(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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DNA said:
Typhlosion is bipedal for the most part, except it usually goes on all fours to run or dash, as seen when it uses Flame Wheel. Swampert is somewhat analogous to this, though Swampert walks around more like a gorilla than actually having its back erect.

Kitana Coldfire said:
We can now stop arguing about the classification of insects vs bugs vs aracnids.
However, Hedgehog vs Porcupine is still fair game xD

They're still a lot different, but...yeah, I'll concede that. Porcupine quills generally tend to be a lot larger, however. Though Quilladin, at least to me, looks like it's based on a burr. But if it's hedgehog vs porcupine we're talking about, I'd side with porcupine for this guy, because the quills are longer, and more pronounced.
Hedgehogs...well, their quills are very short, and dispersed evenly across the body. Just look at Shaymin. That is basically exactly what hedgehogs look like.

I'd think the speciation would account for something like growing from a hedgehog into a porcupine, or vice versa. I can't recall exact examples, but I know some Pokemon evolve to different real-life-species counterparts based on similar characteristics shared between species.

And yeah, that's what I was going for. I was mostly looking at the sprites of the Pokemon in question, which might have been a bit of an error on my part. I would say that Typhlosion is mostly bipedal and Swampert is mostly quadrapedal though. However, they could both be classified as biped/quadraped, and that would solve the issue.
bogaboy said:
Jaime Runt said:
The supposed final evolution of froakie was not from this troll's website, right? Meaning it still can be real. Gods I hope it's real cause I'm in love with it

That is correct. This guy being a troll does not affect the legitimacy of Gallantoad.

However, to my knowledge the name (Gallantoad) originated from his website. The description of Froakie's final evo was part of the first leak.

Where the art came from is still a mystery, but I've seen it being attributed to 4chan.
I was making a joke, hon. I brought up the fact that Hedgehogs and Porcupines aren't the same waaaaay back near the start of the thread, when people were screaming about how 'GF wouldn't put two of the same animal in the same generation'.
I know.
I noticed.
And I can't tell if 'hon' is a form of condescension.
DNA said:
I was making a joke, hon. I brought up the fact that Hedgehogs and Porcupines aren't the same waaaaay back near the start of the thread, when people were screaming about how 'GF wouldn't put two of the same animal in the same generation'.
I know.
I noticed.
And I can't tell if 'hon' is a form of condescension.

Oh sorry. I'm from the South, so I call everyone 'hon' or 'sweetie' or something like that. It's just how I was raised.
Okay, scratch what I said about Gallantoad. I'm looking at it now, and it follows similar trends. It's larger, looks meaner, and the markings on its body are different. I stand by what I said about Fennekin's supposed final evo, though I'm pretty sure that was debunked awhile ago anyway. And I think the debunking probably invalidates Gallantoad as well.

If not, I really don't see how it could be real. There is one evolution confirmed for tomorrow, but I doubt it will be a starter evolution. The fact that it's being revealed as one Pokemon says to me that it's not going to be a starter, since three are usually revealed at once, and the people at GameFreak sort of already said there would be no more major announcements. I'd categorize a starter's final form as a major announcement.
Kitana Coldfire said:
Oh sorry. I'm from the South, so I call everyone 'hon' or 'sweetie' or something like that. It's just how I was raised.
'Tis fine. It didn't sound condescending to me, though to some people it might. But I didn't take you the wrong way. Carry on.
Ganman3 said:
Ohman177 said:
Ivysaur would like to have a word with you. So would Quilava, Servine, and Croconaw.

False. There are drastic changes in the artwork for all of those forms. Ivysaur's eyes close and its flower blooms completely. Quilava's eyes also glare in its final evolution, and it becomes bipedal. Typhlosion looks completely different, by the way, though there is a strong resemblance. And I'm sorry, but there are drastic changes in art between Serperior and Servine; for one thing, Servine is much, much more closely related to a serpent, having lost its legs. It gains a floral design. The other markings on it vary greatly.

With these two, you've just slapped on a detail or two and called it good.

The design of Froakie's "final evolution" looks completely as a final would. So much has changed, from the eyes, to the dark blue color and black spots, to whatever those white things on it's nose are. Even his cloud-like scarf has grown. If this is fake, this was a quality interpretation of what it could look like.

Fennekin's "final" may be a bit less likely. Its face didn't really change a whole lot, but at least its arms are no longer as thick as twigs. Still a talented drawing.
Phoo. Real or fake, you have to hand it to the artist behind Froakie's final form. That's a sexy design.

...Still hoping for a super hero gliding tree frog complete with bubble cape, though...
nightkeeper said:
Ganman3 said:
False. There are drastic changes in the artwork for all of those forms. Ivysaur's eyes close and its flower blooms completely. Quilava's eyes also glare in its final evolution, and it becomes bipedal. Typhlosion looks completely different, by the way, though there is a strong resemblance. And I'm sorry, but there are drastic changes in art between Serperior and Servine; for one thing, Servine is much, much more closely related to a serpent, having lost its legs. It gains a floral design. The other markings on it vary greatly.

With these two, you've just slapped on a detail or two and called it good.

The design of Froakie's "final evolution" looks completely as a final would. So much has changed, from the eyes, to the dark blue color and black spots, to whatever those white things on it's nose are. Even his cloud-like scarf has grown. If this is fake, this was a quality interpretation of what it could look like.

Fennekin's "final" may be a bit less likely. Its face didn't really change a whole lot, but at least its arms are no longer as thick as twigs. Still a talented drawing.

Yeah. I looked back at Froakie's supposed final evo and decided it was a bit better than I'd previously thought. I missed a few details.

