(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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Rob234111 said:
Kingtrace said:

Amazing catch. In the upper right hand corner of the leakers website, there's just the word Gallantoad. Probably trying to reveal the final evos name without tipping off gamefreak, OR adding more legitimacy to his fakes. Your calls on that, forum goers.

I just caught it while scrolling haha. Perhaps it's froakie's final evo?

Maybe, but if he is revealing some names, then he will upload a diferent name in that corner soon, right?
Sashlyr said:
Rob234111 said:
I just caught it while scrolling haha. Perhaps it's froakie's final evo?

Maybe, but if he is revealing some names, then he will upload a diferent name in that corner soon, right?

Time will tell. I hope he doesn't reveal Fennekin's final evolution name. I want it to be a surprise.
Rob234111 said:
So... Just wondering... Do you think the website guy is the same guy who leaked first leaked stuff from last night or is it some randomer? I mean, wouldn't WPM the new stuff if it were from the same person? For now I'm just gonna hope that the stuff WPM posted was real.
He stated earlier on that it's a different guy than the first one.
DNA said:
Rob234111 said:
So... Just wondering... Do you think the website guy is the same guy who leaked first leaked stuff from last night or is it some randomer? I mean, wouldn't WPM the new stuff if it were from the same person? For now I'm just gonna hope that the stuff WPM posted was real.
He stated earlier on that it's a different guy than the first one.

Must have missed that. Sorry
maybe i'm stupid XD but if all the games will have the same lenguages options, why in the leaker's copies says "Play in english and french"?? It must say something like "play in 7 lenguages" or so??

Idk, can someone explain it to me?
The only reason I want this batch of rumors to be true is the Ghost Spider.

Spiders are already some of my favorite animals (Galvantula is easily my 2nd favorite Pokemon), so any spider Pokemon is like a dream come true.
(that and their description of Frogadier's evolution sounds cool)
Sashlyr said:
maybe i'm stupid XD but if all the games will have the same lenguages options, why in the leaker's copies says "Play in english and french"?? It must say something like "play in 7 lenguages" or so??

Idk, can someone explain it to me?

I personally am from Canada... here, all game boxes, regardless of whether or not they have more languages than that have to say "playable in french and English" if they have both languages as an option so I assume the leaker is also from Canada.
Rob234111 said:
Sashlyr said:
maybe i'm stupid XD but if all the games will have the same lenguages options, why in the leaker's copies says "Play in english and french"?? It must say something like "play in 7 lenguages" or so??

Idk, can someone explain it to me?

I personally am from Canada... here, all game boxes, regardless of whether or not they have more languages than that have to say "playable in french and English" if they have both languages as an option so I assume the leaker is also from Canada.

thanks!! :D
Rob234111 said:
Sashlyr said:
maybe i'm stupid XD but if all the games will have the same lenguages options, why in the leaker's copies says "Play in english and french"?? It must say something like "play in 7 lenguages" or so??

Idk, can someone explain it to me?

I personally am from Canada... here, all game boxes, regardless of whether or not they have more languages than that have to say "playable in french and English" if they have both languages as an option so I assume the leaker is also from Canada.
He did mention he lives in Canada.
Razmos said:
Rob234111 said:
I personally am from Canada... here, all game boxes, regardless of whether or not they have more languages than that have to say "playable in french and English" if they have both languages as an option so I assume the leaker is also from Canada.
He did mention he lives in Canada.

Yes, I know.
Um. Someone on another forum posted an alleged picture of froakie's evolution. I am going to cry if it's fake. It apparently came from a German site. As is, I'd say there's very little reason to assume it's real, but it does match up with the rumor perfectly. Stand by while I find a way to upload it.
Kingtrace said:
You could just link to the site.

If the only place he could find a picture was the other forum he mentioned, then it would be advertising, which is against the Beach forum rules.

edit: I just found the picture and was gonna put it here, but I may as well just have my thoughts here.
....Moving swiftly on.

also, @halfrican - it may be wise to put the picture in a spoiler tag. Therefore, people who don't want to be spoiled, and want to discover what this Pokemon looks like for themselves in game can do so.
...it's perfect.

EDIT: Yeah, don't want to break advertising rules, and it was posted there as an attachment, so I couldn't direct link it.
EDIT2: Someone quick! Tell me how to do spoiler tags!!!
halfrican said:
Um. Someone on another forum posted an alleged picture of froakie's evolution. I am going to cry if it's fake. It apparently came from a German site. As is, I'd say there's very little reason to assume it's real, but it does match up with the rumor perfectly. Stand by while I find a way to upload it.

I saw that post too, and they said that Gallantoad was the final's name as well.

The art looks great but.... how did they get the art? We had to wait quite a long time to get all the Sugimori art in Gen V. I would think that screenshots would come out before official art, unless it was a case of someone taking pictures like last time.

It does look great for a final, though, even if it isn't real.

EDIT: Halfrican, put [ spoiler] and [ /spoiler] tags around the img tags, without spaces, or copy the formatting I did for my quote, sweetie
That possibly official picture is just the best! I don't usually prefer the water starter over the others, but I think this definitely cuts it.
halfrican said:
That is THE coolest thing I have ever seen before in my life!!!1111oneone

I HOPE it's real.... *crossesfingers* >_<

I knew Froakie's evo would be badass. Hopefully this is real, and we don't get a repeat of Samurott.. I still have flashbacks... (Dewott was so cool, and then Samurott... Eww..)

Regardless, I'm picking Froakie just like I originally decided. That Foam Shuriken gif is just too awesome, and I hate Fennekin. (She's too haughty. No one wants haughty Pokemon <_<)
halfrican said:
.... That's.... actually pretty awesome. I can see it being fighting; not everything with black on it needs to be dark.

I would totally pick this for my nuzlocke. Even if it's fake, let's hope the real/other evos are equally if not more fabulous~
Sheriff_K said:
halfrican said:
That is THE coolest thing I have ever seen before in my life!!!1111oneone

I HOPE it's real.... *crossesfingers* >_<

I'm with ya there. There have so many amphibian Pokémon, but they've always looked cumbersome, but this one just looks so agile and sleek.:D
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