RE: (1) 20 'Advent of Arceus' Images and Translations [6/4]
Translations! Alright!
Tangrowth looks decent....since the Level X can be used for energy acceleration, you shouldn't find it too hard to charge up for the attack. Also, between Tangrowth's Power, you can possible heal. Higher HP = higher chance of dealing 120 damage. This plus Blissey could work, and Shaymin LV. X gives it more HP. This could be quite the tank!
4-3-1 Tangrowth
2-2 Blissey
2-2 Claydol
2-2 Shaymin LV. X
1 Azelf
1 Uxie
= 22
That works.
Charizard looks playable. He could become the next swarm deck. I could also see him using Typhlosion MT support, also. With a few Charizards on the Bench, Charizard could be dishing out 60 or 70 damage for one energy. Pretty nice, if you ask me. 140HP makes it a titan.
Raichu is another Poke that hurts SPs....if Raichu has a tool attached, he can perform a 20 spread against the SPs...
Dark Arceus is lovely. 80 for 2 is pretty good, and it could become 100 for 2 with Special Darkness energies attached. You need to play him in an Arceus deck.
Metal Arceus could get around Macheap LV. X, if the opponent plays it and it is the Active. Metal Arceus allows you to get a Free Prize against the Level X. and against a deck like Macheap, is invaluable.
Sally is a lot more playable than I thought....his regular form has a way of energy acceleration, and the Level X's Power is amazing. Level-Up at the right time and you get two Prizes. Pretty nice against Gengar, because you'll still take more prizes for your KO then they would take if you did get KO'd by Fainting Spell.
Normal Arcues and Fire Arceus are OK, I guess....
Meh, the Fire and Grass Arceus Level X isn't that great, and the Lightning and Psychic one requires discard to deal 100 for 3...the Normal Arceus might help here.
Gengar is trash.
Well, looks like I've covered all of the spoilers sans the ones of the pre-evolutions. Overall, most of these cards have at least some potential. I'm drawn to Tangrowth and Charizard in particular, though.