Fennekin's final evo doesn't look quite as similar as I'd thought... I didn't notice the black coloration on the hands, for example, or the change in facial shape. That was my mistake. I guess I was just expecting a more drastic change, so I didn't look carefully enough.

Regardless, the reveal was too extensive for what GameFreak said they were going to do, so I didn't doubt for a second that these were fake. The provided image actually makes the fake evolutions grow on me though, which is a shame.
I'm mostly relieved that Clefairy is, in fact, going to be a fairy (assuming the rumors are true, but I have no reason not to believe them).

Boars are cool. So is a porcupine. There's been a few pigs, but not a boar specifically. Porcupine has never been done, so it's pretty neat to see it done now.

The spider is meh, A ghost type would be new, but I'd rather not see it become a thing like an electric rodent or cat every generation.

-my two cents
Ganman3 said:
nightkeeper said:
The design of Froakie's "final evolution" looks completely as a final would. So much has changed, from the eyes, to the dark blue color and black spots, to whatever those white things on it's nose are. Even his cloud-like scarf has grown. If this is fake, this was a quality interpretation of what it could look like.

Fennekin's "final" may be a bit less likely. Its face didn't really change a whole lot, but at least its arms are no longer as thick as twigs. Still a talented drawing.

Yeah. I looked back at Froakie's supposed final evo and decided it was a bit better than I'd previously thought. I missed a few details.

Fennekin's final evo doesn't look quite as similar as I'd thought... I didn't notice the black coloration on the hands, for example, or the change in facial shape. That was my mistake. I guess I was just expecting a more drastic change, so I didn't look carefully enough.

Regardless, the reveal was too extensive for what GameFreak said they were going to do, so I didn't doubt for a second that these were fake. The provided image actually makes the fake evolutions grow on me though, which is a shame.

Well they haven't been confirmed fake...
Gallade said:
Look at this side by side caomparison of the evolutions. How could it not be real!!!??? (Rhetorical question I know how it couldn't be real but they match the art style of Sugimori identically, come on!)

Edit: Idk what happened it was there a second ago. I refreshed the page and it was gone :/

For the same reason that this Chespin evo is fake:


If not for that giant watermark, this could easily pass for Sugimori art. It's all in the coloring and shading details.
bogaboy said:
Ganman3 said:
Yeah. I looked back at Froakie's supposed final evo and decided it was a bit better than I'd previously thought. I missed a few details.

Fennekin's final evo doesn't look quite as similar as I'd thought... I didn't notice the black coloration on the hands, for example, or the change in facial shape. That was my mistake. I guess I was just expecting a more drastic change, so I didn't look carefully enough.

Regardless, the reveal was too extensive for what GameFreak said they were going to do, so I didn't doubt for a second that these were fake. The provided image actually makes the fake evolutions grow on me though, which is a shame.

Well they haven't been confirmed fake...

Yay no one reads my posts.
Ganman3 said:
Ohman177 said:
Typhlosion IS NOT bipedal. And a flower blooming is Ivysaur's only real change and that's only one. The rumored images shown have at least one real change as well. Servine was more of a stretch but all they did was take off some limbs and make it longer.

Actually, yes. Typhlosion is bipedal. If you can find a legit image where Typhlosion isn't standing on two legs, then I'll give this one to you.

1. "Typhlosion is classified as a quadruped, but it is capable of bipedal movement and is frequently depicted standing on its hind legs." Bulbapedia.
Ganman3 said:
nightkeeper said:
The design of Froakie's "final evolution" looks completely as a final would. So much has changed, from the eyes, to the dark blue color and black spots, to whatever those white things on it's nose are. Even his cloud-like scarf has grown. If this is fake, this was a quality interpretation of what it could look like.

Fennekin's "final" may be a bit less likely. Its face didn't really change a whole lot, but at least its arms are no longer as thick as twigs. Still a talented drawing.

Yeah. I looked back at Froakie's supposed final evo and decided it was a bit better than I'd previously thought. I missed a few details.

Fennekin's final evo doesn't look quite as similar as I'd thought... I didn't notice the black coloration on the hands, for example, or the change in facial shape. That was my mistake. I guess I was just expecting a more drastic change, so I didn't look carefully enough.

Regardless, the reveal was too extensive for what GameFreak said they were going to do, so I didn't doubt for a second that these were fake. The provided image actually makes the fake evolutions grow on me though, which is a shame.

My brain says these are fake, because like you said, it seems like the reveal tomorrow will be minor while this is rather large. My eyes and heart say real, because, ugh, well, they are gorgeous :rolleyes: Be real Gallantoad.

I was utterly displeased with Braixen, as its face didn't change even slightly from Fennekin's. But in this drawing, its eyes look more serious, its ears longer, along with its ear-flames-grape-jelly whatever you would like to call them. Its legs and arms are a little more bulky, sturdy. I wasn't sure where Braixen would go and if I'd ever see it as a worthy starter but now I have a little more hope.
Phew 20 pages since i went to school. Am I the only one that doubts the leaks that actually started this thread?
TokenDuelist said:
bogaboy said:
Well they haven't been confirmed fake...

Yay no one reads my posts.
I looked and looked, and as far as I can tell, the image did not originate from 4chan. The only mentions of it there reference some stupid italian fan facebook. Not that I disagree, it seems as though there's no way it could be real. Even still, we've seen no concrete proof that it isn't. No artist has come forward. No one has owned up to where it came from, and until then, or until we see a different evo for frogadier, that one is still on the table. I think the braixen evo is less believable, but it's the same thing. We don't even know if they are from the same source/artist. For now, both pictures are just an enigma. Albeit, an unlikely true enigma.
Why are people so convinced that Fennekin's final evolution will have purple/pink involved with it?
Yes, I know that shows the 'psychic' part, but that doesn't automatically mean it'll have purple or purple.
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