(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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So aside from everyone throwing in their two cents on whether this is fake or not, what do people think of the ideas/concepts that have been "leaked"? Do you think they'd be cool if they were implemented into the games?

Personally I like the idea of your clothes matching your favourite colour at the beginning.

I also love the idea of Quillom and Apparachnid. They will for sure be on my team if all of this turns out to be real.
Been creeping the thread for a while and....yea this sounds like someone making up crap. The boxes prove nothing, and him changing his story is an obvious red flag. I could be completely wrong and he is right about most things...but I'm gonna go out on a limb and laugh my head off at this tripe... sad to, the arachnid sounded cool :(
WPM can you please give us some clarifications about all this story?. If the guy who has posted all that stuff is actually the one who sent you the rumors of the main page. If he actually gave you some clear evidence to believe him apart from the box art etc. If he has been really discovered by GF. If something you post may be fake as he states. I don't know, please say something, whatever.. :)
@Rob: For the most part, all of it seems pretty cool, save for Pokemon losing happiness if they breed. I mean, wouldn't it be the oppos-...actually, I think I'll refrain to comment on this point.

Save time reduction further seems neat, but...didn't it only take a couple seconds anyway for B/W?
Okay, quick clarification:

First, the leaker posted all this info.

Then, he said "Sorry, Game Freak warned me they were going to pursue legal action if I kept these up."

Finally, he said "Oh, and some of these leaks were fake to confuse gamefreak, but most were real."

So he didn't really "change his story." At least, not too much.
Kingtrace said:
Okay, quick clarification:

First, the leaker posted all this info.

Then, he said "Sorry, Game Freak warned me they were going to pursue legal action if I kept these up."

Finally, he said "Oh, and some of these leaks were fake to confuse gamefreak, but most were real."

So he didn't really "change his story." At least, not too much.

Either way, sounds to me like someone is trying to cover their butt...
Damian_Winters said:
Kingtrace said:
Okay, quick clarification:

First, the leaker posted all this info.

Then, he said "Sorry, Game Freak warned me they were going to pursue legal action if I kept these up."

Finally, he said "Oh, and some of these leaks were fake to confuse gamefreak, but most were real."

So he didn't really "change his story." At least, not too much.

Either way, sounds to me like someone is trying to cover their butt...

"Never attribute to malice what could equally be attributed to stupidity."
Kingtrace said:
Damian_Winters said:
Either way, sounds to me like someone is trying to cover their butt...

"Never attribute to malice what could equally be attributed to stupidity."

Hahahahaha quite right you are, I suppose it's possible that this can be attributed to being a bit of an idiot...but I'm a pessimist so guess we gotta wait and see :)
Raptor9229 said:
I also have a problem with the guy saying that the starter trio will end up as grass/steel, fire/fairy, and water/fighting . . .

Fennekkin's line would destroy Chespin's line with just a single flamethrower.

For some reason I do not like the idea of Froakie's final evo being water/fighting, more like water/dark if it is sleek and stealthy.

Fennekkin's final evo will obviously be psychic type due to its witch theme.

And Chespin's evo looks like it has armor on and part of its name screams paladin which sounds more fighting type to me.

I'm not saying I want it to be that way, I'm just saying it seems likely. I would rather it be fire psychic too
DNA said:
yammark said:
I'm lucky enough to catch up all the info . Before Gamefreak find out and warn him .
So here we go

*long quote of stuff goes here*
Ah, so the leaker guy put all that up on his site, then had to take it down, then is apparently editing it again to cover his ass bases? All right, thanks for letting me know.

signofzeta said:
If it is an arthropod, and the only person living in western countries who eats these subgroup of arthropods for a living if Bear Grylls, then it is a bug.
"Oh great, no bugs around to eat. Better drink my own piss."

"Just ate a bug. Gotta find something to wash it down. Better drink my own piss"
Kingtrace said:
Damian_Winters said:
Either way, sounds to me like someone is trying to cover their butt...

"Never attribute to malice what could equally be attributed to stupidity."
I disagree. One should ALWAYS attribute to malice, unless given reason otherwise. People are evil, and WILL betray you.

Besides, this is the internet, nothing but trolls here.
I mean companies send cease and desists without any real grounds for action to see if they can scare the person off. I know a little (not a lot) about media law and I don't think these anything GF can do.

And the fact when people started questioning the boxes legitimacy and wanting better evidence he fesses up that some of its fake. Is highly suspicious.

Kingtrace said:
Damian_Winters said:
Either way, sounds to me like someone is trying to cover their butt...

"Never attribute to malice what could equally be attributed to stupidity."

lol true.
What's so special about the boxes? Pretty sure my local Gamestop had fake display models of boxes on a shelf... Besides, who cares about a box? You look at it, go "oh, it's pretty~", then you throw it away and never see it again. :p

Most of what he said was previously mentioned or leaked, he was just reiterating some of it. So maybe that is the "real" stuff.
I believe what WPM posted on the main page to be true... But perhaps the stuff on the website was fake from a different person. I mean, some of the idea presented to us on the website sounded way off and the wording was poor.
Sheriff_K said:
What's so special about the boxes? Pretty sure my local Gamestop had fake display models of boxes on a shelf... Besides, who cares about a box? You look at it, go "oh, it's pretty~", then you throw it away and never see it again. :p

Most of what he said was previously mentioned or leaked, he was just reiterating some of it. So maybe that is the "real" stuff.

Check his boxes again. Gamestop's are lacking the 3D warning, the spine writing, the back of the box, and the ESRB rating.
Regardless of legitimacy, the leaks do have some interesting ideas in them:

- I love the idea of new type-based Pokeballs is something I fully support. I've wanted something like this for quite a while
- I'm always for new Eeveelutions, but I hope it isn't a mega-evo
- Yay for dark gym leader!
- More pokemon in the daycare would be nice, but it makes me curious about breeding implications. And the happiness decrease only seems logical to me; kids don't like to be away from their parents in daycare for long periods of time, why would Pokemon be any different?
- Customizable clothes would be wonderful~ I hope this pans out to be true regardless of these rumors
Sheriff_K said:
Kingtrace said:
"Never attribute to malice what could equally be attributed to stupidity."
I disagree. One should ALWAYS attribute to malice, unless given reason otherwise. People are evil, and WILL betray you.

Besides, this is the internet, nothing but trolls here.

This seems like it could either be a very bad troll, or a very dumb legitimate leaker. I'd rather not assume he's a troll, even though he could be, because there's equivalent evidence he's dumb as all hell.
Rob234111 said:
I just noticed at the top of the page it says "Gallantoad". Random word or new pokemon and he's being sneaky?


Amazing catch. In the upper right hand corner of the leakers website, there's just the word Gallantoad. Probably trying to reveal the final evos name without tipping off gamefreak, OR adding more legitimacy to his fakes. Your calls on that, forum goers.
Kingtrace said:
Rob234111 said:
I just noticed at the top of the page it says "Gallantoad". Random word or new pokemon and he's being sneaky?


Amazing catch. In the upper right hand corner of the leakers website, there's just the word Gallantoad. Probably trying to reveal the final evos name without tipping off gamefreak, OR adding more legitimacy to his fakes. Your calls on that, forum goers.

I just caught it while scrolling haha. Perhaps it's froakie's final evo?

So... Just wondering... Do you think the website guy is the same guy who leaked first leaked stuff from last night or is it some randomer? I mean, wouldn't WPM the new stuff if it were from the same person? For now I'm just gonna hope that the stuff WPM posted was real.
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