Ok after months of lurking at Pokebeach daily, I have finally signed up just to reply to this
And I know it says "Base Set" but if people are mentioning they wish for a full-art Moltres, then I'm gonna hope it includes not just cards from Base Set, but also from Jungle and Fossil.
I'd love to see the original 3 starters reprinted!

Their attacks (specially the stage 2's) need serious overhaul though
Alakazam's damage-transferring ability would be epic :O
Imagine that with Max Potion, Super Scoop Up, or AZ!
Will Clefairy still be rare and have that awesome Metronome attack (similar to M-Gengar-EX's and Zoroark-BREAK's attack) and will it be Fairy type now, together with Clefable? And speaking of Fairy types, there's Mr. Mime with that "I only take 20 damage or nothing" ability.
One of the best cards from back in the day was Gyarados from that Overgrowth theme deck.

The art on that card was just EPIC! The attacks need upgrades though
Hitmonchan was cool then, but a good upgrade to its first attack (Jab, F, 20 damage) would be added effect like Latios-EX's Fast Raid attack, wherein, if you play first, you can hit the opponent anyway.
Hopefully there will be a card similar to Fossil Researcher, but for the Gen 1 Fossils.
And Supporter cards of Brock, Misty, and the other gym leaders!