's a little odd for the brother since he's looking like 12 years old....and on top of that, she also carried his pokemon? Wha?? She's basically a servant. <.< (I couldn't figure out why the hell he couldn't carry his pokemon? He has pockets and a backpack.
Though it's a little odd for the brother since he's looking like 12 years old
More like 9 and 7. Doesn't make it any less strange, though.
DNA said:
...wait a minute...

Bonnie - Clemont's sister is a determined girl who is trying to find a wife for him. She carries his Pokemon around.
How did I not notice this before? Ew.

Simple. Japan.

Matty said:
DNA said:
...wait a minute...

How did I not notice this before? Ew.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Though it's a little odd for the brother since he's looking like 12 years old....and on top of that, she also carried his pokemon? Wha?? She's basically a servant. <.< (I couldn't figure out why the hell he couldn't carry his pokemon? He has pockets and a backpack.

Don't forget a goddamn giant robot hand. You would think the guy with two functional hands plus a bionic one would be better at carrying stuff around than a school age girl. At least we know off the bat who gets things done in the family.

Oh, Oh, that's why she's trying to find him a wife... a replacement!
Oh my gosh
Your post makes so much sense it's beautiful
I think when it says she carries his Pokemon around, it's talking about Dedenne and how it's always in her arms/on her head. I could be wrong though.

The shtick is he's probably really embarrassed by her attempts to "get him a wife". Also, a few anime play on people being older and looking much younger, I wouldn't be surprised if they did this here.
Lex said:
I think when it says she carries his Pokemon around, it's talking about Dedenne and how it's always in her arms/on her head. I could be wrong though.

The shtick is he's probably really embarrassed by her attempts to "get him a wife". Also, a few anime play on people being older and looking much younger, I wouldn't be surprised if they did this here.

So, a reverse brock/max, then? And what's the deal with serena? I like her a lot (double that if she gets fennekin), but ash will probably ruin her.
professorlight said:
Lex said:
I think when it says she carries his Pokemon around, it's talking about Dedenne and how it's always in her arms/on her head. I could be wrong though.

The shtick is he's probably really embarrassed by her attempts to "get him a wife". Also, a few anime play on people being older and looking much younger, I wouldn't be surprised if they did this here.

So, a reverse brock/max, then? And what's the deal with serena? I like her a lot (double that if she gets fennekin), but ash will probably ruin her.

I don't even want to get my hopes up.
If Ash actually dates someone this generation Idk what the fanbase will do. I can't even begin to imagine the arguments and complaints and hooplas and cheering and fighting and it would be ridiculous. And amazing. I hope it happens just so I can watch.
ECHOxLegend said:
You guys don't have siblings do you?
I do, actually. I'm not sure why this is relevant.

Ohman777 said:
If Ash actually dates someone this generation Idk what the fanbase will do. I can't even begin to imagine the arguments and complaints and hooplas and cheering and fighting and it would be ridiculous. And amazing. I hope it happens just so I can watch.
I love it when shipping is debunked by canon.
It wouldn't make much sense for Ash to date anyone at the age of 10. Maybe if he/they actually aged beyond that point...