(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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And Pupitar too. Don't forget him.

A Ghost-type spider Pokemon is found in caves. It is dark gray with blue spots and multiple light grey eyes. It has a feint light blue mist around its abdomen. The source doesn't remember the spelling of its name, but says it was something like "Apparachnid." He thinks it may have an evolution.
This sounds like it might be cool. Of course, I'd have to see that picture for myself, but...

Team Flare's signature music has an eerie accordion sound to it in the opening sequence.
If the whole theme had an eerie accordion in the background, that would be amazing. Silly French.
Kitana Coldfire said:
I see no problem with them including a hedgehog and a porcupine in the same generation, seeing as porcupines and hedgehogs are two different and completely unrelated species.

Except Chespin is most definitely more like a porcupine than a hedgehog, despite when some of its names in other languages imply. Quilladin is a little more h'hogish with its nose and ears (if those even ARE ears; they look just like its tail!), but it's like the Psyduck argument all over again. "Duck" in its name, actually a platypus.
And if anyone tries to pull a name = species argument: Kyogre.

Crazuu said:
You're right but hedhedogs and porcupines are related, both are mammals, and both are rodents, i think.

Only porcupines are rodents :y
WPM: You posted the first batch of leaks because there was evidence pointing toward it being correct, right? Well, these are from different sources, and there hasn't been any confirmation of anything in this list yet.
...I have to be missing something here.
I have no interest in anything but the Spider, Froakie, and helioptile, but what i do find interesting is that Team flare is running a fashion business and is evil without anyone knowing. Its always nice to have secretly evil people like Rocket and Plasma. Also I hope we don't have too many pokemon revealed , I want to be surprised when I see a random big mean mother hubbard running my way late game.
halfrican said:
I wonder what kind of "evidence" the leaker presented...

I wonder that too... perhaps screenshots of froakie's final evolution? Helioptile's evolution? pictures of the game title screen? game cases? Who knows. If WPM believes it, I believe it.
don()shinobi said:
WPM: You posted the first batch of leaks because there was evidence pointing toward it being correct, right? Well, these are from different sources, and there hasn't been any confirmation of anything in this list yet.
...I have to be missing something here.

yep you are it says in the opening they have been shown evidence supporting this rumor
powerprotoman said:
don()shinobi said:
WPM: You posted the first batch of leaks because there was evidence pointing toward it being correct, right? Well, these are from different sources, and there hasn't been any confirmation of anything in this list yet.
...I have to be missing something here.

yep you are it says in the opening they have been shown evidence supporting this rumor
And we're just supposed to believe it without being given the exact evidence that WPM was given?
don()shinobi said:
powerprotoman said:
yep you are it says in the opening they have been shown evidence supporting this rumor
And we're just supposed to believe it without being given the exact evidence that WPM was given?

again it says in the opening...im just going to quote it: " Again, please treat all of this with caution – even though we’ve been shown evidence to backup some of the information, we could still be falling for an elaborate trick. Time will tell!"
Skulblaka_Shur said:
So if these are just rumors, why post them in news posts? Shouldn't news be for...you know, news? Not rumors?
Do you even know what a fan site is?

don()shinobi said:
WPM: You posted the first batch of leaks because there was evidence pointing toward it being correct, right? Well, these are from different sources, and there hasn't been any confirmation of anything in this list yet.
...I have to be missing something here.
This one had some very convincing proof; that's all I can say. But again, anything can be fake nowadays. Even if Junichi Masuda told it to me himself it could still be fake. :p
don()shinobi said:
powerprotoman said:
yep you are it says in the opening they have been shown evidence supporting this rumor
And we're just supposed to believe it without being given the exact evidence that WPM was given?

Thank you another skeptic like me. :D
don()shinobi said:
powerprotoman said:
yep you are it says in the opening they have been shown evidence supporting this rumor
And we're just supposed to believe it without being given the exact evidence that WPM was given?
Could be to protect the source.
I think this is fake because it says espurr has white fur only and then blue fur with a hint of white, it says you can get another porcupine early even though chespin is a starter, and also it says the opening only has yveltal in it and then says it has yveltal and xerneaus.
don()shinobi said:
And we're just supposed to believe it without being given the exact evidence that WPM was given?
You have a lot of trouble reading:

News Story said:
Like the last batch of leaks, consider all of this a rumor until Pokemon reveals it.
the ghost spider and Bunnelby evo are looking to be my favorites =u= I hope they're real~

Plus, I can totally see team flare making fashion statements, haha
Water Pokémon Master said:
don()shinobi said:
And we're just supposed to believe it without being given the exact evidence that WPM was given?
You have a lot of trouble reading.
News Story said:
Like the last batch of leaks, consider all of this a rumor until Pokemon reveals it. L
Not really, stuff just doesn't come out the way I want it to. My humblest apologies.
Just wanted to make a point that this is a news site, not a "post a rumor because I (and only I) have been shown evidence of it" site, so I'm confused as to why this was even posted in the first place.
Water Pokémon Master said:
don()shinobi said:
And we're just supposed to believe it without being given the exact evidence that WPM was given?
You have a lot of trouble reading:

News Story said:
Like the last batch of leaks, consider all of this a rumor until Pokemon reveals it.

We get it but this guy giving you it after a extremely correct leaker just screams fake.
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