2024 Pokemon TCG Illustrator Contest Under Fire for Apparent AI Entries

I really like the creativity of the Trapinch art for the same reason I like Yuka Mori's work.

I do agree it's unfair for AI work to be submitted along with the name changes to allow for even more entries.
if you can only laugh at the idea that something like this can exist you have already gotten thoroughly lost in the vitriol and should take a step back to consider something besides your desired "us vs. them" narrative.
We are humans vs the inhuman techbros
"I don't like x group of people to the point where I actively mentally dehumanize them"
This is a dangerous mindset for anyone to have about any group of people.
No, techbros are literally inhuman, I'm sorry. They want to remove the humanity from art and life and replace it with stupid black box computers that don't really understand anything but they worship like they do. They're the reason why iOS is awful and Windows sucks, and why corporations keep trying to make shareholders money instead of making life better for you and me.
No, techbros are literally inhuman, I'm sorry. They want to remove the humanity from art and life and replace it with stupid black box computers that don't really understand anything but they worship like they do. They're the reason why iOS is awful and Windows sucks, and why corporations keep trying to make shareholders money instead of making life better for you and me.
sorry for the curt reply, but. respectfully, get a grip.
How in the world did TcPi NOT notice the very similar names on all 6 cards? Do they not care? I noticed that before I read the comments, but I thought he was trying to weasel a win someway, but to be Ai as well is just sad.
Can you explain what exactly you think an AI witch hunt accomplishes here, realistically? Even in this very thread someone has thoughtlessly jumped the gun with constantly-proven-unreliable "AI detection software" (that is only actually useful for people to virtue signal online with), only for others to with a fair bit of confidence assure us that the artist in question has a very public portfolio dating back to before AI image generation blew up.

Try to be sensible about this rather than entirely reactionary, it'll work out better for everyone involved.
For what it's worth, I never used AI detection software before making my claims, I just analyzed the pieces and shared them with some of my friends who are also good at recognizing artwork. You don't need detection software, you just need to look for the inconsistencies, the things that look very unnatural, the differing artstyles, the Pikachu's arm melting into its face, etc.

It's always important to be careful before wrongly accusing someone of AI-generated work, but the dude's name (VK) and the fact AI only knows how to make Pikachu and Eevee are all very serious red flags.