(2) New WiiWare Game, 20 'Advent of Arceus' Images and Translations [6/4-6/5]

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The new game seems to be the greatest Pokémon-game ever. If this game isn't released in Europe, I'll enter my (never before seen) Fiery Rampage Mode. >:
Mew the source of all said:
The new game sounds interesting. (and people say Nintendo is out of fersh ideas) Seriously though they should have done this eons ago. I give this idea a big two thumbs up.

They kinda did. In Pokemon Stadium 2, there was a minigame called Topsy-Turvy, where you, as Hitmontop, spun around a circular stadium, and you had to knock out your opponents.
Also this sorta reminds me of Beyblade, Pokemon-style. It sounds fun, on paper, but we will see how fun it really is. ;)
I think we have now left Pokemon SP. We're moving to Arseus.

Well, Tangrowth is pretty good when working with either the new Growth or the SF Growth. A lot of healing, but flippy. And Salamence would be good if it wasn't so slow. It's pretty much sacrifice a few prizes for Upper Energy, but otherwise depend on Deck Acceration.
^^Mence SF?

I am already starting to see the evil gods of hype starting to favor Mence and the X
The game is....

Well let's put it this way. Aren't they supposed to show kids Pokemon isn't violent?

The cards are amazing looking. The Tangrowth is cool.
Wow finally they make a slighty decent Salamence card. Too bad its energy cost is soo high. I guess a 1-1-1 Leafeon lvX tech could be useful for energy accel. Arceus and the lvX's don't look al that impressive. Dialga G lvX locks there body and the attacks aren't very good. Hopefully they'll be some good T/S/S in this set.
These new arceus' only support that unown G is staying, or something else is coming to counter machamp.
Salamence = Win... To bad it's stinkin' POWER SPRAYED! Funny thing is that I used to have a Tangrowth deck with the SF one, and it pwned. Now lets see what happens with this new X. >:]

This new game looks amazing... I just hope it's not like another ranger though.... WAIT! PUSA must've read my mind! I've always made up my own games, and one of them was like this! You controlled your pokemon, which means you can dodge moves because you're a good fighter, not because you have a high stat. And you could assign moves to each button... PUSA.... Make this good, or I will... Ummmmm... Eat your cat.
Ironically, the moment I write a Sally article, we get Sally X. Sally X should be played with SF Sally, not the newer one. Then, you have one powerful Dragon there. Two prize cards, man that's exactly what Sally needs!

This set is the worst thing I've ever seen. It's all mediocre, it's even more of a disappointment than Rising Rivals!

Arceus had some uses, although I don't think it's going to be BDIF.

Charizard is one of the best cards out there. Only one Energy discard can easily be played around with a Typhlosion, which boosts Zard's attack by 10. With three Fire Pokemon on the bench, you're looking at 110 damage for 3 with just a single Energy going down the drain. Pure awesome, if you ask me. Considering Volkner's is a great source of drawpower, you could also just go pure Fire, and then you're looking at 130 damage for 3 with a minimal drawback.
awesome a new wiiware pokemon game. This game looks awesome. I will get it the day it comes out in the u.s
Game looks fun, and set looks pretty neat. Although I wish they made Tangrowth lv.X able to do damage, since no Tangrowth is a very big hitter, but oh well it's still great. And yeah, I love the Salamence Lv.X.
The Wii-ware game is yet another awesome pokemon game coming out this year o_o
Can't wait till all the new games come out.

The Salamence/Salamence level X cards are probably my favorite TCG card ever,
I seriously hope they keep them in the american set.
Tangrowth Lv. X o_0 I got freaked out when I saw what kind of monster they had created. Tangy never should have been a Lv. X. Hope he's useful.
This game looks... Good ._.
It's seems like a fun, cute and exiting game, and that's honestly all you ever need. Wow.

The set seems pretty cool, I'd have to see the other Arceus to see whether or not they may be viable, but the water and metal one will most certainly help quite a lot.

When I 1st saw that Gengar, I was like "OH NO, NO NO NO", then I read what it did and just lolled. Seriously, I almost thought they were going to turn that already scary monster into the Hulk or something. Sure, it might be cool, but it probably won't help Gengar decks as much as it could have. Some guaranteed damage should be appreciated by Gengar, though.

The best card in this little group has to be Charizard, though. Finally a Charizard with donk AND swarm potential, that's pretty sweet. It's also more damaging than Kingdra, more certain than Machamp and less vulnerable than Rampardos. If they add some more fire support this thing might end up being a real beast and a force to be reckoned with. The Charmander doesn't seem bad as well, better than most regular basics.

Salamance lvX's picture looks silly, and that power just screams "Power Spray me!". But if your deck can't do that, good game. The regular Salamence in this set is cool, but I think SF is the obvious option here, using both shouldn't hurt too much, though.
I love the art for the new cards something different the arceus cards are especially nice.
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