Linoone is hardly a badger. It's more a weasel with stripes. It can be debatable.
I think Linoone is either a ferret or a stoat.
Sometimes they do merge similar species but you shouldn't assume that they'll always do so. There is nothing even related to a Porcupine in Chespin's Japanese name, which is specifically derived from Hedgehog + Chestnut. He's a Hedgehog, with quills taken from the green fur-like Chestnut shell. You only have to look up images of a Chestnut to see the shell and tell where the inspiration came from. In this case, none of his design was taken from a Porcupine.
...which means what, exactly? Just because a word is used in the etymology of a Pokemon does not mean the Pokemon is based on that animal. It is not uncommon at all for Pokemon names to have the names of similar animals in their names.
For example, take the Totodile line. The two lower ones have 'crocodile' somewhere in the names, but the big guy has 'alligator'. Though the animals are quite similar, they are not the same - the crocodile spends most of its time in the water, whereas alligators are mostly on land.
Another one is the Charmander line. You go from a a a lizard (in the names). So which is it? Rather, that line just takes bits and pieces from various reptilian animals for its design, since many of them are similar.
My point? Etymology does not always equal design. People may argue that Chespin/Quilladin are based on porcupines or hedgehogs, but one look will tell you they're obviously based on bowling balls.